An ACLU Thanksgiving…

With apologies to J.R.R. Tolkien and the members of the Pennsylvania delegation to the Continental Congress, 1777.

Time: December 17, 1777

Place: Valley Forge, PA; tent of General Washington; the commons, before the Standard

Dramatis Personae: General George Washington, commander of the Continental Army; James McHenry, General Washington’s secretary; Grimma Wormtongue, attorney for the ACLU

General Washington [writing]: Tomorrow being the day set apart by the honorable Congress for Public Thanksgiving and praise, and duty calling us devoutly to express our grateful acknowledgments to God for the manifold blessings he has granted us, the general directs … that the chaplains perform divine service…

[a knock interrupts, General Washington’s secretary enters]

McHenry: General, a Mr. Wormtongue insists on seeing you immediately.

Washington: What does he want?

McHenry: He says he has a letter from the Pennsylvania delegates to the Continental Congress declaring that any proclamation of thanksgiving cannot make reference to God.

Washington: [stunned silence, then] Show him in.

Wormtongue: General Washington. Thank you for seeing me. I have here a letter enjoining you—

Washington: Give it to me, sir. [Washington reads] I also have these men’s signatures on a proclamation to be read from the Continental Congress giving thanks to God for our victories and asking The Almighty to intercede on our just behalf. How do you then give me this?

Wormtongue: I met with the gentlemen privately and convinced them it would impose an undue coercion upon those who do not hold your—or their—Judeo-Christian religious beliefs, and persuaded them to urge you to issue a non-religious statement of gratitude.

Washington: Who then would you have us express gratitude to, if not to the Providential Hand of the Most High God? I have my authorization and your plea has no virtue. Mr. McHenry? See this man from the camp.

[December 18, in the commons before the Standard, the army assembled. We laggards come in late…]

Washington: …for solemn thanksgiving and praise. That with one heart and one voice the good people may express the grateful feelings of their hearts, and consecrate themselves to the service of their Divine Benefactor;… and their humble and earnest supplication that it may please God, through the merits of Jesus Christ, mercifully to forgive and blot them (their manifold sins) out of remembrance… ”


Yes, I’ve taken liberties with the historical record. Washington’s troops, in summer uniforms (if any uniforms at all), some barefoot, short on food, were actually on their way, through a bitterly cold winter, to their winter camp at Valley Forge when Washington read to them the Thanksgiving Proclamation issued by the Continental Congress.
There was, thankfully, no ACLU there to object to Washington’s reading of the Founder’s words. There were only American patriots, from a wide array of colonies, braving the cold, undersupplied, facing a long and bitter which many of them knew from experience would be difficult to survive.
Many did not survive.
But these were men who, for the most part believed in the Hand of Providence and trusted their cause, their lives and their service to Almighty God. And those who did not share that religious faith respected the deep faith of their commander-in-chief.
Shall we bow to the Wormtongues among us today and accept the secular “Thanksgiving” the ACLU and its ilk would have us celebrate? Are we thankful for our comfort, our possessions, our achievements? Thankful to whom? To ourselves alone, apparently—at least in the public arena—if the ACLU has its way.
THANKFULLY, those who braved the winter at Valley Forge, short on provisions, without even adequate shelter or clothing, were not members of the ACLU… nor, dare I say, would they be today.
I thank God for the First Amendment which, counter to the ACLU’s twisting of it, allows me to practice my faith—or not, as I choose—in public, freely, without any right of any government or court to interfere, no matter what some court may claim. This was bought and paid for by the blood of patriots:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

It doesn’t say that religious expression is excluded from the public arena, as the ACLU would increasingly have it.
If I could wish one thing for America for Christmas (not “the Holidays”), it would be to erect an impenetrable “wall of separation” between the ACLU and the free expression of religion in the public arena beginning with Thanksgiving and Christmas.

As a start. Then we could work on the rest of the year.

CLICK HERE for more.

And be sure to catch Jay’s Thanksgiving post at Stop the ACLU, as well as “Happy Thanksgiving, ACLU” at TMH’s Bacon Bits.

