‘Twas the day before Thanksgiving…

Twenty-six years ago today, two became one. Eventually, two more were added. Today, the children are home from college/grad school celebrating that day with us.

Nice. I certainly know that I had no idea how much getting married during Thanksgiving weekend 26 years ago would make this holiday so very special in years to come. Yeh, it was a great time for obvious logistical reasons: families used to getting together for the day/weekend, several days “off” for most, etc., but that future Thanksgivings would always carry the blessing of the intervening years’ time spent together building family—that I, at least, had no way to foresee.

Tomorrow, I’ll probably post my typical Thanksgiving note. Today, spent with Sue at her cardio appointment, shopping, then at home with the kids, was filled with reflection on all the years spent together… so far. And hopeful prayer for more years together to come.

That’s all. Back to “fam time”…