I Sincerely Hope This Proves to be “Not Interesting”


WHat to do for lunch? Oh, this: I just began an “Anytime Upgrade” of Lil Toy Computer from Windows 7 Home Premium to Win7 Ultimate using a spare (completely legal, purchased in a “bulk” deal for personal use only from M$) full install key.

I hope the upgrade process and result is as boring as possible. I really don’t have time for “interesting” today. I’ll let you know…

Took eight minutes. Entirely “automagical”. *yawn* So, what’s the result? In practical terms, it means I now get to use the Local Group Policy Editor on this machine (updating this post from Lil Toy Computer, now) as well as the machines (physical and virtual) running Win7 Professional.

Offhand Thoughts

I am so very, very sick and tired of the Welfare State mentality. If the “feddle gummint” is going to steal income from productive citizens to give to those who are–forwhatever reason–not productive, then the recipientsof that largesse should be required to contribute to society in substantive, meaningful ways.

While my grandfather disparaged the 30s Roosevelt “feddle gummint” WPA as “We Piddle Along” quasi work, I do walk across a WPA bridge here in my lil home town regularly, and there are several enduring public works edifices that are in daily, constant use here in America’s Third World County. I say, let’s revive the WPA and put ALL adult (by age, since so few are adult by emotional/civic development) welfare recipients to work, as long as they’re on the dole in any way, shape, fashion or form. Sure, some of them are “disabled” in some (often indiscernible to common sense, manufactured by an institutionalized victimology) way, but even those can be compelled to work at some sort of clerical work, freeing those who can walk and see (or whatever) to do manual labor, building things for those who provide for their sustenance… and actually providing benefits for themselves and their often over-abundant progeny along the way.

In projects such as improving the (still) millions of miles of dirt roads in the many places like America’s Third World County where travel in wet or winter weather can be treacherous, perhaps using a nearly all-manual labor method based on Roman road construction techniques, such people could become net benefits to society instead of being, as now, simply leeches.

Side benefits: most would enjoy (though not in a necessarily pleasureful sense *heh*) better health as a result, and others would likely drop dead from performing the first real work in their lives. Win-win, IMO.

#2: This post, asking whether ISPs should block service to computers infected with botnet malware, brings this response from me:

Definitely. Block people who INFECT THEMSELVES with such a bot. It’s little difference to no tolerance for drunk drivers on the roads or shouting cell phone users in a restaurant. All are the result of stupid people who have no regard for others, and absent tarring and feathering, ostracizing and otherwise punishing them for their rude, willfully stupid behavior is the best tactic.

And no, users’ computers do not “get infected” with malware. Users infect themselves by poor, unsafe computing practices. Allowing them to inflict their bad behavior, causing network slowdowns and worse, on others is simply wrong. Ideally, tarring and feathering would be on the table… *heh*

#3. Speaking of drunk drivers above reminded me to once again plug for justice for drunk drivers who harm or kill others. Physical damage to property? Value of the property times seven to be assessed against the drunk and paid ONLY to the person harmed (the drunk CHOSE to get drunk and then drive, and any person with half the brain capacity of a boiled head of cabbage knows the dangers of driving drunk). Bodily damage to person(s)? Whatever assets the drunk has forfeited to those damaged and double the injuries assessed actually performed on the drunk’s body. While the drunk is sober and conscious. In public. Broadcast. Drunk driver kills someone? All assets forfeited to the victim’s family and drunk driver made into road paste by dropping his car on him until only a gooey smear is left to be hosed off the road. In public. Broadcast.

You think a few of those would cause some folks to reconsider getting drunk, strapping on their homicide and mayhem weapon and driving off into the night? I do. Just make sure there are NO exceptions. None. Zilch. Zero-with-the-rim-kicked-off none.

