Just Regular Ole Black Beans and Rice

Regular Ole Black Beans and Rice


  • 2 cups dry black beans
  • olive oil
  • 1 medium onion, diced
  • 1/2 teaspoons garlic
  • 1 jalapeño pepper, diced
  • 1 cup tomatoes, diced
  • OR, instead of the jalapeño and tomatoes, a can of Rotel chiles and tomatoes
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (or Chinese Five Spice)
  • 2 cups beef stock
  • OR water only and one package of dry onion soup mix
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • Rice, any old way you wanna cook it.


Start this one the night before. (You can move that to morning and do step 4 all day) Black beans just take more prep than pintos. Go ahead and don’t do it this way. You can always load your 00 shells with the resultant rocks.

  1. Wash and sort the beans. I usually do this with a large pot and a sieve. Beans in sieve, water in pot. Running water over beans. You can work out the mechanics.
  2. Put the 2C beans in at least 4C water and bring to a boil.
  3. Remove from heat, cover and let sit for at least one hour.
  4. After soaking in the hot water for an hour, pour off the water and add more, fresh water to cover the beans (about 2″-3″ over the beans).
  5. NOW let ’em soak overnight. The next day, they’re ready to cook. NO SALT WHILE THEY’RE COOKING at first. Save that for the LAST step.
  6. Pour off the water again, add the beef stock and enough water to cover (again, by about 2″3″. Then, bring the beans to a boil and back the heat off to simmer. Cover. Let ’em simmer about an hour or until you can remove a bean and make the skin curl off by blowing on it or it just tastes/feels done to you. Meanwhile, while the beans are simmering, assemblle the rest. Dice the onions, garlic and jalapeño, then lightly saute them in the olive oil. Chop the tomatoes, etc.
  7. Now that the beans are done, add all the other stuff and let it come together at a simmer for at least 20 minutes… while your rice is finishing up.

Serve scoops of the beans over rice.

Funny… but sad

Regular readers will know The Boys. My son’s dogs are outside dogs, allowed in the house for what is for them a special treat. Except that now, for Big Boy—Leo—it has become less of a treat and more… terror!

The other day, I had The Boys in to be fed, cos it was lousy weather outside. Leo was merrily chomping away, in his oh-so-messy way, when one of the cats startled him.

Now, I didn’t know this about dogs—or maybe it’s just Leo. When startled, they (or at least he) grips his footing with their claws, apparently for better traction.

Doesn’t work so well on tile flooring.

Leo went sprawling, tried to get up (still attempting to grip the floor with his claws) and fell again. He sprawled like that, with terror written on his face, all the way to the french doors to the deck. Never could get his footing.

Now, ever since that incident, when I allow The Boys in, Buttons is just happy as a lark and Leo, poor Leo, tries once agaion to get a grip on that slippery tile flooring with his claws, sprawls, panics and just WILL NOT STAND UP.

It’s funny, but kinda sad. Going to look up the dog nail clippers I have and get his claws as short as I can, safely. Maybe that’ll help the guy. Otherwise, he’s doomed to no more pleasure trips inside.

Saturday Mishmash #x—around and about

(yeh, I’m too lazy to check my archives and see how many of these I’ve done or on what days. So sue me.)

Saturday was originally a day “someone” (not you, Mr. Big–you’re cool, dude. 🙂 had me listed for an Open Trackbacks Post, and I did one last weekend, so if y’all wanna consider this an open post, feel free. See the instructions below my collection of “not-quite-NIF” style links (NIF’s baaaaaaack! Sorta.)

In important news, Ferdy discusses priorities. 🙂

Conservative Teen posts Dems Fail to Put Money Where Their Mouth Is. (Well, duh. They were being asked to use their own “money”. heh) Cao and many others (here, here and here for example) are all over this, so I’ll let them do the heavy lifting. Cao’s most telling comment?

“When my son was home from Iraq a few months ago, he said there is no way we’re going to leave Iraq.”

You tell ’em Mama!

Cao also posts about Women Over 30. (She adds a disclaimer 🙂

Oh, and she reminded me to check in with the Protest Warriors (haven’t been there in a while.) Check out this video.

Jay needs help! 🙂

Check out some Dr. Seuss Parodies! And do NOT miss your P.E.R.V. meeting! Lallygaggers will be planted…

How ’bout the Dafydd ab Hugh? Great post, as usual: Agnostic Defends Faithful Against Atheist. Or how about Lies and the Lying Congressliars Who Lie Them, eh? Building a blog, one great post at a time… Spend some time at Big Lizards.

Committees of Correspondence asks the rhetorical question, Can Blogging Be Addictive? (well, duh!) Then points to something that’ll stop your blogging for a bit…

In the news…

Congresscritters mug taxpayers… again.

Al-Zarqawi threatens to shoot himself in the foot. (What a doof! He’s almost as stupid as those Muslim idiots who kidnapped Ghurkas last year… speech impaired piscines…)

No France for Depp. Poor baby. Too hot for ya?

Point/Counterpoint: Fair Tax v Flat Tax-I’ll keep pushing this til I hear some voices!

Bush stands firm on Iraq. Yeah Bubba!

S’all for now.


Also linked at The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The Political Teen, The Uncooperative Blogger, TMH’s Bacon Bits, MacStansbury, Point Five, California Conservative, Jo’s Cafe, Bloggin Outloud, Basil’s Blog (thanks again for the Haloscan hack!), bRight & Early, Whizbang!, Outside the Beltway, Holly Aho, The Florida Masochist (who does not take the cake in knucklehood-dom, as long as I’m around! heh) and Choose Life!


Open Post info: Edit a post (or posts 🙂 of your own that you want to have featured here to include a link to this post. Trackback to my trackback URI (just right-click on “trackback” at the end of this post and select “copy link” or “copy link location”–however your browser indicates). If your blog software can’t send trackback pings you can use Wizbang’s Standalone Trackback Pinger. If you have trouble, please leave a comment. I’ll try to help.

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