Choice November 2

Hugh Hewitt asked for characterizations of the choice we have set before us in the Presidential election 11/2. The following is a list of the responses he’s recieved so far:

Reagan v. Carter
offense v. defense
advance v. retreat
resolve v. dithering
blunt talk v. nuance
England and Australia v. France and Germany
Allawi in power v. Saddam in power
post 9/11 v. post-Cole
values of America at its founding v. the values of Europe today
leader v. talker
lightning v. lightning bug
White House v. waffle house
Noah’s Ark v. Titanic
Lincoln v. McClellan
limits on abortion v. no limits on abortion and taxpayer-funded abortions
parental notification v. no parental notification of teens seeking abortion
tax cut v. tax hike
private sector growth v. public sector growth
cheeseburger v. escargot
honest humility v. prideful arrogance
“Let’s roll” v. roll over
Thanksgiving in Baghdad v. Christmas Eve in Cambodia
F-102 v. hot air balloon
September 12 v. September 10
reality v. make believe
big fish v. big fish story
Patton v. Peter Pan
Popeye v. Wimpy
Iceberg v. crushed ice
Battle Hymn of the Republic v. Kumbaya
Pat Tillman v. Michael Moore
D-Day v. Dunkirk
Brit Hume v. Chris Matthews
G-suit v. stuffed suit
national identity v. international anonymity
to be v. not to be
G-man v. g-string
tastes great v. less filling
Gary Cooper v. Inspector Clouseau
Red Dawn v. Reds
007 v. Austin Powers
Osama running from us v. Osama coming at us
adult v. adolescent
Henry V v. Dauphin
Braveheart v. Chickenheart
Jim Brown v. Ricky Williams
hard blow v. blow hard
Heart of America v. Le Car
steak v. pate (Lileks)
hard sharp cheddar v. runny brie (Lileks)
red, white, blue v. tie die
10 gallon stetson v. the magic hat
Saving Private Ryan v. Gigle
rock v. hard face
world series v. world cup
eagle v. magpie
cowboy hat v. blue helmet (
bulldog v. poodle
Laura v. Theresa
John Wayne v. Jane Fonda
Ray Lewis v. Jerry Lewis
filet mignon v. ground turkey
safety blitz v. prevent defense
“nuculur” v. nuisance (
body armor v. body bag
global freedom v. global test
we the people v. we are the world
adverb v. adjective (Adam Youngman)
big rocks v. botox
Toby Keith v. Milli Vanilli
bazooka v. oompaloompa
Bring it on v. time out
backbone v. back flip
Thor v. Loki
action v. a plan
character v. caricature
stars and stripes v. smoke and mirrors
Arnold v. Gray
Hannibal v. Varro
marriage v. same sex marriage
Dirty Harry v. Barney Fife
Alexander v. Darius
“Blood, sweat, toil, and tears” v. “Peace in our time.”
“Never, never, never, never, never give up” v. “wrong war, wrong place, wrong time”

Charge of the Light Brigade v. Electric Light Parade (Adam Youngman)
a Bradley v. a Yugo
hard hat v. beret
Lambeau Field v. Lambert Field
101rst Airborne v. 101 Dalmatians
Old Glory v. white flag
road warrior v. road kill
Mr. T v. mystery

Sun Tsu v. sun tan

The Great Santini v. Forrest Gump
logical v. pathological
Jaws v. Flipper
men v. boys
Secretariat v. Frances the Talking Mule
mini skirt v. burkah
victory v. Vichy
God Bless America v. God-less America
compass v. windsock
Predator v. prey
tough calls v. pratt falls
The Star Spangled Banner v. The Internationale
composure v. poser
boots on the ground v. hands in the air
“I’m the greatest!” v. “No mas.”
Captain Kirk v. Colonel Klink
safer shores v. manicures
a grand slam v. french toast
tough in the trenches v. courting the frenches
sanity v. vanity
“bring it on” v. “Not in the face! Not in the face.”
Spanky v. Alfalfa
fire power v. flower power
bunker busters v. spit balls
Baghdad ’03 v. Dien Bien Phu ’54
iron v. irony
Navy SEALs v. navy beans
high and inside v. intentional walk
Monday Night Football v. Sex in the City
USS Missouri v. USS Minnow
Brett Farve v. Ryan Leaf
putting down insurrections v. botox injections
rawhide v. chiffon
a man who kept his promises v. a kept man who promises
winner v. whiner
a stance v. a pose
chaps v. lycra
head coach v. Monday morning QB
“T-Rex v. Barney
the windshield v. the bug
manwich v. lean cuisine
Die Hard v. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Axis of Evil v. nuisance
Tour de force v. Tour de France
ten feet tall v. a mile wide and an inch deep
Frank Sinatra v. Frankie Avalon
Lawrence Taylor v. James Taylor
a shield v a target
pummel v. Hummel (sorry, James)
Lincoln log v. tinker toy
payback v. payoff
oak v. quaking aspen
a hearty handshake v. throwing a kiss
Texas-raised v. taxes-raised
Crawford v. Martha’s Vineyard
man’s man v. tan-in-a-can
shock and awe v. hem and haw
Semper Fi v. simpering