Sure, I’d go for it on a basis limited by whatever State might choose to enact such a draconian measure. Let the feds say it’s a violation of the 8th Amendment, claiming some sort of 14th Amendment extension of the 8th Amendment (as has been improperly done with others). ANd let that State grow a pair and tell the “feddle gummint” to “Stick it up your nose, blow it out your ears and rub it in your hair. Now, go away or we shall taunt you a second time-a.”

It’s about time for some justice for victims and for the States to tell the “feddle gummint” to take a long walk off a short pier.

BTW, re:#2 above, from the intro to a recent white paper:

“…a substantial amount of malware is spread simply by sending a link to the malware, together with some social engineering to try and induce the recipient into clicking on the link. This trend has presented traditional anti-virus and anti-spam engines with a problem. Since the malware itself is not present in the e-mail, conventional scanners are unable to detect even simple and well known threats.”

Quite true. “…a substantial amount of malware is spread simply by sending a link to the malware…” and only careless or lazy idiots click on such links. Doesn’t EVERYONE know to screen any html emails for such things, or, better yet, accept/read ONLY plain text emails? *sheesh* Asking for trouble… If checking the links in emails is too much trouble, a user should at least have someone who’s bothered to become a technically competent computer user set their system up to open links in emails in a sandboxed browser, so that any links to malware-infested sites (or direct links to malware installations) can’t actually infect the user’s computer. OR, use something like AVG’s Linkscanner andonly check mail in a web browser, OR use a modern web browser that warns about unsafe pages–and pay attention to the warnings! Any of these less-effective methods are better than simply letting oneself be gulled into CLICKing on a link to malware out of laziness and stupidity.

Congresscritters on the Way to DC?

Lovely Daughter took the following pic while on the road the other day (I need to talk w/her about her driving behavior, eh? ;-)). My only mods to it were some cropping and some quick-and-dirty (and very sloppy) cloning to cover some names and phone numbers.

*heh* In comments, Nicole suggests the jackasses are running away from D.C. You know, she’s probably right on… more than one level.

What Do You Call a Gathering of “Maroons”?

Think Bugs Bunny’s infamous “What a maroon… “

Well, Woody was the first one to clue me in on the latest from that conspiracy of dunces, posting this,

This is the new logo for the Party of Voting Dead, Illegals and Felons? Oh, well. Woody then posted a number of more reasonable representations of the party’s real agenda and nature, even adding one based on a comment I made. I took that graphic representation and modified it as below:

Yeh, yeh, I didn’t do a really close color match to the original, but in my defense, it’s about 3:30 a.m. here… *yawn*

I Have a Problem With This Picture

No, not with the idea. Look, if the guy’s right-handed, carrying his Bible in his right hand will interfere with his draw. If he’s a leftie, he’s not carrying his handgun properly for a efficient draw. Someone needs to think about these things…

Yet Another Lame “Warning”

(20+ years malware-free on my personal computers, speaking here.)

I am so very tired of this kind of thing,

“As a user who has fallen prey to this new rogue / virus, while surfing the net using IE9, let me share my personal experience with you.”

So very many stupidities in one brief sentence; where to begin? I’ll start with the least offensive element: “rogue / virus”. No, dumbass, “rogue/virus”. *sheesh*

Now, the next least offensive: “surfing the net using IE9”. Why do such a thing? It’s still in beta and… it’s still Internet ExPloder. Lame; truly lame. As much as the thing is touted as having been improved, features added, etc., it’s still far behind modern browsers in features and compatibility with standards.

But the really offensive statement is, “As a user who has fallen prey to this new rogue / virus [sic]…”

1. “[F]allen prey” indicates the attack was waiting in ambush for an innocent passerby. Not so, as I will explain in a moment.
2. “[N]ew rogue / virus [sic]”. No it’s not. It’s the rogue Antivirus 2010, which is almost exactly the same as the rogue Antivirus 2009 and the… etc. “New” it is not. It’s so old, it’s almost reached puberty. *heh* And it always achieves its infestation of a user’s computer by direct action by that user. Sure, it’s “laying in wait” to lure a stupid, lazy* user into installing it, but if one simply doesn’t install it, one will not be infected.

