A few good reads

Just a few things that’ve caught my eye the last coupla days… most from a window to the Wonderful World of Links (below) plus a few others. Good stuff, Maynard.

Three from TMH’s Bacon Bits: Clinton Eavesdropped on Americans via NSA/Echelon So, does someone want to tell me where the outrage is from the MSM and the Democrat liberal elite, who are so concerned with our civil liberties – especially in a time of war such as now?


Guard the Borders: Round-Up


George Clooney’s New and Improved Liberalism I’m keen on seeing Mr. Clooney’s “change.” It really would be rather easy, if he and his Defeaticrat ilk would simply open their eyes.

[Never happen. He’d have to become an adult.]

The Irate Nation weighs in with its own post in the Guard the Borders Blogburst “Everywhere, illegal aliens receive free public education and free medical care at taxpayer expense; 13 states offer them drivers licenses. States everywhere have been pushed to grant illegal aliens college scholarships and reduced in-state tuition. …

Four from freedom folks :Christmas Parody Songs, including

You hate Christmas, ACLU
You’d like to see it die
You have all the gentle feelings
Of a NAMBLA Jamboree, ACLU


Jackass in a Fox Suit Mexican President Vicente Fox stepped up his attacks on the United States plan to build a fence along its southern border on Sunday, saying it was a “shameful” initiative for a democracy.


I Just Stepped in a Pile of Crap: I read and blogged about this article smearing the Chicago Minuteman Project. What really disturbed me about the article was the complete lack of effort to report news, rather than conveying an opinion.


Lieberman Attacked for Having a Mind of His Own from freedom folks: Democrats in Connecticut are so disturbed by Sen. Joe Lieberman’s stance on the war in Iraq that some are calling for a primary challenge against him in 2006…

[Well, I dare say it’s not so much for having a mind of his own as for having the temerity to speak it against the Groupthink the Mothership is beaming to Loony Left Moonbats through the Mass Media Podpeople. “The emperor has no clothes!” must be shouted by a child (who will then promptly be put on Ritalin). Just sayin’… ]

The Florida Masochist explains (again) that California isn’t the only “California” Florida the rules are different here Chapter XI Here is some news from the Sun-Sentinel. Call me old fashioned, but the main criteria for a police officer is their competence to do their job not their sexual orientation.

Lyn over at Bloggin’ Outloud gives me credit for more influence than I have (nice way to rack up the brownie points, Lyn. I’ll send Santa a priority e- to put something nice in your stocking :-):

Random Search Strings: What is it that draws people to your blog? Is it your witty commentary? Is it being linked to Third World County? No, it’s chaos theory in action.

[I thrive on chaos? Well, yes, I do… Even backhanded faint praise is gladly welcomed. heh I just wonder why so many people around the world keep on coming to TWCâ„¢ searching for pictures of “Swedish pants”…]

The Real Ugly American very rightly points out the obvious… but I’d bet the folks over at Demoncrappic Underpants aren’t listening: True Liberals Support Democracy! As a liberal I support my country promoting Democratic elections and removing murderous dictators from power. Especially when said dictator is a sworn enemy of the United States and has been proven to support our enemies as Saddam Hussein did.

READ THIS from Committees of Correspondence It’s Thank a Soldier Week Pass it on. Take part in Thank a Soldier Week: Say ‘Thank You’ today. As we embark upon the holiday season, we must not forget those who are away from their families defending our freedom. Townhall.com is hosting Thank a Soldier Week this week

[DO take time this week to participate.]

And DO see THIS POST at The English Guy. Rich has the Townhall.com/Country Music Awards clip of folks wishing our troops well.

Bloggin’ Outloud accredits me with undue influence in Random Search Strings What is it that draws people to your blog? Is it your witty commentary? Is it being linked to Third World County? No, it’s chaos theory in action.

More? Sure…

Odd and Odder from The Florida Masochist (one of four, today. Dude, there’s life away from the computer! :-): Can a state’s chief executive be committed?

[Well, let’s start with charging the dude with assault. Then hit him with a charge of “Like Totally Creepy, Dude” on the way to the committment hearings… ]


Troubling: You combine this with the recent NSA story, and I am just having a hard time swallowing all of this. I know we’re at war, but the evidence continues to mount that our government in Washington feels its free to do anything it wants.

