Consider the DMV (and Some People Think It’s a Good Idea to Have Government Manage Health Care?)

Sarah Hoyt posted yesterday about her experiences with “gummint bureaucrappy” (my neologism applied to her descriptive narrative on bureaucracy), and that prodded one of my two active brain cells to simulate something like life.

Her youngest son had to trek (with Mom, for reasons Hoyt skewers) to the DMV for his license.

“…which will then be mailed to him, in a week or two…”

Good Sharkey, Colonel God! That’s worse than I’ve experienced from any DMV in 40+ years’ experience driving! Most recently, it took me 15 minutes and I walked out with my new license. BUT, it did chap my gizzard that for the VERY FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE, thistime, although I have a 40+ years’ easily-trackable record with four states’ DMVs (20 years in this state alone), THIS time I had to have my birth certificate to “prove” I am me. (WTF? How does my birth certificate prove that I am me, unless the whorls on my baby footprints were to be matched up with my adult footprints?) The funny thing? (No, not “funny ha-ha” but “funny gag-gag”.) My birth certificate was temporarily unavailable (long story), so I sent off for a duplicate (yes, a photostatic duplicate that was as exact a duplicate as can be produced, as comparison with my original later demonstrated). To obtain it I had to include a scanned copy of… my current driver’s license.

So, my (then) current driver’s license was all I needed to obtain a duplicate birth certificate… which was needed to renew that driver’s license.

Complete, absolute and total paper-shuffling B.S.

I draw from this sort of thing–and from Hoyt’s post, to which you can surely add your own examples–an extended lesson:

Governments cannot run without some form of bureaucracy, but since bureaucracies are subject to both Parkinson’s Law and Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy, perhaps that’s an argument for anarchy. *heh* The bureacrappic anarcho-tyranny that is now strangling our economy, castrating our liberty and aiding in stultifying society is certainly the most potent argument against surrendering health care to the “tender mercies” of yet more “gummint bureaucraps”.

Just sayin’

Individual Mandate Picking On Individuals to Tax: UPDATED


This post will be pinned to the top of the blog for a week or so. Newer posts will appear below this one.




It seems to me that “individual mandates” as delineated by Justice Roberts’ majority opinion in National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius [pdf file] (the “Obamacare” decision) have long been with us. The “feddle gummint’s” taxation power, exercised through the IRS, has long treated different people differently, taxing some more than others, excluding some from taxation because of behaviors the “feddle gummint” wants to encourage, while taxing those “others” more because they don’t do something the “feddle gummint” wants them to.

It seems to me that the two Very Good Lessons we can draw from this decision are

1. ALL the Dhimmicraps (The Zero and his co-conspirators and the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind and all the Academia Nut Fruitcakes, et al) who promoted Obamacare deliberately, maliciously and wittingly LIED THPOUGH THEIR TEETH to get the thing passed.
2. Justice Roberts very wisely (Niccolò Machiavelli would’ve handed him a gold star) didn’t leave it at obliquely pointing out what liars the Obamacare supporters are but placed the responsibility for fixing the mess where it belongs when he said of the Court:

It is not our job to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices.


My exegesis? If you abhor this law as much as you should, then get up off your fat lazy asses and WORK to elect representatives who will overturn it, and in the future pay more attention to electing representatives who genuinely have the republic’s interests at heart.

Continue readingIndividual Mandate Picking On Individuals to Tax: UPDATED”

Another Constitutional Amendment, Please?

How about an amendment excluding lawyers from holding positions as Supreme Court Justices or being elected to federal office? And while we’re at it, how about including term limits for EVERY federal office, elected and appointed? Oh, and throw in language carving out an exception to the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition on “cruel and unusual punishment” for any elected or appointed “feddle gummint” official or bureaucrap. Since tarring and feathering have faded from contemporary use and become “unusual” and since the practice may be considered (fairly, I suppose) to be “cruel” we need that exception in order to properly chastise those who desire (and work and scheme and lie, cheat and steal) to be our masters.

Once such an amendment were passed (notice the subjunctive mood? *sigh*), perhaps a few “feddle gummint” goons could be tarred, feathered and given lighted torches to play with on their way out of town… pour encourager les autres, as it were. (Oh, that I would live to see the day!)

And Why Would That Be, Exactly?

According to ABC “News” *cough-gag*

Both the Washington Post and CNN report that if the House cites Holder for contempt, it will be the first time in history that a U.S. attorney general is held in contempt of Congress.

Could that be because this is the first time in history that a U.S. attorney general has acted so contemptuously toward Congress? Hmmm? Could be… (Is)

The Hivemind needs to learn to call a spade a spade.

Continue reading “And Why Would That Be, Exactly?”

