Drive-by post

Yeh, walking through when the TV’s babbling one of those touchy-feely “PSAs” that are totally cracked, I hear:

Friends always make you laugh.”


“Hey, dude, your grandma died? That’s like, so totally hilarious, man!”

Whoah! Your dad lost his leg in a freak meteor strike? Ha-ha-ha-ha… Dude, you crack me up!” [Musta been Smallville or something]

TV, so often even when it’s trying to “be helpful” it’s like a bad comic book written by monkeys on crack.

OK, so the History Channel sometimes manages to not be ahistorical and TLC is sometimes ahysterical. OK, so Smallville is the funniest nighttime soap I’ve ever even heard about. And that includes “Soap” and “Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman”.

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