Silver Lining?

It’s too early (or is it?) to look for a “silver lining” to the cloud of 01-07-11’s Arizona shootings, but talk–even some limited talk by politicians, of all things!–spurred by vitriolic lies from the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind about causes of the shooting may well yield a silver lining to that dark cloud. One observation was highlighted by a reader, Don Rubottom, of a James Taranto piece,

“…all successful politicians have at least a capacity to imitate civility and compassion in a way that makes voters willing to believe them to be human.”

We would do well to take note of this observation and attempt to clearly discern the correlation between (and relationship or even causality, if any *heh*) the speech of politicians and their behavior. Sure, the other day, at the T-Shirt and Beer Bust Arizona “memorial” hosted by The Zero, da big Kenyan (Well? Wo? We don’t know and he ain’t showin’ his papers) spoke words of moderation and conciliation, mildly (Oh, so mildly) rebuking the recent Hivemind excretion of lying memes.

Well-coached, he departed only once, it seems, from the advance copy TOTUS was supposed to feed him (although I’ve not seen any report of whether that “ad lib” really was an ad lib or if it had been inserted into TOTUS’ feed into the “presidential sock puppet’s” mouth), and that was to emphasize the fact that the Hivemind’s rush to blame the shootings on Limbaugh, Palin and TEA Party rhetoric was uncalled for.

Apparently a lone adult is still on The Zero’s staff and was able to have substantial influence on the script TOTUS fed him.

So, were his parroted words sincere? Or were they just a reasonable facsimile of civility and compassion? From a contemporary leftard politician, I’m willing to accept a reasonable facsimile for now. It’s so refreshingly different, you know?

“TOTUS” for those who’ve been living on a strict Mennonite farm for the past few years, is “Telepromper of the United States”–The Zero’s external brain.

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