What Does One Say to “Cwazy Unka Joe”?

My thanks to The Right Scoop

This would be the appropriate answer to Cwazy Unka Joe Biden’s slanderous fat mouth, if more people had as much intestinal fortitude as Sarah Palin:

If we were really domestic terrorists, shoot, President Obama would be wanting to pal around with us wouldn’t he? I mean he didn’t have a problem with paling around with Bill Ayers back in the day when he kicked off his political career in Bill Ayers apartment, and shaking hands with Chavez and saying he doesn’t need any preconditions with meeting dictators or wanting to read US Miranda rights to alleged suspected foreign terrorists. No if we were real domestic terrorists I think President Obama wouldn’t have a problem with us.

Oh,wait, she did say that. At least she has the guts to tell the truth. Indeed. Best answer to Cwazy Unka Joe Biden and other dhimmicraps calling anyone who disagrees with their intent to spend the US into a grave “terrorists”.

Not Just Sloppy Writing

The two people credited in a byline for an article that included the following should be whipped with a dangling participle, along with any editor who passed on their work:

“…the recently re-ignited 40-year-old cold case that has haunted the FBI for years.”

?!? OK, I don’t get paid to write anything, but even I know that is unnecessarily awkward. How about, “…the recently re-ignited cold case that has haunted the FBI for 40 years” instead? It’s even easier to write than the other, too. Clarity, simplicity, brevity: watchwords for reporters to observe carefully, IMO.

Of course, now that I think of it, where would the “journalists” of today find such writing to emulate? (And I’ll admit they’d not find it here, but then I don’t take anyone’s money for this gig.)

Just another small piece of the “literacy means more than just being able to painfully puzzle out those weird chicken scratches on paper” puzzle, along with idiot Hiveminders who don’t know such things as the difference between “affect” and “effect” or “than” and “then” (and don’t pretend you haven’t seen such abortions of literacy in print or heard them from Podpeople Pie Holes).

Such people don’t even qualify as subliterates in my book. That would be giving them too much credit.

OK, OK, these sorts of things have been around forever, I suppose. I just notice them more and more often nowadays. But… re-reading (and taking very little time to do so *heh*) a book from the so-called “Golden Age of Science Fiction” authored by one of its pillars, I ran across,

“…according to their desserts.”

Where the author meant, “according to their deserts.”

Yes, the first instance is incorrect and the second is correct. Check me, if you wish. I’ll wait. 🙂

OK, back now?

Now, that incorrect word usage may have been a slip of the typewriter 61 years ago, though since I’m conversant with this author’s work in print, and he was more literate than 99% of fair-to-middlin’-to-pretty darned good contemporary authors, even given the space opera-ish tone of his work, I suspect an error in transcription crept in along the way to the eBook edition.

And naturally, it went flying right past any proofreader or editor with nary a pause.

Chaps my gizzard, it does… *heh*

Dog Bites Man Redux

*yawn* Old, old news in new clothing. The subject line? “AP flunks science”. So? What else is new? Don Surber quotes the Associated Press:

NEW YORK (AP) — The extreme heat that’s been roasting the eastern U.S. is only expected to get worse, and residents are bracing themselves for temperatures near and above boiling point. [emphasis added]

Wow! That’s some heat wave! Temps near or above 212°F? 100°F would be boiling point for such highly flammable chemicals as acetaldehyde, but “boiling point” in normal parlance refers to the boiling point of water at standard pressure, 212°F.

But what can you expect from one of the chief Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind mouthpieces of The Cult of Anthropogenic Global Climate Scare-ism? Ordinary knowledge of common science? Nah. Never. Ain’t a-gonna happen on the AP’s watch!


A Simple Equation

The Reality-Based Fantasies of the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind, Academia Nut Fruitcakes, Hollyweird and all the Loony Left Moonbat Brigade of leftard fellow travelers and useful idiots is to reality what “Reality TV” is to, well, reality. That is, both classes, the Reality-Based Fantasies of the left and “Reality TV” are simply lies. That “Reality TV” shows are putatively innocuous lies, supposedly entertaining (though I have never found them so, even though I’ve given each one at least one shot to garner my attention, just to be fair) and highly-manipulated fictions set in extremely unreal circumstances designed to primarily just waste brain-dead viewers’ time (and kill a few more brain cells), the lies of the left are designed for more nefarious purposes.

But both are, in essence, simply lies.

So, [the left’s Reality-Based Fantasies~”Reality TV”]=Lies.

I Don’t Like Donald Trump

He’s a blow-dried blowhard, IMO. Just listening to him speak gives me a rash.

But. My, oh, my, didn’t he snooker Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind into hoisting itself with its own petard? You probably know the details by now. The Hivemind has been covering for The Zero’s failure to produce a verifiable copy of an official source document–his birth certificate–for several years now by claiming the “anyone can phone in a part” computer-generated copy of a Hawaii Certificate of Live Birth is the same as a birth certificate, which names names and places, including the delivering physician and place of delivery, as well as signatures of witnesses to the birth and an official acceptance of their representations.

Nope, for The Zero, a document that’s computer generated and simply stating that a birth took place is enough.

