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OK, so I lie about other things, too

Just see if I’m lying about this, too. Go. I’ll wait.

[imagine elevator muzak here]

[imagine elevator muzak here]

[imagine elevator muzak here]

[imagine elevator muzak here]

[imagine elevator muzak here]

[yeh, more elevator muzak here]

Back, now? OK, now you know I was. Lying to you, that is. Sorry. Nah. I’m not.

News from inside the prisons

Prisons for kids gives us several headlines this week

Kris, over at Anywhere But Here, has a sample of news from our country’s prisons for kids (otherwise falsely labeled, “public schools”). “Guards in Scuffle,” “Inmate Death Threats” and “Parolee Abuse” are three articles you ought to check out. (OK, I admit it: I made up those titles. Kris is more generous and conventional in labeling the incidents.)