LLMB (Loony Left Moonbat Briagde) Hate Speech

Just a short note…

John Ashcroft’s resignation brings to mind some of the LLMB anti-christian bigotry of the LLMB, such as Anthony Lewis of the NYT and his comment, “…certainty is the enemy of decency and humanity in people who are sure they are right, like Osama bin Laden and John Ashcroft.”

Hmmm, I have wondered what Lewis and his ilk would say if faced with comments built around “people like John Kerry and Bennedict Arnold”? Or “Anthony Lewis and Hermann Goebels”? (Of course, the problem with addressing the LLMB with valid similes is that they can’t see the difference between their fallacious ad hominem attacks and valid comparisons…


“Clowns to the left of Me… ” II

This comment in response to “Clowns to the Left of Me…” is typical of the experiences many have with the LLMB:

“…I have been treated like an idiot because I do not fold to the LLMB ideals. When I tried to point out that it is interesting that those on the extreme left cast those on the other side as ignorant as a part of a comment about how politics tends to polarize people- I did not receive a positive response… Guess it goes to show me that I cannot expect to have a rational conversation with LLMBs… “

The LLMB and the MMPA are generally composed of people with the intelligence to know better than to think that a closed mind is a smart thing. That they choose to close their minds to facts and reasoned argument is proof that intelligence and stupidity can coexist quite happily in the same person. In fact, their stupidity might easily be defined as willfully choosing to underperform intellectually.