Drive-by post

Yeh, walking through when the TV’s babbling one of those touchy-feely “PSAs” that are totally cracked, I hear:

Friends always make you laugh.”


“Hey, dude, your grandma died? That’s like, so totally hilarious, man!”

Whoah! Your dad lost his leg in a freak meteor strike? Ha-ha-ha-ha… Dude, you crack me up!” [Musta been Smallville or something]

TV, so often even when it’s trying to “be helpful” it’s like a bad comic book written by monkeys on crack.

OK, so the History Channel sometimes manages to not be ahistorical and TLC is sometimes ahysterical. OK, so Smallville is the funniest nighttime soap I’ve ever even heard about. And that includes “Soap” and “Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman”.

Around and About Tuesday

TMH’s Bacon Bits lays out the skinny on Jean Fraud sKerry in no uncertain terms withKerry’s 180: Profiteering on Cowardice

The French-looking (yet underived) Kerry would not know a coward if he were wearing the suit of a senator from… MA. Is Sen. sKerry afraid of abiding by his promise made 303 days ago to release those records that were to be liberated via his SF-180

See the link to Cao’s Blog at “I’ll Be Home for Christmas…” (below) or at TMH’s Bacon Bits for more on this weasel.

Two Three from Freedom Folks: “Bush Tap Dances Around Illegal Immigration

I just forced myself to sit through Bush’s speech in Arizona yesterday about border control and illegal immigration. I knew I needed to. I knew it would be difficult. I knew it would be painful. Catch it again over at The Political Teen…

Yeh, half a loaf sometimes isn’t better than none…

And, “Define Nefarious Bastard Please“:

This just in: State Department churns out super weenies!

*yawn* Dog bites man, FF, dog bites man… *S*

Last, but not least, “Illegal Immigration: From My Perspective

In a recent article I quoted Mark Krikorian as saying that we truly don’t need illegal slave labor. I’d like to expand on that a little bit from my own experience.

An IMPORTANT issue contained within the larger Guard the Borders issue. READ IT!

Adam’s Blog ranks TTLB and Technoratti inTechnorati v. The Truth Laid Bear Ecosystem: The Final Showdown

There’s been a lot of talk about “The Truth Laid Bear” ecosystem as it changes its rankings to make it more complex with the intention of stopping people doing unfair things that endanger the sanctity of the Bear’s rankings.

Uhm, shouldn’t “sanctity” be in scare quotes? *smirk*

Now we know why the blog’s title is The Florida Masochist:”Now bend over, this won’t hurt

Some news from the Sun-Sentinel website. Could you imagine being one of the researchers studying this?

Nope. I have a vivid imagination, but it’s just not willing to go there. “Butt why?” you ask? Find out for yourself.

Oh, and TFM is also hosting its own awards… Come Fly with me

Wizbang is having the 2005 Weblog awards. Here at TFM we’ll be having the Knucklehead awards. For the biggest and worst of 2005. Categories will include Sports&Entertainment, MSM, Politics and our judicial system to name just a few.

More power to ya bubba. “If nominated, I will not run. If elected, I will not serve” is my motto. 😉 And missing in a roundup yesterday,

Mystery solved and Case closed

For almost 13 years a mystery remained in Lantana Florida. Who killed Rita Bado and her daughter, Lisa Bado.

Romeocat, a real lady, postsMy Momma taught me not to swear“-

but I’m thinking a whole lotta four letter words right now.

When you see what brought her to this pass, you’ll want to spit… on someone’s grave. Well, at least I do.

An email correspondent at Jerry Pournelle’s place pointed out a primer on Iraq. Must-read for folks wanting to get up to speed on the history of the region, because today didn’t happen in a vaccuum, folks: Iraq: A Short History of Violence.

Also missed in yesterday’s “Around and About” was this uhm, well-crafted post from “Is It Just Me?- Self-Censorship To Continued Traffic Exchange

This post will seem vague to some – if so, ignore it. As I really appreciate your SHARING HERE, due to constraints of regulatory censorship some words will not be used to describe the ongoing activities pursued on this site to enhance traffic of those who…

Arcane enough for ya?

There’s more, of course, but I’ll either get to it later… or not.

Soapbox for a reader

Via email from a frequent commenter here who said, “ Wanted to post the following comment, but it wasn’t clear (to me) under which entry was best to post the comment… If you see fit to add it, OK.” . I’ll just let Hugh speak his piece here:

This nation really, Really, REALLY needs a major catharsis–any definition one chooses.

I’ve been a Dubya supporter for a while now. However, I’m beginning to think it’s OK for him to go down in flames–he’s kicked his conservative base in the shins too often. He started out as a Republican, but he’s transitioned into a RINO.

Most all presidents tend to move to the center, but he’s gone far overboard trying to out Dimo-crat the Democrats on domestic issues.

He was definitely the lesser of the evils in both elections. Having said that, one of my friends reminds me from time to time that voting for the lesser of the evils is still voting for evil.

No, I don’t think Dubya is evil per sé. He recognizes appeasement doesn’t work with radical Islamists who want to kill us all. Yet, he has worked “overtime” trying to appease Dimo-crats. That will never work. No amount of apppeasement ever works–it only stiffens the opposition by thinking they’ve won “one more.” So far they’ve won several more by his appeasement attempts.

Catharsis? How about cutting the federal welfare programs–all of them! When the freeloaders have to work for their food and housing, then perhaps there won’t be so many jobs available for illegal aliens that “Americans don’t want to do.”

Let the states do what they will with welfare–get the feds out! All welfare should go back to the local churches (synagogues, etc.) and charity organizations.

With the feds out of welfare we can cut both the budget and taxes.

Another budget/tax cut would come with getting the feds out of education. Again, let states and locals handle education.

To use an old aviation idiom: Dubya, being a former aviator, has “screwed the pooch.” What’s worse, he continues to do it. (That terminology ain’t got nothing to do with Lady Laura!)

There’s more, but that’s sufficient for now.

I think Hugh makes some valid points. One of the reasons President Bush got no slack from some on the Miers nomination was the perception that he was soft on “Dhimicratic Terrorism”-and all these issues certainly fed into that. Comments?

“I’ll be home for Christmas… ” (A free Kerry’s 180 OPEN POST)

(Open Post)

I’ve been wondering for a while if this poor guy needs therapy or some such. After all, he makes promises he doesn’t keep, makes wildly contradictory statements (and asserts they are not): lies out of one face while… lying out of his other face at the same time, so to speak. Surely some therapy would be in order.

But no, maybe all he needs is some time with friends and family, away from the pressures of work. It’s only a few weeks away. I think he ought to go home for Christmas.

(Cox and Forkum’s excellent suggestion
for a Kerry Christmas Card… Look! Lucky Hat!)

If you’re tired of this deranged pol’s mouth-flap, encourage him to go home for Christmas. Maybe he can find those records he’s promised to release stored in a box somewhere… along with his integrity, common decency and a shred of honesty.

Go home to Cambodia, John.

This has been a Free Kerry’s 180 Blogburst post. Ya want in on the thing? Drop in on Cao and pick up the info there.

Oh, and for this Open Post, I’d especially welcome any snarky comments headed Jean Fraud sKerry’s way. By now you probably know the drill. Link to this post in your own and trackback here. I’ll try to get all the tracked back posts up in an “Around and About” later.

Linked at Those Bastards!, NIF, Don Surber, who speaks for me as well when he says,

This is an open post… IDGAF who doesn’t like them. You worry about your little blog. I will promote mine.

heh. Oh, and also linked at Right Wing Nation, Choose Life! and others as the mood takes me, maybe. 🙂