Big Bird’s the Only Issue The Zero Has

And Big Bird is a loser of an “issue”. Aside from Big Bird, all The Zero’s campaign has left is lies. Just a standard response from UNliberal leftists.

Always, always, ALWAYS remember: “slanderer”=”devil”. Literally. (“Devil” is transliterated from Koine: diabolos—>devil. “Diabolos” means slanderer, false accuser, traducer. So, anyone choosing to say The Zero and his co-conspirators are “sons [and daughters] of Satan” could be viewed as making an arguably fair statement. Just sayin’.)

3 Replies to “Big Bird’s the Only Issue The Zero Has”

  1. Eventually truth has a way of making its way past all the lies; just a matter of when. I hope it doesn’t wait until the next batch of history books is printed.

  2. We will probably have to wait a couple of generations for the truth to arrive in history books. Academia is currently tightly controlled by the leftist devils already.

    1. I can’t wait that long. I think I’ll just go ahead and write my own history of The Zombie Apocalypse: the Story of The Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind’s Jihad Against Truth, Justice and the American Way.

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