“Le Sabot Post-Moderne”

Yeh, well, I kid you not… Go download/see the answer to Michael Moore-onic’s Fahrenheit 9/11 that this guy’s posted at his site. (It just about darned near requires Windows Media Player [spit!], but it’s a telling indictment of the Moore-ons in the LLMB and MMPA.)

As he says, since it’s composed of actual comments made by LLMs,



A sample post from “The Discoshaman” whose site motto is, “Gentrifying the Christian Ghetto Since 2003″–

“One thing you can say for Calvinists. . .

Anyone who says that man is totally depraved couldn’t be all bad.”

Oh, [heh]


Force multiplier

…Launched from a site near Baghdad, the Predator UAV carried a Hellfire missile. Its crew and its video feeds were back in California. A few weeks earlier, the Watchdogs had employed Predator to hit a moving pickup with a mounted machine gun—one robot leading another robot to the target. NFL games on television allow the viewer to see the same play from different angles. But the digital pipes for battlefield imagery weren’t large enough to permit the Watchdogs and the Predator crew in California to see each other’s video. Instead, the Predator and Pioneer crews used e-mail chat and GPS coordinates to align their platforms….

Now, this is what Rumsfeld, et al, have been talking about when trying to pound sense about military transformation and the strategy of technology to the MMPA and LLMB, although, of course, Rummy tries to avoid the big words when speaking to the mental half-packs in the LLMB and MMPA… (h.t. to Bill @ INDC Journal)

“The Watchdogs of Fallujah

From: Bing West
Subject: How the Pioneer Robot Plane Helped Win an Artillery Duel
Thursday, Nov. 11, 2004, at 11:37 AM PT

…The two-story cement house where the insurgents were hiding between rounds had a dome roof, a large courtyard with an outside wall, and an overhang at the front door, where a sentry was posted. The Watchdogs had counted five men outside, assuming it was the same sprinters making the round trip to the mortar each time…

…The courtyard door opened, and a man walked to the truck and slowly drove away.

“Boot muj sent out to get the Coke. Luckiest bastard on the planet.”

Both video screens suddenly flashed bright white, as if a fuse had blown. There was a collective Damn! from the watching Marines. The center of the roof was now a huge black hole…

Now, that’s a transformation I can get behind: Predator crew in California teaming up with the boots on the ground = smoking hole in Fallujah. Sounds good to me. Can’t do that with draftees. (Well, you could, perhaps, but by the time they are trained it’s time they got out… and they’d likely leave as fast as they could.) Need to have highly-trained specialists, and that means all-volunteer, there for the full ride kinda guys. Not unwilling mutts dragged in off the streets.

“Bigots to the Left of me… “

OK, that should be “Blind Hypocritical Bigots to the Left of Me,” but that just doesn’t scan as well…

Betsy Newmark (OK, I’ve told you and told you to bookmark her Betsy’s Page blog. So when are you going to do it, already?) points to an article by George Neumayr that contains this nugget:

“The Democrats are far more interested in subduing Christianity at home than defeating militant Islam abroad. They can write acerbically about Southern Christians as jihadists, then eulogize real jihadists like Arafat as peacemakers. They can bring a very benign interpretation to Islam, insisting that the founders of Islam held the same liberal values and views as the editorial writers of the New York Times — watch PBS’s documentaries on Islam and you would think the early Muslim sultans were PBS liberals — but offer no such generous understanding to Christian teachings.”

Taking up the slack

James Taranto (Best of the Web, Opinion Journal) sees the following lil
epigram by Hillaire Belloc as applicable to Arafat:

Here richly, with ridiculous display, The Politician's corpse was laid away. While all of his acquaintance sneered and slanged I wept: for I had longed to see him hanged.
Hmmm... can anyone think of a few others that would fit? ("Git the rope, Ma. A buncha us guys are going down to 'welcome' that politician who came to town, today.") Brings to mind one of my favorite quotes by a famous Missourian:
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself". Mark Twain
Of course, congresscritters do not, in the 21st century, comprise the sum total of the class, "idiots," in our society, as Twain impies they did in the 19th century. We have the rest of the LLMB and the MMPA to take up the slack, there.