A rant by any other name…

Or should I say, “A rant of a different color”?

Before I rant, a disclaimer of sorts: anyone who reads the following rant resulting from an extreme distaste for the kakistocracy that runs Mexico and its blatant aiding and abetting (and direct involvement!) in the violation of American sovereignty and accuses me of being racist is a jackass. And that’s putting it politely. Far more politely than any such accusation might deserve.

Now, a note to Vicente Fox’s Lapdog, AKA President George W.Bush:

If you had balls the size of BBs, you’d take the casus belli offered the U.S. via state-sponsored violations of American sovereignty* and shove it down Mexico’s throat: declare war on Mexico. Invade it and kick all the Mexicans out (for being illegal aliens on American property). Send ’em to Castro and Hugo Chavez to deal with. Oh, keep the ricos for use in hard labor on chain gangs, breaking rocks and swamping raw sewage to dump on their resort beaches and the like. Rape the land of its amazingly rich natural resources (oil at $15 a barrel? You betcha!), and when it’s all gone, salt the land with, well, salt, vacate and tell the former owners they can have it all back, best o’ luck to ya now! Head on back north behind a 2,000 mile long 100′ high fence that’s TOTALLY militarized.

That’d tell folks the U.S. is serious about security and serious about soverignty. State-sponsored invasion? Wanna play that game, better lay back and enjoy the ride.

Rant OFF. For now.

*On top of Mexican government policies encouraging alien invasion of the U.S., Mexican military incursions onto U.S. soil to protect drug runners and other illegal aliens_1_,_2_,_3_ are rampant. And Vicente Fox’s Lapdog talks about “cooperation” between American and Mexican authorities to control the border! Cooperation? Yeh, a one-way street. Sell out the Minutemen, turn a blind eye to Mexican military incursions and give a wink and a nod to the Mexican government publishing handbooks on how to sneak across our border.

Yeh, I’m still pi**ed off. But I’m not ranting, now. No, you’ll know it when I’m ranting…

Kixking and screaming and throwing breakables all over the place at TMH’s Bacon Bits.

The Health of the Republic

While I recommend you read the whole thing, once again Jerry Pournelle puts his finger on a critical issue concerning the health of the Republic:

The House, which is the most democratic of our institutions, apparently sees what must be done. The President, Senate, and Judiciary have their own agendas.

Republican institutions are supposed to temper the temporary whims of the democratic electorate in favor of their long term interests. We have a total reversal here. The electorate has been in favor of border control for thirty years, but we don’t have it due to the politicians.

Do note that in this case Dr. Pournelle uses “Republican institutions” to mean the institutions designed by the Founders and Framers to institute and maintain a Republic, a form of government that is sadly slipping from us at an accelerated pace, as witness the elitist disregard so many in D.C. have for maintaining it…

“Not amnesty”?

I’ve railed about President Bush’s lie declaring that allowing illegal aliens to stay and work legally isn’t amnesty. If it isn’t what is it?


The action of a government by which all persons or certain groups of persons who have committed a criminal offense—usually of a political nature that threatens the sovereignty of the government (such as sedition or treason)—are granted immunity from prosecution.

OK, so if President Bush’s plan is “not amnesty” are the illegal aliens going to be prosecuted for forging/or using forged documents? Tax fraud/evasion? Illegal entry? What? If it isn’t amnesty, then they will be pro=secuted under the applicable laws, and if convicted, punished under those laws. Aliens here legally, those who have followed all the rules, jumped through all the hoops and waited patiently in line to enter lawfully, are all subject to deportation for breaking our laws.

So, if those here illegally are not to suffer the consequences of their illegal actions as defined in the laws at the time they vilolated them, then what President Bush propses is amnesty.

And that again confirms that he lied through his teeth to us all Monday evening.

Saying they will “pay a meaningful penalty for breaking the law” but NOT prosecuting them under the laws they broke but instead simply placing on them the responsibilities all legal inhabitants of this land already must address, President Bush proposes… no penalty. Nada, zilch, nothing, zero-with-the-rim-kicked-off.

That’s amnesty. And President Bush, and every single person pushing that lie, knows it.

If they do not know it, then they are too stupid to walk and chew gum at the same time.


Trying out the “auto-links” feature at Rashbre Central.

Get The FairTax Book—Now in paperback!

Of the critical issues facing America today—Islamic terrorism (heck, Islam. Leave it at that); Alien Invasion; Wavering manufacturing capabilities and other economic amphiboli; The staggering failure of public education and the eventual collapse of Social Security along with whatever straw breaks the camel’s back of our national debt, one issue can be addressed clearly, unequivocally and effectively now:

The crippling income tax system.

In fact, the Fair tax bill now in Congress can actually have a positive effect on most of the critical issues listed above.

Not so much on Islamic Jihad, though the effects of a strengthened economy the Fair Tax would promote would even have some effect there.

The Alien Invasion? Wouldn’t it be nice if all the illegal aliens paid federal taxes? No, really. And got not one dime back in “refunds”? The Fair tax would make that a certainty. A rock solid sure thing.