[I dunno, FM. This sounds like what’s been going on for roughly about 140 years or so. The feebs have always kept tabs on such groups-at least ever since the Constitution died at Appomattox… ]


Ms. Narim you have too much time on your hands : Some news out of London. Researchers studying what children do with their Barbie dolls? Whose bright idea was this? Was some government funding it? Do people need a life?

[Well, IMO, Barbie needs therapy… ]


The Knucklehead of the Day

[Man! You’ll never get anywhere picking on the Transport Workers Union! 😉 ]

I just love this post of Christine’s.

Head on over to Rick Lee’s for a “George Bush Santa” and other photos from a guy with a really great eye…

Droll, Don: Gun Control, Canuckistan Style. [But, hey… a serious story.]

Waxing nostalgic on Christmas shopping past… Diane posts Those Were The Days

Bou covers “Life with Bones” in He Doesn’t Realize He Lives In a Glass House

Nancy is blogging again and has another poem up, Christmas Quest.

Looking for that special gift? Donna has you coverd with Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread and Marshmallows. (Some under my tree? Please? No, really. 🙂

And a thoughtful piece (that no one in D.C. will read, or if they do will comprehend) from Dafydd ab Hugh: The ANWR Lightswitch: On-Off-On…

And another thought-provoking piece from Alexandra, The Clash of Civilizations.

Ahh, man… this post’s already too long, and there are so very many left just in my blogroll alone…

Shamelessly plugged at Right Wing Nation, Jo’s Cafe and Basil’s Blog

A few good reads

Just a few things that’ve caught my eye the last coupla days… most from a window to the Wonderful World of Links (below) plus a few others. Good stuff, Maynard.

Three from TMH’s Bacon Bits: Clinton Eavesdropped on Americans via NSA/Echelon So, does someone want to tell me where the outrage is from the MSM and the Democrat liberal elite, who are so concerned with our civil liberties – especially in a time of war such as now?


Guard the Borders: Round-Up


George Clooney’s New and Improved Liberalism I’m keen on seeing Mr. Clooney’s “change.” It really would be rather easy, if he and his Defeaticrat ilk would simply open their eyes.

[Never happen. He’d have to become an adult.]

The Irate Nation weighs in with its own post in the Guard the Borders Blogburst “Everywhere, illegal aliens receive free public education and free medical care at taxpayer expense; 13 states offer them drivers licenses. States everywhere have been pushed to grant illegal aliens college scholarships and reduced in-state tuition. …

Four from freedom folks :Christmas Parody Songs, including

You hate Christmas, ACLU
You’d like to see it die
You have all the gentle feelings
Of a NAMBLA Jamboree, ACLU


Jackass in a Fox Suit Mexican President Vicente Fox stepped up his attacks on the United States plan to build a fence along its southern border on Sunday, saying it was a “shameful” initiative for a democracy.


I Just Stepped in a Pile of Crap: I read and blogged about this article smearing the Chicago Minuteman Project. What really disturbed me about the article was the complete lack of effort to report news, rather than conveying an opinion.


Lieberman Attacked for Having a Mind of His Own from freedom folks: Democrats in Connecticut are so disturbed by Sen. Joe Lieberman’s stance on the war in Iraq that some are calling for a primary challenge against him in 2006…

[Well, I dare say it’s not so much for having a mind of his own as for having the temerity to speak it against the Groupthink the Mothership is beaming to Loony Left Moonbats through the Mass Media Podpeople. “The emperor has no clothes!” must be shouted by a child (who will then promptly be put on Ritalin). Just sayin’… ]

The Florida Masochist explains (again) that California isn’t the only “California” Florida the rules are different here Chapter XI Here is some news from the Sun-Sentinel. Call me old fashioned, but the main criteria for a police officer is their competence to do their job not their sexual orientation.

Lyn over at Bloggin’ Outloud gives me credit for more influence than I have (nice way to rack up the brownie points, Lyn. I’ll send Santa a priority e- to put something nice in your stocking :-):

Random Search Strings: What is it that draws people to your blog? Is it your witty commentary? Is it being linked to Third World County? No, it’s chaos theory in action.

