A Duet of Advent Posts

Missed Romeocat’s Advent Meditation yesterday while Typepad was down. Here are yesterday’s and today’s Advent Meditations. DO do yourself a favor and pop on over for a read. I’m posting mp3s for you to have musical accompaniment while there. Just CLICK on one of the links to her posts (above) after starting one of the files (below).

Note: the two cuts below are from OOP albums. The first, Go, Tell It on the Mountain, is from a Dalas Brass album, Christmas Brass, that is available in a re-issue… minus a couple of songs (bummer). The second cut, Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus, is from Winterlude, another all-instrumental album that is available for a rather stiff price from Amazon.com, and perhaps elsewhere, though it’s out of print (OOP).


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A Duet of Advent Posts

Missed Romeocat’s Advent Meditation yesterday while Typepad was down. Here are yesterday’s and today’s Advent Meditations. DO do yourself a favor and pop on over for a read. I’m posting mp3s for you to have musical accompaniment while there. Just CLICK on one of the links to her posts (above) after starting one of the files (below).

Note: the two cuts below are from OOP albums. The first, Go, Tell It on the Mountain, is from a Dalas Brass album, Christmas Brass, that is available in a re-issue… minus a couple of songs (bummer). The second cut, Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus, is from Winterlude, another all-instrumental album that is available for a rather stiff price from Amazon.com, and perhaps elsewhere, though it’s out of print (OOP).


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A Duet of Advent Posts

Missed Romeocat’s Advent Meditation yesterday while Typepad was down. Here are yesterday’s and today’s Advent Meditations. DO do yourself a favor and pop on over for a read. I’m posting mp3s for you to have musical accompaniment while there. Just CLICK on one of the links to her posts (above) after starting one of the files (below).

Note: the two cuts below are from OOP albums. The first, Go, Tell It on the Mountain, is from a Dalas Brass album, Christmas Brass, that is available in a re-issue… minus a couple of songs (bummer). The second cut, Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus, is from Winterlude, another all-instrumental album that is available for a rather stiff price from Amazon.com, and perhaps elsewhere, though it’s out of print (OOP).


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“All by myself… “

Like most of these kinds of things, this lil urban/rural quizette (found at Diane’s Stuff) got some things right (well, duh: big bet hedge on the last question) but probably mislabels me (said for the benefit of the feebs likely monitoring my blog, tapping my—and YOUR—phones and reading my—and again, YOUR—mail… . :-). So, I changed the labeling. Slightly.

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(Yeh, well, if I played piano like the clip above, I would have to live “All by myself…” heh)

Secluded Hideaway
You scored 3 out of 40 on urban-rural and 9 out of 40 land intensity.
People know you as: Jeremiah Johnson

Quote: “Other people make me sad.”

Let’s get something straight right off the bat: You don’t much like other people crowding your space. Your score indicates that you prefer a rural atmosphere to an urban one and the very lowest land intensities possible. You would be happy in a little cabin in the middle of nowhere or on a tropical island with no one [except my own Wonder Woman–D] to keep you company. Above all, you yearn just to be left alone [with my Wonder Woman, OK].

If you aren’t one already, you should consider becoming a hermit and moving to Montana.

Examples of places you should live: Mount Everest, Siberia [Nah. Both too cold. I’ll be satisfied with America’s Third World Countyâ„¢]

All Categories

Secluded Hideaway / Farm or Ranch / Small Town / Little City / Suburb / Streetcar Suburb / Rowhouse ‘Hood / Downtown Loft

My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 0% on urban-rural
You scored higher than 0% on land intensity

Link: The Where Should You Live Test written by TwelveFloorsUp on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Links to this post inflicted on readers at Is It Just Me? and NIF.

“All by myself… “

Like most of these kinds of things, this lil urban/rural quizette (found at Diane’s Stuff) got some things right (well, duh: big bet hedge on the last question) but probably mislabels me (said for the benefit of the feebs likely monitoring my blog, tapping my—and YOUR—phones and reading my—and again, YOUR—mail… . :-). So, I changed the labeling. Slightly.

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(Yeh, well, if I played piano like the clip above, I would have to live “All by myself…” heh)

Secluded Hideaway
You scored 3 out of 40 on urban-rural and 9 out of 40 land intensity.
People know you as: Jeremiah Johnson

Quote: “Other people make me sad.”

