Piling on!

Well, the good news keeps rolling in…

The debate last night was a clear win for Bush; that’s a done deal no matter what the Mass Media Podpeople and their partners-in-crime at the DNC may do to spin it. Now, here’s more good news
for the Coalition of the Willing—this time, from Australia, where John Howard’s party actually increased its majority in Parliament.

That sends a big ole nanny-nanny boo boo to Jean Fraud sKerry whose sister was preaching doom and gloom to the Aussies recently in attempts to not only woo expatriate American voters but poison the partnership between Australia and America. (How does one write out a loud and raucous raspberry, anyway? 🙂

Piling on!

Well, the good news keeps rolling in…

The debate last night was a clear win for Bush; that’s a done deal no matter what the Mass Media Podpeople and their partners-in-crime at the DNC may do to spin it. Now, here’s more good news
for the Coalition of the Willing—this time, from Australia, where John Howard’s party actually increased its majority in Parliament.

That sends a big ole nanny-nanny boo boo to Jean Fraud sKerry whose sister was preaching doom and gloom to the Aussies recently in attempts to not only woo expatriate American voters but poison the partnership between Australia and America. (How does one write out a loud and raucous raspberry, anyway? 🙂

The jackass in the living room…

(OK, yeh I was gonna pack it in earlier, but comments on other blogs were just too good… )

Why is no one talking about the jackass in the living room? I commented to family earlier tonight that I was surprised 140 “undecideds” (as Charlie Goodperson referred to the crowd) could be found, even in St. Louis area. I mean, after all, anyone who is “undecided” about who to vote for by now either hasn’t been paying attention or is dumber than a doorknob.

Actually, you can probably change the conjuction: hasn’t been paying attention AND is dumber than a doorknob.

Seriously. If ylou have been paying attention at all this year OR have at least as many brain cells as a head of cabbage, you’ve decided by now to either vote for Grimma Wormtongue (sKerry) or for Samwise Gamgee (Bush). If you are still undecided, just crawl back into your coffin. It’ll just save everyone time and trouble.

The jackass in the living room…

(OK, yeh I was gonna pack it in earlier, but comments on other blogs were just too good… )

Why is no one talking about the jackass in the living room? I commented to family earlier tonight that I was surprised 140 “undecideds” (as Charlie Goodperson referred to the crowd) could be found, even in St. Louis area. I mean, after all, anyone who is “undecided” about who to vote for by now either hasn’t been paying attention or is dumber than a doorknob.

Actually, you can probably change the conjuction: hasn’t been paying attention AND is dumber than a doorknob.

Seriously. If ylou have been paying attention at all this year OR have at least as many brain cells as a head of cabbage, you’ve decided by now to either vote for Grimma Wormtongue (sKerry) or for Samwise Gamgee (Bush). If you are still undecided, just crawl back into your coffin. It’ll just save everyone time and trouble.