(Nanny-nanny-boo-boo to President Bush’s, fake “pay a meaningful penalty”.)

Social Security and Medicare? Fully funded with the Fair Tax.

And everyone gets a refund on taxed necessities up to the poverty level. Everyone. Completely fair. Completely non-regressive. Absolutely progressive. Fairly, since it only taxes purchases at retail.

But you NEED to know all about what the Fair Tax will do so you can intelligently talk to your congresscritters and your friends, relatives and business associates/coworkers about it.

Now, it’s less expensive to be fully informed. The Fair tax Book is in paperback, and it’s under $10.

Do yourself, your children and your grandchildren a favor and buy a copy (or two) and read it—no! study it, and learn what you need to know to be fully informed.

It is that important, folks.

Make April 15 just another day!

The Fair Tax Book : Saying Goodbye to the Income Tax and the IRS

The Fair Tax Book : Saying Goodbye to the Income Tax and the IRS

Send this fax…

…to the White House, to your Senators and to your Congressmen. vary it as you will, but here’re the bones:

The President proposes a “meaningful penalty” for illegal aliens. They must pay their taxes, work and learn English in order to “earn citizenship”.

Penalties, eh? Gee. I pay taxes, work and speak English. What am I being penalized for?

Blog this, spread the meme, send the emails and faxes to the relevant political poltroons, make those phone calls.

And report back here via comments and trackbacks.

Do this. Spread the meme: according to President Bush’s “penalty” for illegal aliens, citizens are being penalized for… being citizens. The President’s program for illegal aliens IS amnesty.

Just do it.

What does Ferdy think? Ferdy ain’t talkin’ cos he’s tired…

Linkin’ in to Kevin’s Carnival of the Trackbacks, too.

Another reason to avoid “Snake McCain” as a presidential candidate

John “Snake” McCain, serial liar, enemy of the people (can anyone say McCain-Feingold?), on the President’s amnesty proposal:

“It is not amnesty. Amnesty means forgiveness… The fact is that is it earned citizenship… payment of back taxes, payment of a few thousand dollar fine and get in line behind everyone else in order to get a green card…”

How is this not amnesty?

Payment of back taxes and a few thousand dollar fine? YOU try to not pay taxes for a few years and see what kind of fine (or other penalty) the IRS levies. How is payment of back taxes and a slap-on-the-wrist picayune fine “earning citizenship”? Why not jail them as so many have been jailed for tax evasion? Heck, green carded LEGAL aliens who attempt to avoid taxes can be deported. De-por-ted. Under the president’s plan supported by Snake McCain, illegals get forgiven the penalty for aliens breaking the law, which is deportation. THAT’S amnesty. Having to simply pay back taxes is not enough to disqualify the program as amnesty, bubba.

He says the program he supports woud prevent felons from having a path to citizenship. OK, consider tax evasion. Oh. Felony time.

Jackass. He impeaches his own argument.

Snake McCain flogs the straw man of rounding up 12 million and deporting them en masse.


Crack down on employers of illegals; shut down their illegal jobs markets; end their sucking at the social safety net teat. They’d either leave or starve. Tough love.

McCain cites the false meme that we are all a nation of immigrants.

Bullshit. A flat-out lie. The same lie President Bush uttered Monday night. Some are immigrants, sure. But the immigrants who BUILT this country were LEGAL immigrants. And most Americans alive today, by an enormous margin are not immigrants.

Oh, there’s more. All a pack of lies.

naturally. They are uttered by John “Snake” McCain.

Expose the Left has the video. Click and watch if your stomach’s strong anough and you have extra HBP meds available.

Oh, minor update to McCain’s self-impeachment in the middle of his argument (can anyone say “ignorantia elenchi, Senator Snake”?).

He asserts that illegals with felony raps will be deported.

How’s he gonna manage that when he’s already insisted that deporting 12 million illegals is impossible?

Consider: forging, and using forged, drivers licenses and other IDs is a felony in most states. Forging/using forged Social Security documents or IRS documents is a felony, last I heard. And forged green cards? Felony, right?

What does it take to skate by as an illegal in these United States?


Hoist Snake McCain on his own petard and fire the touch hole, please…

Trackposted at Blue Star Chronicles.


A bright spot…


One possibly bright spot in the gloomscape following President “Vicente Fox’s lapdog” Bush’s speech the other night: every time I have attempted to call the White House Comment Line, I’ve given up after 30 minute holds.

I hope all the callers were voicing a variation of my comments.

I’m on the line holding…

And holding…

And holding…

Ah, on. Vented, as gently as possible. See my posts on the issue of President “Vicente Fox’s lapdog” Bush’s speech for the co0ntents of my message to President “Vicente Fox’s lapdog” Bush (and yes, that and “May I warm up your cocoa, Jose?” and “I pay taxes, work and speak English, so what am I being penalized for?” got laughs from the operator).

Call 202-456-1111
Fax 202-456-2461


Tell the President what you think.