Let’s get something straight right off the bat: You don’t much like other people crowding your space. Your score indicates that you prefer a rural atmosphere to an urban one and the very lowest land intensities possible. You would be happy in a little cabin in the middle of nowhere or on a tropical island with no one [except my own Wonder Woman–D] to keep you company. Above all, you yearn just to be left alone [with my Wonder Woman, OK].

If you aren’t one already, you should consider becoming a hermit and moving to Montana.

Examples of places you should live: Mount Everest, Siberia [Nah. Both too cold. I’ll be satisfied with America’s Third World Countyâ„¢]

All Categories

Secluded Hideaway / Farm or Ranch / Small Town / Little City / Suburb / Streetcar Suburb / Rowhouse ‘Hood / Downtown Loft

My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 0% on urban-rural
You scored higher than 0% on land intensity

Link: The Where Should You Live Test written by TwelveFloorsUp on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Links to this post inflicted on readers at Is It Just Me? and NIF.

“All by myself… “

Like most of these kinds of things, this lil urban/rural quizette (found at Diane’s Stuff) got some things right (well, duh: big bet hedge on the last question) but probably mislabels me (said for the benefit of the feebs likely monitoring my blog, tapping my—and YOUR—phones and reading my—and again, YOUR—mail… . :-). So, I changed the labeling. Slightly.

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(Yeh, well, if I played piano like the clip above, I would have to live “All by myself…” heh)

Secluded Hideaway
You scored 3 out of 40 on urban-rural and 9 out of 40 land intensity.
People know you as: Jeremiah Johnson

Quote: “Other people make me sad.”

Let’s get something straight right off the bat: You don’t much like other people crowding your space. Your score indicates that you prefer a rural atmosphere to an urban one and the very lowest land intensities possible. You would be happy in a little cabin in the middle of nowhere or on a tropical island with no one [except my own Wonder Woman–D] to keep you company. Above all, you yearn just to be left alone [with my Wonder Woman, OK].

If you aren’t one already, you should consider becoming a hermit and moving to Montana.

Examples of places you should live: Mount Everest, Siberia [Nah. Both too cold. I’ll be satisfied with America’s Third World Countyâ„¢]

All Categories

Secluded Hideaway / Farm or Ranch / Small Town / Little City / Suburb / Streetcar Suburb / Rowhouse ‘Hood / Downtown Loft

My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 0% on urban-rural
You scored higher than 0% on land intensity

Link: The Where Should You Live Test written by TwelveFloorsUp on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Links to this post inflicted on readers at Is It Just Me? and NIF.

About that “No WMD” lie…

All it takes to falsify the hypothesis (almost always stated as a proven fact by Loony Left Moonbats and Mass Media Podpeople) that no WMDs have been found in Iraq since the toppling of Saddam is one single instance where they have been found.

Human Events notes many, as gleaned from “Disinformation: 22 Media Myths That Undermine the War on Terror”. Here are but a few:

*1.77 metric tons of enriched uranium
*1,500 gallons of chemical weapons agents
*Chemical warheads containing cyclosarin (a nerve agent five times more deadly than sarin gas)
*Over 1,000 radioactive materials in powdered form meant for dispersal over populated areas

All of these items are on the list of proscribed WMDs supposedly searched for by UN Keystone Kops while Saddam was running them around the country as though they were clowns in a silent movie.

Will you see this information, or information about all the other WMD materiele found displayed by Mass Media Podpeople? The question answers itself.

Joining the queue at The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Outside the Beltway, and Basil’s Blog: Brunch.

About that “No WMD” lie…

All it takes to falsify the hypothesis (almost always stated as a proven fact by Loony Left Moonbats and Mass Media Podpeople) that no WMDs have been found in Iraq since the toppling of Saddam is one single instance where they have been found.

Human Events notes many, as gleaned from “Disinformation: 22 Media Myths That Undermine the War on Terror”. Here are but a few:

*1.77 metric tons of enriched uranium
*1,500 gallons of chemical weapons agents
*Chemical warheads containing cyclosarin (a nerve agent five times more deadly than sarin gas)
*Over 1,000 radioactive materials in powdered form meant for dispersal over populated areas

All of these items are on the list of proscribed WMDs supposedly searched for by UN Keystone Kops while Saddam was running them around the country as though they were clowns in a silent movie.

