Moby Dork

The Daily Telegraph (a Britrag) chimes in with this rhino in the livingroom comment about Nov 2:

Not since Moby Dick has a great white whale been so bloodily harpooned. It took a shocked Michael Moore, director of Fahrenheit 9/11, until yesterday to comment on the US election result. When he did, he made a lame joke, offering “reasons not to slit your own throat”. But if John Kerry’s strategists feel like slitting anyone’s throat right now, it is Mr Moore’s.

All i have to say to any LLMB and MMPA who happen upon a beached Moby Dork is, you catch ’em, you clean ’em. (But a fair warning: the blubber’s bound to be toxic. And a real mess to dispose of. I can hear the cries of “NIMBY” already… )

Apparently, it wasn’t the lies; it was the lice.

James Taranto, in Best of the Web, collected these comments (yeh, yeh: I’m qouting his quotations. So what? [g]):

*** QUOTE *** "Democrats nationwide are scratching their heads today and trying to regroup after resounding defeats for the White House and in Congress." -- Katie Couric , "Today," Nov. 4 "Applying the tried-and-true formula for success, Democrats were scratching their heads yesterday, wondering how Sen. John Kerry lost Ohio to President Bush by 2 percentage points."-- Columbus Dispatch , Nov. 4 "Sixty-five percent of the voters in Preble County backed the president this year... The support for Bush leaves the Democrats scratching their heads."-- Palladium-Item (Richmond, Ind.), Nov. 4 "The liberal wing of the Democratic Party, which has long dominated its leadership, seems stunned that a clear majority of Americans chose to re-elect a president that exudes courage, confidence and a faith that is so easily identifiable. They are scratching their heads at the polls which reveal that the issue that mattered most to voters in this election was not the economy, or security--but moral values."-- Rebecca Hagelin ,, Nov. 5 "Other Democratic strategists (the same ones who predicted a huge pro-Kerry youth vote) are scratching their heads over the Bush victory."-- Laura Ingraham ,, Nov. 5 "Bush was reelected because he told Americans in the clearest possible language who is he and what he stands for. Just enough of them liked what they heard. Kerry left voters, including many people who voted for him, scratching their heads."-- Eileen McNamara , Boston Globe, Nov. 7 "When Sausalito resident Marty Krasney was in Ohio this month working on the Kerry campaign, he met a woman with a life-threatening disease who acked health care insurance and could have benefited from stem cell research. Krasney was surprised when the woman told him she planned to vote for George W. Bush, not John Kerry. 'I can't vote for a baby killer,' she told him. It is just such conundrum's [sic] that have Marin Democrats--like Democrats across the country--scratching their heads and pondering just what they need to do to restore the party's majority status."-- Marin (Calif.) Independent Journal,1413,234%7E24407%7E2519930,00.html , Nov. 7 " 'Our analysis of Gwinnett County shows there are many, many more Democrats than showed up to vote,' said [Mike] Berlon, the chairman of the county party. 'We're all scratching our heads wondering why they didn't go to the polls.' "-- Gwinnett (Ga.) Daily Post Nov. 7 "The sound of head-scratching coming from Democratic circles will likely be as much a part of autumn as the rustle of leaves."-- Jabari Asim ,, Nov. 8 *** END QUOTE ***
[emphasis added] When there's that much scalp scratching going on it just has to be a lice or a serious skin condition. The LLMB needs to have that looked at.

Good Snark!

Jonah Goldberg, writing in National Review, has some good snark (N.B. “good snark” meets two criteria: it’s witty sarcasm that hits marks you want hit [eg]) directed toward LLMB whines about the election that continue to this day and probably will continue for four more year! four more years! to come. An example:

Take the two leading liberal columnists at the New York Times, Maureen Dowd and Paul Krugman. As we all know, one’s a whining self-parody of a hysterical liberal who lets feminine emotion and fear defeat reason and fact in almost every column. The other used to date Michael Douglas.

But beyond the really good snark are some thought-provoking observations about other whiners in the LLMB such as,

What Maher, Raines, and Smiley fail to grasp is that all morality is based upon transcendence — or it is merely based on utilitarianism of one kind or another, and therefore it is not morality so much as, at best, an enlightened expediency or will-to-power. It is no more rational to vote based on a desire to do “good” than it is to vote based on a desire to do God’s will. Indeed, for millions of people this is a distinction without a difference — as it was for so many of the abolitionists progressives and civil-rights leaders today’s liberals love to invoke but never actually learn about.

Just go read it all.

h.t. to Kerryspot