“Nothing to See Here; Move It Along…”

Well, actually, nothing in this video was done in a corner, but with cover from the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind (A.K.A. “Bylines for Barry”) most people simply have no idea why The Zero fiddles while the Middle East burns, the US economy crumbles*, our security wanes… This video points to part of the reason. The rest? Well, his stated goal to “fundamentally transform”** the US* explains even more.


*The Wrecking Crew (the toxic alphabet soup of the “feddle gummint bureaucrappy”) working at The Zero’s bidding.

**”fundamentally transform” the US into a third world country hell hole ruled by a kleptocratic kakistocracy bent on sucking the economic life out of productive Americans to build “golden Solyndrachutes” for The Zero’s cronies, fellow travelers, co-conspirators and goons while working to herd us all into chains on the “gummint plantation”.

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