THIS SPACE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK Please fill it with your links.

Open Post. I’m kinda busy, so I’ll round things up later. Questions? See this stuff I shamelessly stole from somebody who mumbles more eloquently than I (yeh, yeh, TMH; I’ll post your links first :-):

“(What’s a trackback? Bad Example explains.) If your blog software can’t send trackbacks you can use Wizbang’s Standalone Trackback Pinger. If you have trouble, please leave a comment.”

Not flogging this puppy, cos it’s just too much like work right now. L8R.

6 Replies to “THIS SPACE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK Please fill it with your links.”

  1. Unfortunately, I suspect that’s more a reflection of who your visitors are (intelligent enough not to use IE) and not a trend of the general poulation at large.

    I must attract a dumber crowd, because I’m at 72% Internet Exploder for today.

  2. FIAR,

    Well, of course! Lotsa folks who’re smarter than I am comment here. Look at you and TMH, for example!

    TMH, ya don’t have to be too set in your ways to try an EASIER, safer and cleaner browser like Opera (see the link in my left sidebar). *heh* Heck, even I have had no problem handling the differences between a piece0a crap like Internet Exploder and something smoothe and shiny and engineered for safe speed like Opera…

    (N.B. Opera does load more slowly on startup than IE, but there’s a reason for that: it’s not got the deep hooks into the OS that are a large part of the security problems M$ keeps running into with IE… )

    BTW, weird about the comments field… I just tried it in IE using several different resolutions, tried changing text sizes (IE doesn’t do complete page/graphic/text resizing like mature browsers), anything I could think of to “break” the comment box and failed.

    Is your IE broken? Ahhh, it’s too oldtech to rerpair the thing. Just get yourself a new browser…


  3. BTW (commenting in an IE session, now. Eeeewwww! :-)), I am somewhat surprised and disappointed that no one has jumped on the Princess bride hook… Sad.


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