Choice November 2

Hugh Hewitt asked for characterizations of the choice we have set before us in the Presidential election 11/2. The following is a list of the responses he’s recieved so far:

Reagan v. Carter
offense v. defense
advance v. retreat
resolve v. dithering
blunt talk v. nuance
England and Australia v. France and Germany
Allawi in power v. Saddam in power
post 9/11 v. post-Cole
values of America at its founding v. the values of Europe today
leader v. talker
lightning v. lightning bug
White House v. waffle house
Noah’s Ark v. Titanic
Lincoln v. McClellan
limits on abortion v. no limits on abortion and taxpayer-funded abortions
parental notification v. no parental notification of teens seeking abortion
tax cut v. tax hike
private sector growth v. public sector growth
cheeseburger v. escargot
honest humility v. prideful arrogance
“Let’s roll” v. roll over
Thanksgiving in Baghdad v. Christmas Eve in Cambodia
F-102 v. hot air balloon
September 12 v. September 10
reality v. make believe
big fish v. big fish story
Patton v. Peter Pan
Popeye v. Wimpy
Iceberg v. crushed ice
Battle Hymn of the Republic v. Kumbaya
Pat Tillman v. Michael Moore
D-Day v. Dunkirk
Brit Hume v. Chris Matthews
G-suit v. stuffed suit
national identity v. international anonymity
to be v. not to be
G-man v. g-string
tastes great v. less filling
Gary Cooper v. Inspector Clouseau
Red Dawn v. Reds
007 v. Austin Powers
Osama running from us v. Osama coming at us
adult v. adolescent
Henry V v. Dauphin
Braveheart v. Chickenheart
Jim Brown v. Ricky Williams
hard blow v. blow hard
Heart of America v. Le Car
steak v. pate (Lileks)
hard sharp cheddar v. runny brie (Lileks)
red, white, blue v. tie die
10 gallon stetson v. the magic hat
Saving Private Ryan v. Gigle
rock v. hard face
world series v. world cup
eagle v. magpie
cowboy hat v. blue helmet (
bulldog v. poodle
Laura v. Theresa
John Wayne v. Jane Fonda
Ray Lewis v. Jerry Lewis
filet mignon v. ground turkey
safety blitz v. prevent defense
“nuculur” v. nuisance (
body armor v. body bag
global freedom v. global test
we the people v. we are the world
adverb v. adjective (Adam Youngman)
big rocks v. botox
Toby Keith v. Milli Vanilli
bazooka v. oompaloompa
Bring it on v. time out
backbone v. back flip
Thor v. Loki
action v. a plan
character v. caricature
stars and stripes v. smoke and mirrors
Arnold v. Gray
Hannibal v. Varro
marriage v. same sex marriage
Dirty Harry v. Barney Fife
Alexander v. Darius
“Blood, sweat, toil, and tears” v. “Peace in our time.”
“Never, never, never, never, never give up” v. “wrong war, wrong place, wrong time”

Charge of the Light Brigade v. Electric Light Parade (Adam Youngman)
a Bradley v. a Yugo
hard hat v. beret
Lambeau Field v. Lambert Field
101rst Airborne v. 101 Dalmatians
Old Glory v. white flag
road warrior v. road kill
Mr. T v. mystery

Sun Tsu v. sun tan

The Great Santini v. Forrest Gump
logical v. pathological
Jaws v. Flipper
men v. boys
Secretariat v. Frances the Talking Mule
mini skirt v. burkah
victory v. Vichy
God Bless America v. God-less America
compass v. windsock
Predator v. prey
tough calls v. pratt falls
The Star Spangled Banner v. The Internationale
composure v. poser
boots on the ground v. hands in the air
“I’m the greatest!” v. “No mas.”
Captain Kirk v. Colonel Klink
safer shores v. manicures
a grand slam v. french toast
tough in the trenches v. courting the frenches
sanity v. vanity
“bring it on” v. “Not in the face! Not in the face.”
Spanky v. Alfalfa
fire power v. flower power
bunker busters v. spit balls
Baghdad ’03 v. Dien Bien Phu ’54
iron v. irony
Navy SEALs v. navy beans
high and inside v. intentional walk
Monday Night Football v. Sex in the City
USS Missouri v. USS Minnow
Brett Farve v. Ryan Leaf
putting down insurrections v. botox injections
rawhide v. chiffon
a man who kept his promises v. a kept man who promises
winner v. whiner
a stance v. a pose
chaps v. lycra
head coach v. Monday morning QB
“T-Rex v. Barney
the windshield v. the bug
manwich v. lean cuisine
Die Hard v. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Axis of Evil v. nuisance
Tour de force v. Tour de France
ten feet tall v. a mile wide and an inch deep
Frank Sinatra v. Frankie Avalon
Lawrence Taylor v. James Taylor
a shield v a target
pummel v. Hummel (sorry, James)
Lincoln log v. tinker toy
payback v. payoff
oak v. quaking aspen
a hearty handshake v. throwing a kiss
Texas-raised v. taxes-raised
Crawford v. Martha’s Vineyard
man’s man v. tan-in-a-can
shock and awe v. hem and haw
Semper Fi v. simpering

