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Open Post. I’m kinda busy, so I’ll round things up later. Questions? See this stuff I shamelessly stole from somebody who mumbles more eloquently than I (yeh, yeh, TMH; I’ll post your links first :-):

“(What’s a trackback? Bad Example explains.) If your blog software can’t send trackbacks you can use Wizbang’s Standalone Trackback Pinger. If you have trouble, please leave a comment.”

Not flogging this puppy, cos it’s just too much like work right now. L8R.

3 Replies to “THIS SPACE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK Please fill it with your links.”

  1. Maybe I’ll stick w/Danish hams and cheeses. Cheesy furniture I might take a pass on (although, I read something, somewhere, about Ikea being a great place to eat in Europe… or was that a place people were using for free daycare, dumping their kids in the “daycare while you shop” and then taking off for work or whatever?)

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