But, when Trump released his “Birth Certificate” the Hivemind immediately jumped to attention and sneered, almost as one (as any “good” hivemind is wont to do), that what Trump had produced wasn’t good enough. No, it was merely a hospital “birth certificate” (complete with witness signatures, name of delivering physician, etc.–IOW, much, much more info than on the computer-generated piece of crap they say if good enough for their Obamassiah) and so proved nothing.

So, what did Trump then do? Oh, he released his official Department of Health Birth Certificate.


If the Hivemind had any scruples whatsoever, it’d be wearing sackcloth and ashes, flagellating itself with steel-tipped whips and wailing in repentance.

BTW, I checked, and if I needed an official replacement B.C., all it’d take would be

1. a copy of my current driver’s license or similar ID
2. an SASE
3. $15

Big. Stinking. Deal. That’s something that wouldn’t even take 15 minutes over a lunch break to handle. I guess The Zero’s just not had 15 minutes to take care of such an onerous task anytime in the last 3-4 years since the issue was first raised.

But he and his minions have had many, many hours and millions of dollars to invest in preventing anyone from compelling him to produce a birth certificate, as other presidents have had to do. (Anyone recall the kerfuffle about Chester A. Arthur’s natural citizenship qualifications? Oh, I suppose you just weren’t around at the time… *heh* But heck, surely you recall Dwight Eisenhower having to produce his legal birth certificate to get on the ballot in 1952? I mean, sure he’d graduated West Point, served honorably in the armed forces and been a public figure for years, etc., but he still had to produce a birth certificate to show the circumstances of his birth to run back in those days of yore… )

Maybe The Zero and his minions have spent those millions to avoid the release of his official birth certificate simply as their own private means of preserving or creating jobs in the legal sector during the economic downturn. Yeh, that’s it: it’s just private charity.

Silver Lining?

It’s too early (or is it?) to look for a “silver lining” to the cloud of 01-07-11’s Arizona shootings, but talk–even some limited talk by politicians, of all things!–spurred by vitriolic lies from the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind about causes of the shooting may well yield a silver lining to that dark cloud. One observation was highlighted by a reader, Don Rubottom, of a James Taranto piece,

“…all successful politicians have at least a capacity to imitate civility and compassion in a way that makes voters willing to believe them to be human.”

We would do well to take note of this observation and attempt to clearly discern the correlation between (and relationship or even causality, if any *heh*) the speech of politicians and their behavior. Sure, the other day, at the T-Shirt and Beer Bust Arizona “memorial” hosted by The Zero, da big Kenyan (Well? Wo? We don’t know and he ain’t showin’ his papers) spoke words of moderation and conciliation, mildly (Oh, so mildly) rebuking the recent Hivemind excretion of lying memes.

Well-coached, he departed only once, it seems, from the advance copy TOTUS was supposed to feed him (although I’ve not seen any report of whether that “ad lib” really was an ad lib or if it had been inserted into TOTUS’ feed into the “presidential sock puppet’s” mouth), and that was to emphasize the fact that the Hivemind’s rush to blame the shootings on Limbaugh, Palin and TEA Party rhetoric was uncalled for.

Apparently a lone adult is still on The Zero’s staff and was able to have substantial influence on the script TOTUS fed him.

So, were his parroted words sincere? Or were they just a reasonable facsimile of civility and compassion? From a contemporary leftard politician, I’m willing to accept a reasonable facsimile for now. It’s so refreshingly different, you know?

“TOTUS” for those who’ve been living on a strict Mennonite farm for the past few years, is “Telepromper of the United States”–The Zero’s external brain.

No “News” Here

If we are to believe the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind characterization of the “Restoring Honor Rally” last Saturday in D.C., we’d come away with something like the See B.S. report of a “mere” 87,000, as opposed to some other, grudging, reports of better than 300,000 (reluctantly noted by NBC, with hints of 300,000 KKK hoods just waiting in the wings for all the fat, white crackers to don).

Pictures, though…

A Tea Party face if ever there was one. Little girl from Arlington, VA, holding an American flag while attending the the “Restoring Honor” rally, organized by Glenn Beck, in Washington, on Saturday, Aug. 28, 2010. How many lil white kids did the media find welcome at the Al Sharpton rally? *crickets chirping* Nope, no racism on the Left…

87,000? Well, there’s no B.S. like CBS.

And for a lil black humor *heh* here’s a screencap of CNN’s captioning gaffe, found at Michelle Malkin’s place:

As Malkin points out, three factual errors in one caption. A hat trick. WTG CNN! (Dumbasses)

The Decline

Obama and his co-conspirators have one story, but the facts on the ground call them liars:

Christie for President?

Maybe it’s time for anorexic politicians to be pushed out of national politics?

Gov Christie calls S-L columnist thin-skinned for inquiring about his “confrontational tone”.

“Now, I could say it really nicely. I could say it in the way that you all might be more comfortable with. Maybe we could go back to the last administration where I could say it in a way you wouldn’t even understand it. . . . When you ask me questions, I’m going to answer them directly, straightly, bluntly, and nobody in New Jersey is going to have to wonder where I am on an issue. . . .”

We need more of this from politicians *spit* in general. No more bullshit.