” Alarmism in the service of his own political fortune is just craven.”

Hugh Hewitt has accurately pegged Kerry. Concerning a press exchange with sKerry yesterday, Hewitt says:

“The idea that Iraq is on the verge of becoming Lebanon is just nuts. Really, nuts. Does Kerry have any idea what he’s doing to the democratization process there, or the encouragement he is giving to the terrorists? Alarmism in the service of his own political fortune is just craven.”

Just read the whole thing

John Fraud sKerry: liar and poltroon. Any decent person would cross the street to avoid his shadow.

Addendum: Hugh Hewitt has called for comments on the question, “”What do Kerry’s answers to today’s [Thursday, 10/07/04] press inquiries tell us about Kerry’s worldview and character?”

I think I’ll post on that, next, before I read answers some of his respondants gave.

” Alarmism in the service of his own political fortune is just craven.”

Hugh Hewitt has accurately pegged Kerry. Concerning a press exchange with sKerry yesterday, Hewitt says:

“The idea that Iraq is on the verge of becoming Lebanon is just nuts. Really, nuts. Does Kerry have any idea what he’s doing to the democratization process there, or the encouragement he is giving to the terrorists? Alarmism in the service of his own political fortune is just craven.”

Just read the whole thing

John Fraud sKerry: liar and poltroon. Any decent person would cross the street to avoid his shadow.

Addendum: Hugh Hewitt has called for comments on the question, “”What do Kerry’s answers to today’s [Thursday, 10/07/04] press inquiries tell us about Kerry’s worldview and character?”

I think I’ll post on that, next, before I read answers some of his respondants gave.

“Give Peace a Chance”

Here’s a linkage for you…

In 1970, John Fraud Kerry went to Paris and, although he was still on active reserve status and thus “an officer of the U nited States” (see the Fourteenth Amendment), met with representatives of Noth Vietnam and the Viet Cong. He came back to the U.S. and began parroting the North Vietnam talking points, point by point. He lied in TV interviews and before the Fullbright committee in slandering the troops who served in Vietnam (even, in TV interviews, going so far as to “confess” to having committed “attrocities” himself), and his statements were used in torture of American POWs by the North Vietnamese.


Al Jazeerah, the Islamofascist propoganda mouthpiece, is trumpeting, “US Should Stop Wars and Give Peace a Chance“… and we hear John Fraud Kerry’s lame pullout schemes (changing for whatever audience he faces) and… it all fits so very well with the “Old Hippy” photo below…

Kerry’s still stuck in his Camodian Christmas fantasy…

“Give Peace a Chance”

Here’s a linkage for you…

In 1970, John Fraud Kerry went to Paris and, although he was still on active reserve status and thus “an officer of the U nited States” (see the Fourteenth Amendment), met with representatives of Noth Vietnam and the Viet Cong. He came back to the U.S. and began parroting the North Vietnam talking points, point by point. He lied in TV interviews and before the Fullbright committee in slandering the troops who served in Vietnam (even, in TV interviews, going so far as to “confess” to having committed “attrocities” himself), and his statements were used in torture of American POWs by the North Vietnamese.


Al Jazeerah, the Islamofascist propoganda mouthpiece, is trumpeting, “US Should Stop Wars and Give Peace a Chance“… and we hear John Fraud Kerry’s lame pullout schemes (changing for whatever audience he faces) and… it all fits so very well with the “Old Hippy” photo below…

Kerry’s still stuck in his Camodian Christmas fantasy…

Photo Finish

Let’s put a really good finish on the election with some prime photos. I’m not looking for fairness or good taste in these photos. No, send me photos of Kerry in poses that show the inner hippy, the greedy gigolo, the satanic slanderer. Pictures of Grimma Wormtongue accepted in lieu of actual Kerry photos…

try sending photos to mnmus at yahoo dot com (yeh, a slight attempt to thwart spambots). Maybe I’ll have Hello Bloggerbot working later so readers can send photos that way.

Meanwhile, enjoy the Old Hippy pic of Father John Fraud Kerry blessing (out) a crowd…

Supress the vote!

Well, Thomas Sowell doesn’t encourage supressing any particular block of voters, nor does he actually suggest that folks ought to actively create roadblocks to voting. But he does have an observation about responsible voting that is less curmudgeonly than mine…

A more fundamental problem, however, is that voting is not just a
matter of individual self-expression. It is choosing the people in whose hands the destiny of this nation will be placed… Choosing leaders in a time like this as a matter of self-expression may be the biggest, and perhaps last, self-indulgence in a self-indulgent age… In this context, the emphasis on a duty to vote is a very misplaced emphasis. When the right choice is so critical, the emphasis needs to be on making an informed decision, not a knee-jerk response to images and talk.

Read the whole thing

“Where always is heard / A curmudgeonly word… “

As I get the hang of it, I may comment less and post links more. (Yeh, right. Those who know me know I came by my honorary Ph.D.B.S. honestly ๐Ÿ™‚ Might work out to be managable and still satisfy my desire to encourage involvement in the Global War to Preserve Civilization.

BTW, the “home front” in the Global War to Preserve Civilization involves as part of the effort spiking every lie from post modernist deconstructuralist commie wacko leftists that it’s possible to spike… concerning everything from social “welfare” to education to the so-called “GWOT”…

…And encouraging those who have the ability to vote intelligently to be informed and to vote while gently discouraging those who are too stupid to find their way home from the grovery store without wreaking havoc driving slow in the fast lane from attempting to express their worthless opinions in the polling booth…

(I still think Neil Bootz’ idea of three qualifying questions before being allowed to vote is a good idea. Those who cannot name the Vice President, their Congressman and Senators would get shunted to non-working voting machines. Works for me.)


We does what we cans…

Tora Bora!

I had been meaning to address the “We had him surrounded in Tora Bora and Bush let Osama bin Laden escape” lie, and indeed, I had written a couple of private e-s answering part of the issue to individual queries, but Jim Geraghty at Kerryspot has a pretty thorough outline of the facts. Not complete, but it’s a complex issue. Of course, complex guys like the Kedwards Kids with their highly nuanced thoughts know all this, but they just choose to lie about it.


Also, see this article on the geography of Tora Bora for a little background illuminating the utter stupidity of the “We had him surrounded… ” myth.

Frum Fun–Ouch! That’ll leave a mark!

I’m not a big fan of David Frum’s smug neo-con line, but he does turn a phrase, and when that turn of phrase takes aim at (and repeatedly runs over, backs up and runs over again) the Kedwards Kids, I have to just sit back and grin:

“What can one say about John Edwards’s performance? He certainly did not make Al Gore’s error in 1996: With his repeated and worshipful descriptions of John Kerry–not to mention Edwards’s moist good looks–you have to say that he would fill the role of First Lady much better than Teresa Heinz is likely to do. It would all have been very impressive–if Cheney’s scalpel had not so swiftly and mercilessly sliced Edwards’s living liver out of his body, impaled it quivering on a stick, and paraded it before Edwards’ soulful eyes before the poor man expired.”