“Moderated” by the Forgery Broadcast System

I absolutely could not believe Bob Shiefer tonight. Easily 3/4 of the questions he asked were taken almost word-for-word from GWT y PP’s campaign talking points! It’s as though Dan Rather’s shadow anchor at CBS “News” (Schiefer) dropped by the Kedwards campaign and asked for a list of questions to ask.

And yet… on roughly sixteen of twenty questions asked, I score President Bush a winner. Why (apart from the fact that by now I know sKerry is a liar and a poltroon)? Because skerry avoided actually addressing a majority of the questions directly and because the answers he gave (even the portions of answers that did address the questions) were

1.) Simply his pre-rehearsed stump speeches (“Thank you, Bob, for asking for that particular speech.”)
2.) Often “wrong on facts” (scare quotes used because “wrong on facts” is code for “lying”)
3.) Weird and creepy, or simply in exteremely poor taste (another reference to Cheney’s lesbian daughter, for example)

But, gee, folks, somebody needs to call a modern day Hercules to clean out the Augean stables at
555 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019 ( CBS “News”).

“Moderated” by the Forgery Broadcast System

I absolutely could not believe Bob Shiefer tonight. Easily 3/4 of the questions he asked were taken almost word-for-word from GWT y PP’s campaign talking points! It’s as though Dan Rather’s shadow anchor at CBS “News” (Schiefer) dropped by the Kedwards campaign and asked for a list of questions to ask.

And yet… on roughly sixteen of twenty questions asked, I score President Bush a winner. Why (apart from the fact that by now I know sKerry is a liar and a poltroon)? Because skerry avoided actually addressing a majority of the questions directly and because the answers he gave (even the portions of answers that did address the questions) were

1.) Simply his pre-rehearsed stump speeches (“Thank you, Bob, for asking for that particular speech.”)
2.) Often “wrong on facts” (scare quotes used because “wrong on facts” is code for “lying”)
3.) Weird and creepy, or simply in exteremely poor taste (another reference to Cheney’s lesbian daughter, for example)

But, gee, folks, somebody needs to call a modern day Hercules to clean out the Augean stables at
555 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019 ( CBS “News”).

Character is THE Issue

William J. Dyer charatibly cites the character issue, speaking about sKerry:

“I will certainly concede that the man talks a good game. But it’s almost all beautiful soap bubbles, and I’m not confident that I know what’s at his core. To the extent I think I know what’s at his core, I dislike and distrust it. He’s a conflicted, blurry man — the only consistent bright gleam I see in his eyes is one of personal ambition, and around the edges of even that brightness is condescension and arrogance. “

The whole thing is worth reading.

(Of course, I think Dyer is far too kind.)

Character is THE Issue

William J. Dyer charatibly cites the character issue, speaking about sKerry:

“I will certainly concede that the man talks a good game. But it’s almost all beautiful soap bubbles, and I’m not confident that I know what’s at his core. To the extent I think I know what’s at his core, I dislike and distrust it. He’s a conflicted, blurry man — the only consistent bright gleam I see in his eyes is one of personal ambition, and around the edges of even that brightness is condescension and arrogance. “

The whole thing is worth reading.

(Of course, I think Dyer is far too kind.)

Voting Guide

I recieved the following in a forwarded email. There was no author attributed, and the neither the sender nor the person who sent it to him had an author to ID for me. (That’s just the way email forwards often seem to work. 🙂 The only changes I made were corrections of spelling and simple typo errors. Oh, and I changed the inappropriate use of the word “gay” to “homosexual” in one instance. (I’ve met very, very, very few homosexuals who were happy, carefree people… hence, “gay” is scarcely a term that applies to them outside George Orwell’s 1984 doublethink model… )

The author is pretty clear about his political views, given the issues chosen and their presentation, but I have no problem with that. Were it my voter guide, I’d probably add a few… And, of course, while instructive, this doesn’t provide a clear guide to other races.

2004 Election Voter Guide

Depending on the way you lean, the following information
could have bearing on decisions you make November 2004.
Issues of Importance?