Will you see this information, or information about all the other WMD materiele found displayed by Mass Media Podpeople? The question answers itself.

Joining the queue at The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Outside the Beltway, and Basil’s Blog: Brunch.

About that “No WMD” lie…

All it takes to falsify the hypothesis (almost always stated as a proven fact by Loony Left Moonbats and Mass Media Podpeople) that no WMDs have been found in Iraq since the toppling of Saddam is one single instance where they have been found.

Human Events notes many, as gleaned from “Disinformation: 22 Media Myths That Undermine the War on Terror”. Here are but a few:

*1.77 metric tons of enriched uranium
*1,500 gallons of chemical weapons agents
*Chemical warheads containing cyclosarin (a nerve agent five times more deadly than sarin gas)
*Over 1,000 radioactive materials in powdered form meant for dispersal over populated areas

All of these items are on the list of proscribed WMDs supposedly searched for by UN Keystone Kops while Saddam was running them around the country as though they were clowns in a silent movie.

Will you see this information, or information about all the other WMD materiele found displayed by Mass Media Podpeople? The question answers itself.

Joining the queue at The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Outside the Beltway, and Basil’s Blog: Brunch.

Less around and sorta about…

A few things that managed to catch my eye (mostly cos good folk slapped me upside the head with a cluebat) in the last day or so:

Well, Diane’s playing along with the “tag yourself: you’re it” game of “I wish I… ” Here’s Star Light, Star Bright I wish I hadn’t dropped into “third world county” just now and read this post because I was planning on just skipping around a few other places, like Sam’s and The Churning and maybe leaving a comment or two…

Peakah’s Provocations has been watching MMPs again… well, it’s a dirty job but somebody has to do it, I suppose: Perverted Justice Part II Dateline NBC followed up on a story on internet predators and how the private group Perverted Justice spends time roping in perverts who stalk the internet for sex with the young.

Committees of Correspondence Democrats will have an “issue agenda” Nancy Pelosi says that the Democrats will have an “issue agenda” for next year’s Congressional elections, but it will not include a position on Iraq. [Yeh… I wonder what that “issue” will be? Which of the Dmoncraps can lie most outrageously?]

Committees of Correspondence also has a link to a great story from Iraq (and as soon as his server’s back up, y’all can read it. :-). And From Iraq, this will make you smile, too.

Get your Carnival of Christmas posts in to Adam’s Blog, folks! The Carnival of Christmas Weekend Open TrackbacksChristmas is the most wonderful time of the year. The reason why is often list in the midst of the current “War on Christmas.” The Carnival of Christmas recognizes that Christmas is the time of Christ’s birth…

Asking for help: freedom folks. A Little Help Please. And, Words of Wisdom from Morgan Freeman Morgan Freeman says the concept of a month dedicated to black history is “ridiculous.” And rolling right along, Iraqis Vote, Lefties Whine

The Florida Masochist does some more masochistic demonstrations (dontcha know, dude that there are no end of bogus excuses? 🙂 Bogus Excuse #3

Diane’s Stuff is flogging the elephant in the dining room: Mandatory Driver’s Testing For Seniors What are your feelings about mandatory driver’s testing for seniors? Should there be a law? How strict should the tests be?

Bloggin’ Outloud proves that downright weird is in his bag of tricks: Friday Funny Stuff & Open Posts Open post at Bloggin’ Outloud – on one condition (well, you know, have some fun): Vote on your favorite funny. Includes “Smack the Penguin” and “Redneck Hunting Dogs.”

(Is this a habitual thing? 🙂

I don’t know how I found this site, but those of y’all who live in remote rural areas might find it useful on some level: How to Hunt Deer With a Mountaint Howitzer. I shudder to think what deer season would be like around here if some Third World Countyâ„¢ folks hear of this. Already the woods have too many nutcases who’ve converted their peashooters to full auto… *sigh* I’d like to put a rack on ’em and set ’em loose in the deerwoods during season…

Flogged (shamelessly, of course) at Stop The ACLU and Point Five.