[I thrive on chaos? Well, yes, I do… Even backhanded faint praise is gladly welcomed. heh I just wonder why so many people around the world keep on coming to TWCâ„¢ searching for pictures of “Swedish pants”…]

The Real Ugly American very rightly points out the obvious… but I’d bet the folks over at Demoncrappic Underpants aren’t listening: True Liberals Support Democracy! As a liberal I support my country promoting Democratic elections and removing murderous dictators from power. Especially when said dictator is a sworn enemy of the United States and has been proven to support our enemies as Saddam Hussein did.

READ THIS from Committees of Correspondence It’s Thank a Soldier Week Pass it on. Take part in Thank a Soldier Week: Say ‘Thank You’ today. As we embark upon the holiday season, we must not forget those who are away from their families defending our freedom. Townhall.com is hosting Thank a Soldier Week this week

[DO take time this week to participate.]

And DO see THIS POST at The English Guy. Rich has the Townhall.com/Country Music Awards clip of folks wishing our troops well.

Bloggin’ Outloud accredits me with undue influence in Random Search Strings What is it that draws people to your blog? Is it your witty commentary? Is it being linked to Third World County? No, it’s chaos theory in action.

More? Sure…

Odd and Odder from The Florida Masochist (one of four, today. Dude, there’s life away from the computer! :-): Can a state’s chief executive be committed?

[Well, let’s start with charging the dude with assault. Then hit him with a charge of “Like Totally Creepy, Dude” on the way to the committment hearings… ]


Troubling: You combine this with the recent NSA story, and I am just having a hard time swallowing all of this. I know we’re at war, but the evidence continues to mount that our government in Washington feels its free to do anything it wants.

[I dunno, FM. This sounds like what’s been going on for roughly about 140 years or so. The feebs have always kept tabs on such groups-at least ever since the Constitution died at Appomattox… ]


Ms. Narim you have too much time on your hands : Some news out of London. Researchers studying what children do with their Barbie dolls? Whose bright idea was this? Was some government funding it? Do people need a life?

[Well, IMO, Barbie needs therapy… ]


The Knucklehead of the Day

[Man! You’ll never get anywhere picking on the Transport Workers Union! 😉 ]

I just love this post of Christine’s.

Head on over to Rick Lee’s for a “George Bush Santa” and other photos from a guy with a really great eye…

Droll, Don: Gun Control, Canuckistan Style. [But, hey… a serious story.]

Waxing nostalgic on Christmas shopping past… Diane posts Those Were The Days

Bou covers “Life with Bones” in He Doesn’t Realize He Lives In a Glass House

Nancy is blogging again and has another poem up, Christmas Quest.

Looking for that special gift? Donna has you coverd with Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread and Marshmallows. (Some under my tree? Please? No, really. 🙂

And a thoughtful piece (that no one in D.C. will read, or if they do will comprehend) from Dafydd ab Hugh: The ANWR Lightswitch: On-Off-On…

And another thought-provoking piece from Alexandra, The Clash of Civilizations.

Ahh, man… this post’s already too long, and there are so very many left just in my blogroll alone…

Shamelessly plugged at Right Wing Nation, Jo’s Cafe and Basil’s Blog

THIS SPACE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK Please fill it with your links.

Open Post. I’m kinda busy, so I’ll round things up later. Questions? See this stuff I shamelessly stole from somebody who mumbles more eloquently than I (yeh, yeh, TMH; I’ll post your links first :-):

“(What’s a trackback? Bad Example explains.) If your blog software can’t send trackbacks you can use Wizbang’s Standalone Trackback Pinger. If you have trouble, please leave a comment.”

Not flogging this puppy, cos it’s just too much like work right now. L8R.

THIS SPACE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK Please fill it with your links.

Open Post. I’m kinda busy, so I’ll round things up later. Questions? See this stuff I shamelessly stole from somebody who mumbles more eloquently than I (yeh, yeh, TMH; I’ll post your links first :-):

“(What’s a trackback? Bad Example explains.) If your blog software can’t send trackbacks you can use Wizbang’s Standalone Trackback Pinger. If you have trouble, please leave a comment.”

Not flogging this puppy, cos it’s just too much like work right now. L8R.

THIS SPACE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK Please fill it with your links.

