Janet Napolitano Rides the Short Bus to Reality…

…taking the slow route. The REALLY slow route.

Fox News: Janet Napolitano admits Fort Hood massacre was “Violent Islamic Terrorism”

Well, duh, dumbass. What was your first clue, Sherlock? It’s closing in on four months since Nidal Malik Hasan killed 13 and wounded 30 at Ft. Hood while shouting Islamic B.S., and Janet Napolitano is just now figuring out it was an act of Islamic terrorism.


With people like this in charge of national security issues, the Islamic savages only need to be smarter than the average first first grader. Heck, illiterate morons outclass our Homeland Security chief.

I repeat:


A Spoonful of Sugar

With all the hectoring of those who oppose his attempts to impose his will that The Ø! has been doing recently, I thought I’d give him a little political advice… not that he pays any attention to “the little people”…


Getcher iPod Here!

Polk school district to give iPods to some parents

POLK COUNTY (Bay News 9) — The Polk County school district is giving away iPods to some parents.

The school district is using the device to reward parents of children with disabilities who fill out a 10-minute online survey. The district wants to know how well it’s connecting with the parents and how to get parents involved in their children’s education.

The district is spending about $350,000 in federal stimulus money for the iPods.

The district has more than 10,000 students with disabilities.

*sigh* Too bad The Ø!’s parents are dead, otherwise, they could move to Tampa, fill out a survey and get iPods of their own… After all, The Ø! is mentally (ToTUS, anyone?) and morally disabled, isn’t he?


“[F]ederal stimulus money” *mhwa* If it’s stimulation they’re after, why not give the parents some of this? It’d be both less costly and more honest.

Common Sense? We Don’t Need No Steenkeeng Common Sense!

In the face of such stupidly ironic statements from The Ø! as,

“When times are tough, you tighten your belts. You don’t go buying a boat when you can barely pay your mortgage. You don’t blow a bunch of cash on Vegas when you’re trying to save for college.”

That from the idiot who apparently thinks spending money the country DOES NOT HAVE on wasteful, useless, pork to buy votes for his agenda is the way to deal with a national economic crisis. Cue Bugs Bunny:


“We live in an era in which… government of the government, by the government, and for the government apparently can never vanish from the Earth, but instead will continue to grow…

…Meanwhile, appeals to common sense are futile: we all know the common sense solutions to many problems, but the government of the government by the government and for the government isn’t about to allow that.”–Jerry Pournelle

A common sense approach to dealing with an economic crisis engineered by “feddle gummint” meddling is really quite simple. Not painless, but simple.

“Feddle gummint”: stop spending money we do not have.
Getcher stinking hands off my money! Effect the FairTax and operate the “feddle gummint” on whatever it brings in. Period.

“Feddle gummint”: stop spending money we do not have. That WILL mean fewer “feddle gummint” workers and pork programs and meddling in the personal lives of citizens, which, of course, means less power for Beltway self-anointed elites. Oh, boo-hoo.

Of course, absent some serial counseling sessions with Dr. Tarr and Mr. Fether, I doubt the Beltway Bandits will release their deadly grip on the throat of the U.S.

But miracles happen.

Due to an amazingly uninformed assertion made in comments, I’m adding one lil video that packs enough references to enable ANYONE who wants to do their own homework to fact check it, even glean more information by ignoring the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind propaganda and simply doing a little research:

Quite contrary to the myth propagated by the Hivemind, politicians *spit* and anyone with a commie/socialist/class warfare axe to grind, typified by comments such as this,

I think we can sum up the cause of our current economic crisis in one word — GREED. Over the years, mortgage lenders were happy to lend money to people who couldn’t afford their mortgages.

The Federal government required financial institutions to make sub-prime loans to people who could not afford to pay them back. Outright lies such as the one I quoted above (and no, I will not link to that lying site. Google it if you want) are the core of the meme The Ø!’s administration and co-conspirators are flacking.

But it is a lie. Sure there was greed. Largely on the part of those who sought the loans they could not afford to pay back and on the part of politicians whose “careers” were boosted thereby.