Crossposted at Stop the ACLU

Linked at Diane’s Stuff, TMH’s BAcon Bits, Don Surber’s After Hours’ “Anonymous Open Post” (heh), Pajamas Media/Stuck on Stupid,, Basil’s Thanks Giving” and Cao’s Blog

This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay at or Gribbit at You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 130 blogs already onboard.

Jo’s Cafe: QOTD

THE Quote of the Day is from Jo’s Cafe referring to the flap about N.Z. Bear’s arcane and idiosyncratic ranking system, “spam” filtration, etc. Jo hits the nail on the head and then clenches it tight with:

“What is most important is who you are and does your blog reflect you and are YOU comfortable with who comes and reads. I spent all this month dealing with diabetes as much as I could. Did everyone read the posts? Probably not, but then again, I have received some wonderful e-mails from folks thanking me for a particular post. When I get those, I don’t care if the ecosystem even is out there.

I end by saying — Thank you to all those that do stop by here, even if it’s to scroll down past recent posts to find the SOTD and do a trackback.

I read 99.9% of all the trackbacks btw—isn’t that why we do them really?”

Amen. Preach on sister!

Around and about ;-)

Some posts I’ve *cough* “noticed” today…

Committees of Correspondence says “I support the Fiscal Watch Team Offset Package [well, I would too, except I’m also waging a small guerilla war against a certain ursine… ] Help curb all the unnecessary spending in Congress.”

The Real Ugly American posts, “From France: What Fires? What Riots? It is a matter of riots in certain neighborhoods around urban centers, those infamous ghettos which one finds in American Cities too. Elsewhere life goes on as usual.”

[The peasants are revolting. Now, if they’d simply bathe more often and eschew their goat-loving, woman-stoning, head-chopping ways… ]

Those Bastards! posts: Man, that’s really not holding your liquor. From A 32-year-old Norwegian bartender was sentenced to six months in prison Wednesday for serving a customer so much tequila that he fell into a coma and died..

[Yep. But I’d call this as much a case of Darwinian micro-evolution as anything else.]

Once more, from Committees of Correspondence, an observation about the benefits of violence: “One Tin Soldier-The Rest of the Story. One Tin Soldier also known as The Ballad of Billy Joe had a certain vogue once as a Peace Anti-War Song, whose message is, “Violence is Never the Answer”. I never understood that… Today we have those who genuinely believe that “Violence is Never the Answer”. To the Evil in the World they are like Dodos.” 

[Duh, of course. “But the meek shall inherit the earth!” Yep. About 6’x6’x2′ worth… ]

Those Bastards! proclaims, “Man, that’s really not holding your liquor” and notes the story: “A 32-year-old Norwegian bartender was sentenced to six months in prison Wednesday for serving a customer so much tequila that he fell into a coma and died… “

[A case of Darwinian micro-evolution at work, friends. Charge the bartender with being a practicing Neodarwinist and move it right along...]

 [Pajamas Media/Stuck On Stupid Blog is tryin’ to tick me off with its elitist stuff, cos “Yes, I have no pajamas, I have no pajamas today!“]

 “Pajamas Media Trackback Party The Name of this blog has changed to: Pajamas Media / Stuck On Stupid Blog. The referrer URLs are: , and

[And here’s a trifecta from IRIS Blog. Each of which earns a “Duh” in its own right. BTW, what’s Bloggiquette on how many “Duhs” are allowed in one post?]

 “IRIS Exposes Reporters Stealing Others’ Errors. Journalists repeatedly act like students cheating on an exam, where the same error propagates around the room because of “group-think.” Here are some that eluded fact checkers multiple times…


Strategic Victory Achieved in the Ongoing War Against Israel …The Rafah Border Crossing Deal… How committed are the Palestinians themselves to preventing weapons from being smuggled from Egypt into the Gaza Strip, or from the Gaza Strip…


Evidence the “Paris Riots” Are Actually the “French Intifada” This entry will be updated regularly, because it may be the only comprehensive documentation of the Intifada-like elements of the French rioting.

[Yeh, and since the French don’t have a Charlemagne—oops! Charles Martel… Chalemagne was the grandson— this time, maybe the Mussie’s desire for a “do-over” of The Battle of Tours will go differently for them this time…]

More as I notice ’em… (and do notice that this includes more actual content from me than any number of comparable citations/link doobies at Instapundit and his groupies.)

