6 Replies to “Thanks, Obama”

  1. Now why would I want to protect the “0”? (You did say the guilty party right?)

    I’m never afraid to stand behind my opinions. Although I’m sure they offend a great many on the left.

    My cousin sent me that and I just couldn’t not forward it.

    1. Perri–*heh*

      T.F.–I understand your issue with the vulgarity/child association. I don’t necessarily agree.

      1. ANY person, young or old, who views evil such as that represented by The 0! and his co-conspirators with appropriate, gut-level revulsion is OK by me.

      2. I recently saw a trailer for a movie I’ll likely not watch. A vulgarity-laced dialog issuing from a 12-13-year-old girl’s mouth is what struck most commenters on the trailer. What struck me is that the commenters were much less troubled by the child… assassin aspect. Yep. Mind-blowing violence, up close and personal, wreaked by a child and what troubled all the commenters on the trailer that I read was her foul mouthed dialog. Twisted perspective.

      Just so, I am far, far less troubled by an image of a child flipping off a politician *spit* than I am by the evil being wrought by that politician *spit*. Far less. Especially since the depiction of the child represents hope for the future in that were we to have an army of such children growing up to be voters, the republic might–just might–have a chance for survival. (Let’s wait for the coming November mid-term elections and see if the evil in D.C. that obviously feels it can ignore the People is right. They’re acting like the fix is in, that the vote is already in the bag, as though they know what Stalin knew: “It’s not the people who vote that count; it’s the people who count the votes.”)

  2. While I don’t approve of putting children to use in such a way as to involve them in crude manipulations like “flipping the bird” with the associated four letter word; how’s that for a run on introduction…, in the movie, The Legend of 1900, there is a scene where a little boy sits down and plays beautifully at the piano. He amazes everyone on the ship in the middle of the night, to include the captain, who reminds the little boy that it is strictly against the rules for him to be playing. You’ll never guess what the little boy said, those words slipping out of his mouth, such a cute little boy… Go watch the movie.

  3. T F, I understand your objections to putting children to that sort of use. This picture wasn’t original with me, but it expresses exactly the sentiments the next generation should be feeling toward our “kleptocracy” as David puts it.

    If you look carefully at the picture though, you can see that it looks like it’s a PhotoShop job. The girl appears (to me anyway) to be holding up a closed fist that someone has PhotoShopped the finger into place. Look closely and you can see the inconsistencies in the pattern around the finger. Either that or that first part of the finger closest to her hand is unusually thick and strong.

    Still, your point is taken.

  4. what Stalin knew: “It’s not the people who vote that count; it’s the people who count the votes.”

    Governor Gregoire and Senator Franken certainly seem to know that one.

    1. Indeed, Perri, and it is seeming more than and more that congresscritters are counting on that… (I have no idea what happened to my fingers when I typed that struck-through “than”)

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