Around and about ;-)

Some posts I’ve *cough* “noticed” today…

Committees of Correspondence says “I support the Fiscal Watch Team Offset Package [well, I would too, except I’m also waging a small guerilla war against a certain ursine… ] Help curb all the unnecessary spending in Congress.”

The Real Ugly American posts, “From France: What Fires? What Riots? It is a matter of riots in certain neighborhoods around urban centers, those infamous ghettos which one finds in American Cities too. Elsewhere life goes on as usual.”

[The peasants are revolting. Now, if they’d simply bathe more often and eschew their goat-loving, woman-stoning, head-chopping ways… ]

Those Bastards! posts: Man, that’s really not holding your liquor. From A 32-year-old Norwegian bartender was sentenced to six months in prison Wednesday for serving a customer so much tequila that he fell into a coma and died..

[Yep. But I’d call this as much a case of Darwinian micro-evolution as anything else.]

Once more, from Committees of Correspondence, an observation about the benefits of violence: “One Tin Soldier-The Rest of the Story. One Tin Soldier also known as The Ballad of Billy Joe had a certain vogue once as a Peace Anti-War Song, whose message is, “Violence is Never the Answer”. I never understood that… Today we have those who genuinely believe that “Violence is Never the Answer”. To the Evil in the World they are like Dodos.” 

[Duh, of course. “But the meek shall inherit the earth!” Yep. About 6’x6’x2′ worth… ]

Those Bastards! proclaims, “Man, that’s really not holding your liquor” and notes the story: “A 32-year-old Norwegian bartender was sentenced to six months in prison Wednesday for serving a customer so much tequila that he fell into a coma and died… “

[A case of Darwinian micro-evolution at work, friends. Charge the bartender with being a practicing Neodarwinist and move it right along...]

 [Pajamas Media/Stuck On Stupid Blog is tryin’ to tick me off with its elitist stuff, cos “Yes, I have no pajamas, I have no pajamas today!“]

 “Pajamas Media Trackback Party The Name of this blog has changed to: Pajamas Media / Stuck On Stupid Blog. The referrer URLs are: , and

[And here’s a trifecta from IRIS Blog. Each of which earns a “Duh” in its own right. BTW, what’s Bloggiquette on how many “Duhs” are allowed in one post?]

 “IRIS Exposes Reporters Stealing Others’ Errors. Journalists repeatedly act like students cheating on an exam, where the same error propagates around the room because of “group-think.” Here are some that eluded fact checkers multiple times…


Strategic Victory Achieved in the Ongoing War Against Israel …The Rafah Border Crossing Deal… How committed are the Palestinians themselves to preventing weapons from being smuggled from Egypt into the Gaza Strip, or from the Gaza Strip…


Evidence the “Paris Riots” Are Actually the “French Intifada” This entry will be updated regularly, because it may be the only comprehensive documentation of the Intifada-like elements of the French rioting.

[Yeh, and since the French don’t have a Charlemagne—oops! Charles Martel… Chalemagne was the grandson— this time, maybe the Mussie’s desire for a “do-over” of The Battle of Tours will go differently for them this time…]

More as I notice ’em… (and do notice that this includes more actual content from me than any number of comparable citations/link doobies at Instapundit and his groupies.)

Linked at bRight and Early and Basil’s Picnic Lunch

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