Man, am I slow…

(They all shout in unison) “How slow are you?”

[note the update at bottom] Well, Amanda posted this wonderful recipe last week for the 34th Carnival of the recipes and I’m just now planning on making it… after the National Day of mourning is over, of course.

Take note, Amanda is “Aussie Wife” so she calls arugula “rocket” (a perfectly good alternative word for arugula Down Under). Just use “rocket” whenever you go to the store to ask for arugula so you can have the produce guy running in circles. 🙂

[UPDATE] Hey! I’m even “slower” than I thought! Either that or I have a rapidly advqancing case of “early (though it’s becomeing less and less early *heh*) oldtimer’s disease”… Amanda posted her wonderful recipe yesterday not last week! *Sheesh!* I’m so slow, I’m ahead of myself! *LOL*

Need More Sleep ::heh::