It’s For the Childrenâ„¢

“Clearly what the schools need is more money and higher salaries for principals. That will fixe [sic] everything.”

Jerry Pournelle’s sarcasm pencil is sharp today.


Of the top five problems I see in “prisons for kids” (also disingenuously called “public schools”) today, every level of administration has to rank close to the top. I have been privileged to know two intelligent and capable principals. Neither are principals, now. One retired and another was promoted to his level of incompetence. The rest? Object lessons in how idiots, bullies and poltroons suck up public funds.

While I have never found the axiom “Those who can do; those who can’t teach” to be a universal truth (I know some very fine teachers), I know of only two exceptions to this axiom: “Those who can teach bust a gut to do so in the face of almost overwhelming opposition from theose who can’t teach: administrators.”

Of course, many who can teach simply leave in the face of such overwhelming opposition to teaching/learning, often leaving a sad mix of beaten down teachers and lazy (and sometimes even stupid) bums putting their time in until retirement.

*Remove remote dictates to local schools. And invite to a “tea party” then shoot (or hang, I don’t really care) the politicians and bureaucrats who attempt to insinuate themselves into local schools from afar.

*Fire (or hang, for all I care) all the administrators (and mourn for the few good ones caught in the housecleaning).

*Require responsible behavior from both students and parents (dump—”viciously” prune from the student body—students who refuse to learn. Put ’em in labor camps for all I care.)

*Sweep out the bums marking time to retirement. Buying them out would be better than letting them stay. (“Three generations of idiots is enough” *heh*)

*Burn to the ground all the colleges’ and universities’ education departments. Send the professors to labor camps to work alongside with the products of their theories.

I know this may sound a bit harsh, but It’s For the Childrenâ„¢, so surely it’d fly… All one need to is repeat the mantra over and over, It’s For the Childrenâ„¢… It’s For the Childrenâ„¢… It’s For the Childrenâ„¢…

And you know the really neat thing? Since Judge Greer has laid down the principal that severely mentally/physically handicapped people can be… capped, all that would be needed to get the ball rolling would be for a judge to declare some “school” administrators to be in a “Persistant Vegetative State” and there we are! I’m sure that after that, we’d have “education” professors lining up and begging for slots in work camps…

Neat, huh?

Running as fast as I can… unfortunately

No. You DON’T want to know…

No energy for blogging (or darned near anything else) today. Just this: you’ve noticed the weird disconnect between Sandy Berger’s (now-admitted) crimes (h/t Instapundit) and the slap on the wrist he is getting, as opposed to the “slap her upside the head with the LA phone book” approach the feds took to Martha Stewart’s non-crime (previously noted here and here).

Do note again: NEVER cooperate with the feds.(h/t: David Burkhead via Jerry Pournelle’s Current Mail). They will “Martha” you if they want to. Only if you’re an insider doing the bidding of a corrupt former president will you get a bye like Berger…

Oh, there’s much more, but this Berger slap on the wrist just makes me sick. (or maybe it’s something else causing the runs, I dunno… ) Whatever, I’d like to put a “special gift” down Berger’s pants for the Fourth of July. Won’t do it, of course, but mostly because the resultant spread of waste matter would be toxic. OK, wouldn’t do it even if there were a way to control the spread of Berger waste. It’s just such a picture of justice.

I hope he lives a very, very long time and learns some shame. It’s a forlorn hope*, I know. Such weasels are not born with a conscience and there’s little hope of him developing one at his advanced stage of moral decomposition, but one can dream, eh?

But it’s hard to wrap my mind around the thought that yesterday (03/31/05) stands as such a picture of the death of justice in America. On the one hand we have a helpless, profoundly disabled woman murdered via torture by judicial fiat. On the other, Sandy Berger arranges with his buddies in the feds to get a slap on the wrist and essentially walk for having stolen and destroyed classified documents relating to the Clintoonistas’ handling of anti-terrorist measures.**

*note: yes, I know I’m misusing the military term “forlorn hope” in a non-military context. But just imagine hopes that slime like Berger are even able to develop a conscience as a “hope” sent out ahead of the advance of an army of citizen warriors fighting for some sort of ethics in business, government, etc. Sure, it’s bound to be shot down, but maybe it can be an example of the best we can hope for and buy the army time to rally… Yeh, a sad, weak analogy, but I told you up front I have no energy for this today. Just doing this now cos I really can’t do anything else right now…

**”Clintoonistas”? Yeh. , That whole administration reminded me of a bad caricature of banana republic corruption. Still does.