Open Post. I’m kinda busy, so I’ll round things up later. Questions? See this stuff I shamelessly stole from somebody who mumbles more eloquently than I (yeh, yeh, TMH; I’ll post your links first :-):

“(What’s a trackback? Bad Example explains.) If your blog software can’t send trackbacks you can use Wizbang’s Standalone Trackback Pinger. If you have trouble, please leave a comment.”

Not flogging this puppy, cos it’s just too much like work right now. L8R.

The Marvelous Land of Serendip

While checking for updates on the NT password recovery situation noted here, I ran across a reference to an interesting page (noted in the same post 🙂 that I went back to read in full later, as time permitted.

There, I found this gem, probably well-known in some circles but new to me:

The Acts of Gord (Yes, that “r” is definitely supposed to be there.)

Priceless. Some of the best work I’ve seen. One small example, an excerpt from The Book of Annoyances:

Annoyances: Chapter 2
Wherein The Gord refuses to sell controllers he doesn’t have.

“Do you have any used dual shock controllers?”

No I don’t.

“Yes you do!”

I do?

“Right there!”

Those are the controllers for the demo machine.

“And right there!”

Those belong to the rental units.

“Just sell me one of those.”

And what would I use for rental machines?

“You could open new ones for those. “

Uhm, no.

“Why don’t you have any used controllers?”

Because they usually only come in with a used machine. As such, I sell them with the machines.

“So sell me one of those.”

And sell the machine with no controllers? That’ll go over well.

“You don’t want my business!”

How about I sell you something I have in stock like a new controller?

“I’ll take my business elsewhere.”

Would you mind? I would appreciate that.

There are twenty-four other such examples, just in The Book of Annoyances. Then there are the other nine Books…

Oh. My.


The Marvelous Land of Serendip

While checking for updates on the NT password recovery situation noted here, I ran across a reference to an interesting page (noted in the same post 🙂 that I went back to read in full later, as time permitted.

There, I found this gem, probably well-known in some circles but new to me:

The Acts of Gord (Yes, that “r” is definitely supposed to be there.)

Priceless. Some of the best work I’ve seen. One small example, an excerpt from The Book of Annoyances:

Annoyances: Chapter 2
Wherein The Gord refuses to sell controllers he doesn’t have.

“Do you have any used dual shock controllers?”

No I don’t.

“Yes you do!”

I do?

“Right there!”

Those are the controllers for the demo machine.

“And right there!”

Those belong to the rental units.

“Just sell me one of those.”

And what would I use for rental machines?

“You could open new ones for those. “

Uhm, no.

“Why don’t you have any used controllers?”

Because they usually only come in with a used machine. As such, I sell them with the machines.

“So sell me one of those.”

And sell the machine with no controllers? That’ll go over well.

“You don’t want my business!”

How about I sell you something I have in stock like a new controller?

“I’ll take my business elsewhere.”

Would you mind? I would appreciate that.

There are twenty-four other such examples, just in The Book of Annoyances. Then there are the other nine Books…

Oh. My.


The Marvelous Land of Serendip

While checking for updates on the NT password recovery situation noted here, I ran across a reference to an interesting page (noted in the same post 🙂 that I went back to read in full later, as time permitted.

There, I found this gem, probably well-known in some circles but new to me:

The Acts of Gord (Yes, that “r” is definitely supposed to be there.)

Priceless. Some of the best work I’ve seen. One small example, an excerpt from The Book of Annoyances:

Annoyances: Chapter 2
Wherein The Gord refuses to sell controllers he doesn’t have.

“Do you have any used dual shock controllers?”

No I don’t.

“Yes you do!”

I do?

“Right there!”

Those are the controllers for the demo machine.

“And right there!”

Those belong to the rental units.

“Just sell me one of those.”

And what would I use for rental machines?

“You could open new ones for those. “

Uhm, no.

“Why don’t you have any used controllers?”

Because they usually only come in with a used machine. As such, I sell them with the machines.

“So sell me one of those.”

And sell the machine with no controllers? That’ll go over well.

“You don’t want my business!”

How about I sell you something I have in stock like a new controller?

“I’ll take my business elsewhere.”

Would you mind? I would appreciate that.

There are twenty-four other such examples, just in The Book of Annoyances. Then there are the other nine Books…

Oh. My.


