Reformation theology at a slant…

Credenda Agenda: I’ve enjoyed it for years in both print and online versions
Serious, droll, thought-provoking and hilarious.  Here’s a sample from the “Cave of Adullum” column:
Believe Bowling [see it here]
Not that we are against faith or anything, but an outfit called Chinaberry is marketing something called a “believe bowl.” The front of the bowl has the raw exhortation to “believe” and the copy drawing our attention to these alluring wares said, “Whether it’s faith in God, faeries, or St. Nick, it sure feels good to believe. This small bowl proclaims a powerfully big statement, especially when used as a reminder to believe in yourself. . . .”

On one of those hard mornings, when you find it hard to get going, just get out your luminous blue bowl, and reflect on the fact that it is just as hollow as you are.
The current issue‘s theme is Cheese.  Try a few slices. 

Email from masochists

I’ve gotten some email from some folks who hate their eyes…
…asking for a more complete pic of my ugly mug. Well, I’ve decided to honor their request and take pity on their eyes at the same time.
Here I am somewhere back in the middle of the previous century, being a good boy (for once), even if my mom took away my cowboy hat and messed with my hair (!?!) for the pic…
…took away my cowboy hat. Combed my hair. (Meanie)  Kinda makes you wanna cry, don’t it? It’s no wonder I turned out so warped. Man, I was a sweet kid to smile so nicely for the mean lady…

Yum!! Worth waiting for! (But didn’t have to wait all that long… )

Technical issues (someone pled too many daquiris in the Big Easy) delayed the Carnival of the Recipes a tad, and I missed its posting…
…but it’s actually been up since Friday (it Be a great job on short shrift :-), and I’ve just caught onbto some of the really great recipes. MORNING GLORY MUFFINS! (But Kris, ya gotta know I’ll modify the recipe… it’s not you; it’s me. ::LOL::) Sweet n Sour Chicken, Herbed Rice, UK-Style Shepherd’s Pie and lots and lots more of the good stuff.
Ahhh… just go there and start making out your shopping list!