“With Love, The 0!”

I swear… *sigh* After the last year of assaults upon reason, good taste, public and private liberties, MASSIVE attempts to make citizens over into serfs of the “feddle gummint” (say, “Crap n Tax” and “Obumascare”) and more, nearly half the U.S. still expresses support for The 0! in polls and in the mid-to-upper 30% of those polled strongly support this front man for TOTUS.

I’m beginning to think that photos of The 0! “in bed” with a burro, autographed by The 0!, “XXOO, love ya B” wouldn’t be enough to turn the hard core idiots against him. Heck, the “hard core” idiots would probably be delighted…


Let me repeat myself:

“In a democracy (‘rule by mob’), those who refuse to learn from history are in the majority and dictate that everyone else suffer for their ignorance.”-third world county’s corollary to Santayana’s Axiom

Thanks, once again, brain dead majority.

The 0! Establishes The Newspeak Method of Dealing With Terrorisim

“How to Handle the Terrorists” (someone needs to write new lyrics to “How to Handle a Woman”… or maybe not. Perhaps under The 0!’s White Cafe-au-lait House rules a simple word change from “woman” to “terrorist” will do.)

  1. Buy more “stuff”
  2. CYA for so-called “counter-terrorism community”
  3. Free porn for TSA employees!!!
  4. Rearrange the deck chairs.

Go ahead. Watch the speech by TOTUS linked above (as “glibly” er “ummed” through by The 0!). Read between the lines and translate from Dhimmicrappic Newspeak. I submit that my analysis is an accurate summation of the “steps” The 0! announces to “deal with” the problem of “man-caused disaster” (to use HIS DHS appointee’s terminology)–all on the heads of a “small band of violent extremists” not, of course having anything to do with a broadly-based worldwide jihad. Of course, TOTUS’s speech would have been much more convincing (though still as stupid) had TOTUS gotten someone who’s a competent public reader to deliver it.

Or, as Small Dead Animals put it:

The War On Man-Caused Disaster

Bringing a monthly status report to a Semtex fight.

Continue reading “The 0! Establishes The Newspeak Method of Dealing With Terrorisim”

“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

Which of the following definitions of “voluntary” applies to Harry Reid’s use of the term in the video below?

3 entries found.
1voluntary (adjective)
2voluntary (noun)
voluntary muscle (noun)

Main Entry: 1vol·un·tary
Pronunciation: \?vä-l?n-?ter-?\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French voluntarie, from Latin voluntarius, from voluntas will, from velle to will, wish — more at will
Date: 14th century

1 : proceeding from the will or from one’s own choice or consent
2 : unconstrained by interference : self-determining
3 : done by design or intention : intentional [voluntary manslaughter]
4 : of, relating to, subject to, or regulated by the will [voluntary; voluntary behavior]
5 : having power of free choice
6 : provided or supported by voluntary action [a voluntary organization]
7 : acting or done of one’s own free will without valuable consideration or legal obligation

— vol·un·tar·i·ly adverb

— vol·un·tar·i·ness noun

synonyms voluntary, intentional, deliberate, willing mean done or brought about of one’s own will. voluntary implies freedom and spontaneity of choice or action without external compulsion . intentional stresses an awareness of an end to be achieved . deliberate implies full consciousness of the nature of one’s act and its consequences . willing implies a readiness and eagerness to accede to or anticipate the wishes of another .1


Exactly. None of those definitions in any way, shape, fashion or form reflects the system of income taxation that Harry Reid describes as “voluntary”. The system of income taxation that Harry Reid, Bag of Pus, NV, describes as “voluntary” has exactly NO correspondence to any meaning of the word. None. Zip. Zilch. A big zero with the rim kicked off.

I wonder if he’d testify that paying income tax is voluntary if he were subpoenaed to do so in a tax court. *heh* (For all the good it’d do. Past IRS commissioners have also called our system of income taxation voluntary, but that hasn’t stopped the IRS from forcibly seizing property and placing citizens in durance vile for opting out. Fumduck liars. )

On the ObUmascare Bill, Shakedowns and Deficits

While Jerry Pournelle eschews such loaded terms as “Obumascare” his observation in today’s Chaos Manor View certainly gives one pause:

If it cost $300 million to get Landrieu to vote to allow the bill to be debated, what in the world will it cost to get her to vote for the bill itself? And now that she has shown how effective shakedown tactics can be, what will others charge? We may not begin to have seen the deficit spending that the health care bill will cost.

Urm. Let’s see, $300 million here, $300 million there, and pretty soon we’d be talking about real money. Hey! Maybe I can sell my vote for enough to retire on… until Crap n Trade, Feddle Gummint-run healthscare and all the other “great ideas nobody has to pay for” eat up everything I have and I have to go on the dole with everyone else (except for political fat cats and their handlers).

Just shoot me, first.