A lil tutorial for IE users… And a Bonus for Win NT/2K/XP users

I had a chuckle when I ran across this:

“…People who visit my page using the Internet Explorer browser are automatically being redirected to a page which explains the fact that the US government has recommended that people stop using IE. After seeing Microsoft’s “answer” to this (the new security “features” built into Windows XP SP2) I can only agree with this recommendation- IE is indeed a dangerous browser…”
Go ahead. If you’re using Internet Exploder, do click on the link above. I set Opera to identify itself as IE just to check. Yep. Lotsa good info for die-hard Internet Exploder users there. You don’t leave your front door unlocked 24/7/365, do you? Park your new car in a shady neighborhood and leave the keys in it? Well, then why are you still using “Internet Exploder: the World’s Crappiest Browser”?
Over at Jo’s Cafe, I ran into her post about password woes on a Win2K computer. She feared she’d have to reformat and reinstall everything. Sadly, I didn’t get to her in time, it seems. *sigh*
Actually, this happens a lot. Folks with NT, Win2K or WinXP computers forget or lose their admin passwords, the SAM file gets corrupted or a malicious user who’s in an admin-priviledged session changes a password as a prank or to cause harm.
There are several ways around this, but the easiest is to boot into a Linux “live” session with a Linux boot CD and use any number of freely available utilities to delete the old password and assign a new one.
Here’s one well-thought-out system: Offline NT Password and Registry Editor. The site has links to two different versions, a floppy-based version and a CD iso you can simply burn using Nero or whatever. Do yourself a favor: download the boot disks/utilites and print out the FAQ. Save it in a safe place. It may save your data, or at least an expensive service call from a techie.
Several “rescue disks” are built around Knoppix (and see this Wiki), probably the first of the “Linux live” CDs. Neat thing: just boot from the CD and you’re running Linux-from the CD itself. Been around a while, and most Linux distros are imitating this. Knoppix is still PDG, though, and getting better all the time. This might help, too, if you have a techie bent:
Anyone who’s a Windows NT, 2K or XP user really ought to have a Linux “live” boot CD for emergencies, IMO. And one with additional “rescue” tools is even better.

A lil tutorial for IE users… And a Bonus for Win NT/2K/XP users

I had a chuckle when I ran across this:

“…People who visit my page using the Internet Explorer browser are automatically being redirected to a page which explains the fact that the US government has recommended that people stop using IE. After seeing Microsoft’s “answer” to this (the new security “features” built into Windows XP SP2) I can only agree with this recommendation- IE is indeed a dangerous browser…”
Go ahead. If you’re using Internet Exploder, do click on the link above. I set Opera to identify itself as IE just to check. Yep. Lotsa good info for die-hard Internet Exploder users there. You don’t leave your front door unlocked 24/7/365, do you? Park your new car in a shady neighborhood and leave the keys in it? Well, then why are you still using “Internet Exploder: the World’s Crappiest Browser”?
Over at Jo’s Cafe, I ran into her post about password woes on a Win2K computer. She feared she’d have to reformat and reinstall everything. Sadly, I didn’t get to her in time, it seems. *sigh*
Actually, this happens a lot. Folks with NT, Win2K or WinXP computers forget or lose their admin passwords, the SAM file gets corrupted or a malicious user who’s in an admin-priviledged session changes a password as a prank or to cause harm.
There are several ways around this, but the easiest is to boot into a Linux “live” session with a Linux boot CD and use any number of freely available utilities to delete the old password and assign a new one.
Here’s one well-thought-out system: Offline NT Password and Registry Editor. The site has links to two different versions, a floppy-based version and a CD iso you can simply burn using Nero or whatever. Do yourself a favor: download the boot disks/utilites and print out the FAQ. Save it in a safe place. It may save your data, or at least an expensive service call from a techie.
Several “rescue disks” are built around Knoppix (and see this Wiki), probably the first of the “Linux live” CDs. Neat thing: just boot from the CD and you’re running Linux-from the CD itself. Been around a while, and most Linux distros are imitating this. Knoppix is still PDG, though, and getting better all the time. This might help, too, if you have a techie bent:
Anyone who’s a Windows NT, 2K or XP user really ought to have a Linux “live” boot CD for emergencies, IMO. And one with additional “rescue” tools is even better.