Homosexual Marriage
President Bush is opposed
John Kerry favors

Partial-Birth Abortion
President Bush is opposed
John Kerry favors

Allowing voluntary prayer in the public schools
President Bush Favors
John Kerry is Opposed

Assault on Mel Gibson for making film about Christ
President Bush supports Gibson
John Kerry participated in Left’s assault on Gibson suggesting possible
anti-Semitism, even though Kerry had not seen the film.

Assault on Boy Scouts for belief in God and not allowing Homosexual Scout

President Bush supports Boy Scouts’ stand
John Kerry opposes boy Scouts’ stand

Asking for God’s blessing on America
President Bush often asks God to bless America in his speeches
John Kerry attacks Bush for mentioning God so often

President Bush says “We need common-sense judges who believe our rights are
derived from God.”
John Kerry insists on judges who support the ACLU’s radical anti-Christian,
anti-God, anti-family agenda. John Kerry is insistent on blocking President
Bush’s federal judge appointments.

Overall Record
President Bush does not vote on issues before Congress but, based on his
publicly stated positions, would receive an 85% conservative rating from
the American Conservative Union if he did.
John Kerry, according to the highly respected, politically-neutral
National Journal rates Kerry the most liberal U. S. Senator in 2003 — more
liberal than Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton.

Voting Guide

I recieved the following in a forwarded email. There was no author attributed, and the neither the sender nor the person who sent it to him had an author to ID for me. (That’s just the way email forwards often seem to work. 🙂 The only changes I made were corrections of spelling and simple typo errors. Oh, and I changed the inappropriate use of the word “gay” to “homosexual” in one instance. (I’ve met very, very, very few homosexuals who were happy, carefree people… hence, “gay” is scarcely a term that applies to them outside George Orwell’s 1984 doublethink model… )

The author is pretty clear about his political views, given the issues chosen and their presentation, but I have no problem with that. Were it my voter guide, I’d probably add a few… And, of course, while instructive, this doesn’t provide a clear guide to other races.

2004 Election Voter Guide

Depending on the way you lean, the following information
could have bearing on decisions you make November 2004.
Issues of Importance?

Homosexual Marriage
President Bush is opposed
John Kerry favors

Partial-Birth Abortion
President Bush is opposed
John Kerry favors

Allowing voluntary prayer in the public schools
President Bush Favors
John Kerry is Opposed

Assault on Mel Gibson for making film about Christ
President Bush supports Gibson
John Kerry participated in Left’s assault on Gibson suggesting possible
anti-Semitism, even though Kerry had not seen the film.

Assault on Boy Scouts for belief in God and not allowing Homosexual Scout

President Bush supports Boy Scouts’ stand
John Kerry opposes boy Scouts’ stand

Asking for God’s blessing on America
President Bush often asks God to bless America in his speeches
John Kerry attacks Bush for mentioning God so often

President Bush says “We need common-sense judges who believe our rights are
derived from God.”
John Kerry insists on judges who support the ACLU’s radical anti-Christian,
anti-God, anti-family agenda. John Kerry is insistent on blocking President
Bush’s federal judge appointments.

Overall Record
President Bush does not vote on issues before Congress but, based on his
publicly stated positions, would receive an 85% conservative rating from
the American Conservative Union if he did.
John Kerry, according to the highly respected, politically-neutral
National Journal rates Kerry the most liberal U. S. Senator in 2003 — more
liberal than Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton.

Back to our regular programming…

The U.S. Constitution, Amendment XIV

Section. 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof…

The title of this post is linked to a site featuring excerpts of a real documentary (as opposed to the Micheal Moore mockumentaries “Bowling for Columbine” and “Fahrenheit 9/11”), “Stolen Honor.”

Just a few clips from the movie and two things become clear:

1.) John F. Kerry is a disgustng bastard, and he ought to be tarred, feathered and run out of the country. At least. (I hope the petition with 150,000+ signatures newly delivered to Dick Cheney (in his capacity as President of the Senate) and Attorney General Ashcroft calling for Kerry’s removal from office at least gets a little email and blogosphere buzz. )
2.) A RCOB moment is in the offing…

Back to our regular programming…

The U.S. Constitution, Amendment XIV

Section. 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof…

The title of this post is linked to a site featuring excerpts of a real documentary (as opposed to the Micheal Moore mockumentaries “Bowling for Columbine” and “Fahrenheit 9/11”), “Stolen Honor.”

Just a few clips from the movie and two things become clear:

1.) John F. Kerry is a disgustng bastard, and he ought to be tarred, feathered and run out of the country. At least. (I hope the petition with 150,000+ signatures newly delivered to Dick Cheney (in his capacity as President of the Senate) and Attorney General Ashcroft calling for Kerry’s removal from office at least gets a little email and blogosphere buzz. )
2.) A RCOB moment is in the offing…