“With Love, The 0!”

I swear… *sigh* After the last year of assaults upon reason, good taste, public and private liberties, MASSIVE attempts to make citizens over into serfs of the “feddle gummint” (say, “Crap n Tax” and “Obumascare”) and more, nearly half the U.S. still expresses support for The 0! in polls and in the mid-to-upper 30% of those polled strongly support this front man for TOTUS.

I’m beginning to think that photos of The 0! “in bed” with a burro, autographed by The 0!, “XXOO, love ya B” wouldn’t be enough to turn the hard core idiots against him. Heck, the “hard core” idiots would probably be delighted…


Let me repeat myself:

“In a democracy (‘rule by mob’), those who refuse to learn from history are in the majority and dictate that everyone else suffer for their ignorance.”-third world county’s corollary to Santayana’s Axiom

Thanks, once again, brain dead majority.

5 Replies to ““With Love, The 0!””

  1. Once the public figures out how to vote themselves money from the public treasury, democracy is on the downhill. The only small bonus is that we don’t have a pure democracy. At least in a representative one we (theoretically) nullify some of the lawn chairs & beer votes. Unfortunately, our reps don’t seem to care what we want nowadays.

    1. “Unfortunately, our reps don’t seem to care what we want nowadays.”

      Right. But they do know what to tell the enstupiated sheeple who are historically illiterate in order to be voted into office again and again…

      And the Dhimmicraps, especially, have become really adept at election fraud.

      What do they have to worry about on their march to flushing our rights down the toilet?

      That sounds really depressing. *sigh* Need. To. Fight. Despair.


  2. Enstupiated. I like that.

    Yeah, I have to make myself pay attention to silly junk to take my mind off it all. All I can do is all I can do. I have no control over anyone but myself. That never makes me feel better, but it puts things in some kind of perspective at least.

    1. Yeh. Perspective. The Dhimmicraps are acting like there’s no mid term election coming. And I have little doubt that after the returns are in in the MA race and Brown’s been declared the winner, the Dhimmicraps will find a shoe box or car trunk filled with new “votes”. And continue to do so until they overturn the election. Al Franken/Christine Grigiore/Coakley/etc. No election is unstealable by those who are dishonest enough.

      But. We must keep plugging away at it. The place to win against such odds is at the local level: influencing WHO is selected to run… even if it means becoming a part of the Dhimmicrappic machine and working ones way up in the bowels of the beast. It could take years for a serious fifth column to retake the Dhimmicrappic Party for the good of the nation, which is why that sort oif action has to be a young person’s game. Retaking the Repugnican’t Party is a game for the young AND old…

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