And, BTW, while I’ve seen the invitations to infect myself while surfing, it’s only while surfing with Internet Exploder or Firefox that I’ve seen these popups. Of course, the really stupid folks who infect themselves do so by clicking on static ads that lead to a direct download and install of one of the variants of this crap.

And the comment, “Not sure of which site infected me… ” once again says the author doesn’t recognize or accept responsibility for infecting himself–typical of most users infected with malware. Here’s a brief video that demonstrates the typical steps someone has to take to infect themselves with this pest:

No, it’s not “As a user who has fallen prey” but “As a user who has stupidly infected himself.”

Oh, the really funny thing about the article I find offensive overall? “…Antivirus 2010 labeled Alureon.h, though recognized by current security software like Microsoft Security Essentials and Malwarebytes, can remove the virus, but the after effects of the removal will disable users from using IE9.”

Bud, that’s not a negative. It’s a benefit.

Word of advice: If you ever do infect yourself with some malware, the FIRST step to recovery and prevention of future infections is to admit your own culpability. This guy’s just going to keep on infecting himself and refusing to accept responsibility, I’d bet.

*stupid and lazy? Yes. While one could say “naive” in this day and time a naive computer user running loose with an internet connection and installing apps willy-nilly is definitely the result of their own (or in the case of a child user, an irresponsible adult’s) stupidity and laziness. Period. No exceptions.

Update: catch the whiny, crybaby tantrum (replete with continued denial of responsibility for infecting himself) posted by the author of the screed I deplore in my lil rant. Sounds a bit angry doesn’t he? But… over at a Shoutbox forum (scroll down to the actual post), he records his reaction to my lil post differently:

“I was shown this article today in response to the article I wrote about IE9 and the Antivirus 2010 virus. I almost spit my drink all over my computer, laughing, when I read it…”

Quite the contrast to his crybaby tantrum here, isn’t it? Methinks the dude can’t even lie well.

BTW, just for posterity’s sake (because you can never trust liars not to “pull a Charlz Green”), here’s a screencap of the guy saying my post was funny, not “inducing frothing at the mouth anger” as his comment here indicates:

What a maroon...

In Re: the “Challenge of the Sith”

LC Aggie Sith has issued a challenge of sorts. I say, “of sorts” because the ground rules are rather vague. I’m not sure, for example, if not doing this correctly will result in a duel to the death with light sabers or simply the scorn of the blogosphere, but oh, well…

1. I like dogs. No great revelation, but as much as I like ’em, we don’t have one in the family right now. Was offered a really nice Pit Bull pup about a week ago, but…

2. I hated beer for most of my life. Then I discovered stuff that was unlike the typical “better poured back into the horse it came out of” manufactured American gagme. Beer: the second Holy Brew.

3. I don’t like coffee. I love it. But for the next few weeks, I’m off the stuff. Don’t ask. I won’t tell. 🙂

4. I’m handy with my hands. A regular Mr Fixit. But right now almost all my tools I need for projects at twc central are languishing elsewhere, so I’m less handy than usual.

5. I have a couple of degrees I don’t use at all. Anyone want ’em?

6. I was 38 before I got “hooked” by computers. A (moderately) late model Tandy TRS-80 did me in. The addiction has only worsened as I’ve aged.

7. Spicy? You think you like spicy? Try some of my habanero sauce. 😉 Jalapeños are for the kiddie table.

8. I’ve put over 250,000 miles on each of more cars than I even want to recall. Traveling’s no longer my thing. Short jaunts into the piney woods of America’s Third World County are about my speed anymore.

9. I have relatively small feet. Make of it what you will.

10. I have more scars than you do. Do too. *heh*

There. Do I get a bunny or a face-off with light sabers?