ME Quiz

Nah, not “Middle English” (although I did have a bonus M.E. quiz for some 9th-graders once… heh), and not “me”. Middle Earth. BTW, this day was eaten by orcs, so I have NO idea where I saw this. If it was on your blog, please lemme know and I’ll link the post, ‘K.


Here goes. Answering the burning question you all have been wanting the answer to, “To which Middle Earth race does the proprietor of TWCâ„¢ belong?”


To which race of Middle Earth do you belong?
brought to you by Quizilla

2 Replies to “ME Quiz”

  1. Orthodox Jews have no interest in forbidding others from mixin meat n dairy
    as well…and the las time I checked no upstanding religious person of
    ANY faith imposes their views ..most especially by killing and
    torturing those who disagree…ok I’m done with mah rant..sheesh.

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