Linked at bRight and Early and Basil’s Picnic Lunch

Well, slap me down with a wet noodle…

The NYT publised an at least halfway sensible piece on… nuclear energy!

Stop the world. I wanna get off and see if it’s just my head spinning or what.

Can Nuclear Power Become Just Another Business?

Well? Can it? Will loony left moonbats let it? And if it does, will some miniscule element of the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army not shoot it in the back? Perhaps even an element with Momentary Sanity “Disorder” at the NYT?

Let’s see:

Other countries, especially China and India, are likely to build more nuclear plants and to do so sooner. “People are talking about China building 20 to 21 new reactors,” said David M. Schanzer, utility analyst at Janney Montgomery Scott.

Well, in a business piece (in a paper notoriously hostile to any business that doesn’t toe its own political correctness line), this is about as good as it gets. Misses the critical information that the (many more than 20 or 21) nuclear power plants already being built by China are almost all of the ultra safe, ultra low waste pebble bed reactor type, which is also much less expensive and less technically demanding than traditional reactors of the type that Three Mile Island conjures up.

Why does the NYT article still play up the investment (and other) risks of nuclear power and ignore the safety, financial advantage and technical ease of building pebble bed reactors?

Maybe because their business section doesn’t talk to their science/technology guys or even that their sci/tech guys aren’t aware of pebble bed reactors. Heck, here’s an MIT site devoted to modular pebble bed reactors. Downsizing even what the Chinese and others are now doing.

A little homework would have improved the NYT article, but then, research in areas foreign to its political agendas isn’t exactly the NYT’s strong suit.

Heck, I’m not even going to do your work for you, it’s so easy. Just google “pebble bed reactor” now that you’ve heard about it from a long-in-the-tooth musician/comptechie.

Linked at Don Surber’s “Of Course There’s an Open Post” and others later…

Happy Thanksgiving, Diane! (DOUBLE OPEN POST!! and STACLU Contest)

Today (Wednesday) is Diane’s Thanksgiving Day, since her husband’s working all day tomorrow and it was either “A day early or six days late”. heh.


So how about everyone links to Diane’s Wednesday Open Trackback Alliance Post and tracksback to her with a (early) Thanksgiving Day greeting, eh? She’ll be busy putting the finishing touches on her cornbread stuffing and all the other trimmings, but when she’s able to sit down for some blogging tomorrow evening, it’s be great to have her Open Trackback Alliance post filled with well-wishers. ‘K?

Post on any topic, of course, but please put a “Happy Thanksgiving, Diane” in there somewhere with a link to her. Then trackback to her… and to here (with a link to this post in yours, of course :-).

Here’s the link to Diane’s Open Trackback Alliance Post for Wednesday.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Diane!

BTW, here’s the trackback URL to Diane’s post, as well:

BTW, Stop The ACLU is running an Open Trackback Post/Contest. Trackback to this post’s URL with something like “Contest” somewhere in the subject line and you might win a Stop the ACLU T-shirt. If I win one off this post, I’m gonna ask that they give it to “Joseph” to wear in a live nativity scene scheduled for display on public property, somewhere.

Open Post info: Edit a post (or posts 🙂 of your own that you want to have featured here to include a link to this post. Trackback to my trackback URI (just right-click on “trackback” at the foot of this post and select “copy link” or “copy link location”–however your browser indicates). If your blog software can’t send trackback pings you can use Wizbang’s Standalone Trackback Pinger. If you have trouble, please leave a comment. I’ll try to help. Be sure to reference the Open Trackback Alliance blogroll and the Open Trackback Provider blogroll in my left sidebar. The more you play, the more folks will see your posts!

Linked at Big Daddy, Rempelia Prime, Don Surber (of course :-), The Political Teen. (And a few more after I get some coffee in me… a few hours from now. Need. Sleep.)

No matter WHAT N.Z. Bear says… 🙂 Hey! Tell ya what. I’ll figure a way to work any trackbacks to this post into a long-winded roundup that oughta sail past N.Z. Bear’s “SPAM” filters until he decides to block alla my stuff for some arcane reason. If your trackbacks AND the roundup post are recognized, cool. If not, you’ll at least get some links counted.


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