Big Bird’s the Only Issue The Zero Has

And Big Bird is a loser of an “issue”. Aside from Big Bird, all The Zero’s campaign has left is lies. Just a standard response from UNliberal leftists.

Always, always, ALWAYS remember: “slanderer”=”devil”. Literally. (“Devil” is transliterated from Koine: diabolos—>devil. “Diabolos” means slanderer, false accuser, traducer. So, anyone choosing to say The Zero and his co-conspirators are “sons [and daughters] of Satan” could be viewed as making an arguably fair statement. Just sayin’.)

Don’t Pi** on My Leg and Tell Me It’s Raining

In the college town where I spent some of the, urm, more interesting years of my life, there was an old (by that time) doctor of a most eccentric bent. Good sawbones; great “bedside manner” with patients. Nice guy. But… strange sense of humor.

Less weirdly, he raised prize-winning roses and always–always–had a rosebud in his label, in a tiny little vase that was concealed behind the lapel of his coat. He also carried a syringe filled with water to keep the tiny lil vase topped up throughout the day.

One day, I was downtown and ran into Dr. X. We stood talking for a bit on a street corner, waiting for the light change. A woman with a lil “yappy dog” was standing on the other side of him. He gave me w twinkled glance, pulled out his syringe and surreptitiously squirted her on the leg. She kicked the dog, we suppressed our laughter and let her precede us across the street on the light change.

Now, that was funny. But having someone piss on one’s leg for real and say, “Oh, it’s just raining” on a clear blue sky day is worse than insulting. Them thar is fightin’ words, bubba.

I’ll not link to the lying bastards, but the Obama campaign is saying they unequivocally ID all campaign donations, so the huge numbers of donations from foreign sources are legal. This from people who decry voter ID as “racist”.

Liars. Throw the bums out.

Oh, Why Not? Let’s Just Finish the Job and Get It Over With


Yeh, finish the job of turning the US into a third world country hell hole run by a kleptocratic kakistocracy building their own “golden Solyndrachutes” off the blood and toil and sweat and tears of the slaves on the “gummint plantation”–slaves who were once citizens, now in chains. Yep. By all means, let’s just finish that job with The Zero.


Zero Movie

When the movie about The Zero’s reign is made (and, oh, it will be!) themes and titles need to be ready. What would you propose?

“Nothing to See Here; Move It Along…”

Well, actually, nothing in this video was done in a corner, but with cover from the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind (A.K.A. “Bylines for Barry”) most people simply have no idea why The Zero fiddles while the Middle East burns, the US economy crumbles*, our security wanes… This video points to part of the reason. The rest? Well, his stated goal to “fundamentally transform”** the US* explains even more.

Continue reading ““Nothing to See Here; Move It Along…””

About That Most Recent Set of Lies From the Obama Campaign

By now, anyone with more conscious brain activity than a bowl of coleslaw has heard about the scurrilous ad from an Obama-promoting PAC essentially accusing Mitt Romney of being a murderer.

It’s a pack of lies, built by selectively stating a few highly slanted facts… and omitting any truth. And those who presented the ad KNEW they were crafting a slander.

“[They] did enough research to find Mr. Joe Soptic. They did enough research to craft an ad from the man’s sad story. They did enough research to know that Mrs. Soptic died seven years after Romney left Bain, they know that Bain tried to save GST, and they know that an Obama [campaign finance] bundler was the person who ultimately shut GST down. They did the research, they brought the ad forward, and they know more than any of the fact-checkers know, that the ad is a lie.”

They AND the official Obama campaign that introduced Soptic to them also know now AND knew then that Soptic was offered a buy-out, got another job, didn’t put his wife on his insurance–even after she left her job in 2003–and that no insurance under the sun could have saved his wife’s life, since she was symptom-free, was diagnosed during an unrelated illness and passed away 22 days after diagnosis.

And the Obama campaign knew all this back in May, when Stephanie Cutter, deputy Obama campaign manager, hosted a conference call with reporters featuring Soptic and his now infamous story. And yet, of course, the Obama campaign–including Stephanie Cutter, from her own mouth–denied knowing Soptic’s story when the SHTF about the lies in the ad and denied as well any connection to Soptic or the story told in the ad.

Lying about their lies. Oh, well. I guess it’s common enough in this administration to be just another “dog bites man” ho-hummer of a story.