In Re: the “Challenge of the Sith”

LC Aggie Sith has issued a challenge of sorts. I say, “of sorts” because the ground rules are rather vague. I’m not sure, for example, if not doing this correctly will result in a duel to the death with light sabers or simply the scorn of the blogosphere, but oh, well…

1. I like dogs. No great revelation, but as much as I like ’em, we don’t have one in the family right now. Was offered a really nice Pit Bull pup about a week ago, but…

2. I hated beer for most of my life. Then I discovered stuff that was unlike the typical “better poured back into the horse it came out of” manufactured American gagme. Beer: the second Holy Brew.

3. I don’t like coffee. I love it. But for the next few weeks, I’m off the stuff. Don’t ask. I won’t tell. ๐Ÿ™‚

4. I’m handy with my hands. A regular Mr Fixit. But right now almost all my tools I need for projects at twc central are languishing elsewhere, so I’m less handy than usual.

5. I have a couple of degrees I don’t use at all. Anyone want ’em?

6. I was 38 before I got “hooked” by computers. A (moderately) late model Tandy TRS-80 did me in. The addiction has only worsened as I’ve aged.

7. Spicy? You think you like spicy? Try some of my habanero sauce. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Jalapeรฑos are for the kiddie table.

8. I’ve put over 250,000 miles on each of more cars than I even want to recall. Traveling’s no longer my thing. Short jaunts into the piney woods of America’s Third World County are about my speed anymore.

9. I have relatively small feet. Make of it what you will.

10. I have more scars than you do. Do too. *heh*

There. Do I get a bunny or a face-off with light sabers?

8 Replies to “In Re: the “Challenge of the Sith””

  1. In reference to #4, here’s a quote for you: “If the women don’t find you handsome they should at least find you handy.”

    Not that that pertains to you at all. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. (Red Green’s my hero :-))

      Well, they do (and yes, despite my Wonder Woman’s disclaimer, I’m not–handsome that is*), which is why I spent more than a year of “spare time” working on Lovely Daughter’s house (well, her beau’s, before they were married)… and letting ours languish.


      *It’s a law of nature that the uglier a man is, the better the woman he ends up with; and the corollary is that good women canNOT see “ugly” in their men… ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. That was a good read. ๐Ÿ™‚
    5. *raising my hand*
    8. Do you stick with a certain type of car? Just wondering how you always get so many miles out of one.

    1. You don’t need a degree, Mel, as you’ve proven your competence.

      No particular model/make, Mel. I have used all synthetic lubricants and done all my own maintenance and most repairs myself for about 35 years. The only car I’ve driven (save for one totaled out from under me by a guy who crossed the center line on a 2-lane road) that hasn’t “gone the distance” was a 1972 Jaguar XJ12. *sigh* Constant issues with the Lucas crap, primarily. A real PITA car when it wasn’t running perfectly.

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