“It Doesn’t Take a Rocket Surgeon”

Yeh, every time I hear or read a mangled expression like that (“It doesn’t take a rocket surgeon”) I know the speaker or writer perhaps has access to a lot of words, but the synapses connecting sound with meaning just aren’t there.

And that, my friends, is what I experience 99% of the time a politician opens his mouth: sound and fury, signifying nothing. Or worse, mangled beyond meaninglessness. But wait! There’s more! Over at Take Me to Your Lizard, I ran across this description of the Giant Step From Reality that is The 0!’s public speaking:

…all this seemed familiar to me, listening to him speak and watching how people reacted to his voice. It took a while but then I remembered why. Obama has the same ability as Saruman, the supposedly good wizard gone very, very bad in Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy to lull the weak-minded with his voice. In the second book, The Two Towers, we find this description of Saruman’s voice on page 183:

…..Suddenly, another voice spoke, low and melodious, its very sound an enchantment. Those who listened unwarily to that voice could seldom report the words that they heard; and if they did, they wondered, for little power remained in them. Mostly they remembered only that it was a delight to hear the voice speaking, all that it said seemed wise and reasonable, and desire awoke in them by swift agreement to seem wise themselves. When others spoke, they seemed harsh and uncouth by contrast; and if they gainsaid the voice, anger was kindled in the hearts of those under the spell. For some the spell only lasted while the voice spoke to them, and when it spoke to another they smiled, as men do who see through a juggler’s trick while others gape at it. For many the sound of the voice alone was enough to hold them enthralled; but for those whom it conquered the spell endured when they were far away, and ever they heard that soft voice whispering and urging them. But none were unmoved; none rejected its pleas and its commands without an effort of mind and will, so long as its master had control of it.

Of course, one must note that at least Saruman began as a good person. One cannot have that assurance about a Chicago politician. But at least now, perhaps I understand a tiny (miniscule, vanishingly small) bit of the comments from folks who rhapsodize about how wonderful a public speaker The 0! is. (But only a wee, teeneintsy tad, cos I’ve never been hypnotized by the man’s supposedly dulcet tones.) I have, since I first heard The 0! speak, thought he was a particularly poor public speaker, because nothing he says makes any sense, and he always seems so… disconnected from what thin content his speeches do contain.

But for some, apparently his voice or something about his presence entrances them, short-circuits what little minds they do possess and leaves them with the impression that something was said.

But for me, his halt, stumblebum delivery and his emotional emptiness coupled with the subliteracy of his teleprompter programmers and the lack of anything actually said has kept me scratching my head up until now. But now I get it, if as “through a glass darkly” (KJV language for “in a cloudy, messed up funhouse mirror” :-)). The complete disconnect between words and meaning and the multiple auto-lobotomies his listeners have subjected themselves to have obviously combined to effect a magic that is quite apart from the rational world of cause and effect. That “magic, entrancing voice” is all simply projection by a bunch of folks who’re NOT nearly as bright as “rocket surgeons” *heh* and so are projecting an illusion of greatness upon the foggy shadow that is The 0!

That’s as close as I can come to grasping why some can actually listen to the same speech I do and come away thinking what they do of the ToTUS’ pet parrot.

That is to say, I still don’t understand it at all, of course. Stupidity that immense is beyond the mind of man to grasp.

My thanks to Nicole, of Autumn People for pointing out the VodkaPundit article that led to the Saruman post.

Harvard “Educated”–Doesn’t Get the Irony

Jonah Goldberg nails the central SOU issue:

He decried the politicians who are in “permanent campaign” mode — the same week he brought into the White House his campaign manager.

Other politicians are vain, cowardly and insubstantial. They need the courage to change. Meanwhile, Obama is great the way he is.

It’s not hypocrisy, folks. It’s the sort of obdurate, terminal stupidity that only “intelligent” people can manage: a delusional blindness to the irony that is The 0! Either that, or he really doesn’t understand the words he parrots off the ToTUS…

Lamest President Ever

President Bush got piled on by some leftards for reading to grade school students and not scaring the children by jumping up and running off in all directions on 9/11. But at least he was never caught using a teleprompter to speak to elementary students…

The TOTUS at Graham Road Elementary School in Falls Church, Va., Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2010, with the useless appendage behind the podium, playing parrot.