Oops. By Hivemind Standards, nearly 1-in-4 North Carolinian Blacks Are Racists

It’s a fact. By Hivemind Standards “proving racism” (ANY opposition to The Zero=”racism” according to Hivemind Standards), almost 1/4 of North Carolina’s Black voters are racists.

The Zero received 95% of the “Black” vote in 2008. Recent polls place his support significantly lower in that group:

Not only that, but if you notice, a firm 20% are “self-haterz” (again, Hivemind definitions in operation), since they have come off the Dhimmicrappic Race-Baiting Plantation to declare for The Romney Android 2.X.

Whatever is the world coming to? opposition to The Zero=”racism” according to Hivemind Standards

Big Brother’s Sister’s Keywords

Well, Janet Napolitano’s Goon Squad has assembled a list of keywords that will flag your Internet activity for government spying. First Amendment? Notsomuch anymore. It’s 1984, just a wee tad behind time. (Well, we’ve already had Newspeak for quite some time from “feddle gummint bureacraps”, politicians *gag-spew* and the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind; now we get thugs spying on our exercise of a fundamental right.)

Is anyone surprised by this? If so, I have a question for ya: Been living under a rock in Outer Mongolia?

Bureaucraps Cost More Than They’re Worth

Really. Take just one data point:

Each year, the United States spends $65,000 per poor family to “fight poverty” – in a country in which the average family income is just under $50,000. Meanwhile, most of that money goes to middle-class and upper-middle-class families, and the current U.S. poverty rate is higher than it was before the government began spending trillions of dollars on anti-poverty programs.

Now, I’m all for extending a helping hand to folks in genuine need. I’ve done it myself, as a personal choice. I’ve worked in food banks, homeless shelters and more. But who is the “feddle gummint” really “helping” with its disingenuously-named “war on poverty”? As far as I can see, it’s mostly a full employment program for federal and state bureaucraps, with the rest going to a mix of lazy bums and a few truly needy.

Apart from the very few who really are poor who are the “poor” in America? According to the “feddle gummint’s” own data, they’re part of the figurative “1%”–viewed as against the rest of the world.

According to the government’s own survey data, in 2005, the average household defined as poor by the government lived in a house or apartment equipped with air conditioning and cable TV. The family had a car (a third of the poor have two or more cars). For entertainment, the household had two color televisions, a DVD player, and a VCR.

If there were children in the home (especially boys), the family had a game system, such as an Xbox or PlayStation. In the kitchen, the household had a microwave, refrigerator, and an oven and stove. Other household conveniences included a washer and dryer, ceiling fans, a cordless phone, and a coffee maker.

The home of the average poor family was in good repair and not overcrowded. In fact, the typical poor American had more living space than the average European. (Note: That’s average European, not poor European.) The average poor family was able to obtain medical care when needed. When asked, most poor families stated they had had sufficient funds during the past year to meet all essential needs.

By its own report, the family was not hungry. The average intake of protein, vitamins, and minerals by poor children is indistinguishable from children in the upper middle class and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms. Poor boys today at ages 18 and 19 are actually taller and heavier than middle-class boys of similar age in the late 1950s and are a full one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than American soldiers who fought in World War II. The major dietary problem facing poor Americans is eating too much, not too little; the majority of poor adults, like most Americans, are overweight.


We Americans, on average, have it pretty good in the worldly goods category. But what about “poor” Americans? How do they fare n the worldly goods scale?

Right. Notalotadifference, eh? And that doesn’t even take into account the often–usually–transitional nature of the so-called “poverty” as designated by the “feddle gummint”.

Do note that I know full well that there are folks who are genuinely struggling to meets family needs for food, clothing and shelter, but those folks are vanishingly few compared to the numbers of folks who are really just sucking at the government teat… and assuring paychecks for “gummint bureaucraps” (I refuse to say most government bureaucraps are really doing jobs, although there are some worth having around I’m sure).

Just sayin’.

What the Typical Libtard “Knows” About Christianity

The best, most “positive” view the typical libtard has of Christianity is,

“Jesus paid for our sins, so let’s get our money’s worth.”

Always eagerly answering Romans 6:1, “Yeh,baby!” without even the ability to move onto the next and following verses…

Apart from that, all the typical libtard can do is either cite examples of behavior by people acting in completely UN-Christian ways as evidence that Christianity is evil or simply utter lies for the hell of it. Of course, these are the same people who proclaim that the religion founded and modeled by the mass-murderer, rapist, pedophile, liar, brigand, torturer, slaver and thief, the Butcher of Medina (Mohamed, he who quite obviously, from the testimony of his own lips and the record of his life, now finds his eternal home in hell), is a wholesome “religion of peace,” with absolutely no intended irony.