And use these resources to contact info on your various congresscritters:




And NumbersUSA has a number of faxes you can send, although I’d suggest NOT having NumbersUSA send the “free fax” as it’s a canned thing I imagine most Senate/Congressional staffers just shred. Use their faxes as templates, if you want, to send your own faxes from your own phone. It’ll carry much, much more weight than any onslaught of canned faxes.

Be as respectful as you can manage. Moderate your tone as muchg as possible, and do articulate as clearly as you can specific issues and proposed solutions.

I was compelled to tell the operator at the White House comments line that President Bush’s display of disrespect for those who lawfully pursue entry to the U.S. and even citizenship, along with his deceptive comments and outright lies removed him from the ranks of those who deserve respect in the immigration dialogue.


Fair Tax Blogburst–The Curse of the Tax Refund

The Curse of the Tax Refund

by Jordan LeDoux of The Politicker

Tax refunds are perhaps the worst things I have ever conceived a government doing. I’m sure you’re asking “why”, wondering what could possess me to deride your check that bought you the iPod in your hands, or the new TV in your entertainment room. Perhaps you are wondering what this has to do with the FairTax. Well allow me to explain.

What exactly is a tax refund? Well, a tax refund is a check that the government sends you for overpaid taxes. Overpaid, eh? Do you ever remember sending them a check for those overpaid taxes? I’m pretty sure that you wouldn’t have overpaid them if you had written them a check. No, the overpayment comes from the concept of withholding. Withholding is how most income taxes are collected. You get your check, and it has gross pay, then some deductions, right? Those deductions are taxes that you are paying. Or, in other words, the government is taking your money from you before you ever get it, and before they even know how much to take.

Many people don’t get this fundamental principal. In fact, you’ll hear people say things like “I didn’t pay any taxes this year! In fact, I got money back!” That the government has been able to convince the public of this is disturbing. Government spending would not be as hog-wild as it is, were it not for the fact that average Americans just aren’t outraged. And the primary reason they aren’t outraged, is that they don’t see taxes as ever being their money. They never get that money, so why should they see it as theirs? This creates the illusion that government has an inherent right to take your money… to levy a tax. This is not true at all. Government is granted to right to levy a tax by the people because the people feel that the service provided by the government is worth the money paid.

But most people never understand this concept. Taxes are simply there. They just exist. You don’t know your tax rate on each check… payroll takes care of that for you. I’m sure that many Americans would be shocked at the revelation that they make 15-30% more money than they think they do.

This creates a dangerous indifference to tax changes. If people never have possession of the money, they put don’t put up a fight when you steal more of it. Since withholding has been enacted, taxes have increased at an unheard of rate. Because people never see this money, there is also less money to invest. I was looking at investing about $500 this month. In reality, my $500 is about $700… but about $200 was taken out before I even received it. Then, once I invest it, they will take out another 18% in Capital gains taxes if I liquidate my assets. In other words, in order to compensate for the tax money I have lost, I need to turn my $500 into $871, or I need to earn nearly 75% on my investment.

But taxes aren’t an expense, you say. They cannot be counted against investments as an expense, because they are not an expense of investing. Oh really? Enter the FairTax. Because there are no Capital gains taxes in a FairTax government, I no longer have to return that 18%. Further, because there are no more business taxes, the money I am investing to is no longer taxed. And yet further, because I receive 100% of my paycheck, I’ll have my full $700 to invest, avoiding triple taxation.

The FairTax will create wealth by providing an enormous amount of investment capital for the economy, and will turn nearly every American into an investor. Many claim that the FairTax would create a larger disparity between the rich and poor. But as this average middle class college student will attest to, the FairTax makes middle class investing exactly what it should be: Fair.

The FairTax Blogburst is jointly produced by Terry of The Right Track Blog and Jonathan of Publius Rendezvous. If you would like to host the weekly postings on your blog, please e-mail Terry or Jonathan. You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll.

If I may add a short coda to Jordan’s lil sonata, the glaring reality of a sheeple who is largely subliterate is a major part of this problem. A careful examination of the latest National Assessment of Adult Literacy core data—which once went under the name of National Adult Literacy Survey (NALS) and didn’t have such a rosy and disingenuous summary report—reveals that adult Americans are becoming less and less literate. And that means (and this is borne out by the core data) that fewer and fewer adult Americans have the foggiest idea how to read that darned paycheck stub, and those that do frequently can’t do the maths to make it comprehensible. Sad, but true.

Featured at Diane’s Stuff and TMH’s Bacon Bits.

TICK WARNING: Believe it or don’t…

Got this in email (again). FWIW…

I hate it when people forward bogus warnings, and I have even done it myself a couple times…but this one is real, and it’s important.So please send this warning to everyone on your e-mail list:

If someone comes to your front door saying they are checking for ticks due to the warming weather and asks you to take your clothes off and dance around with your arms up, DO NOT DO IT!! IT IS A SCAM!! They only want to see you naked…

I wish I’d gotten this yesterday. I feel so stupid.


(BTW, the person who sent this to me plays “Santa” every Christmas. And he needs absolutely no padding. You can thank me for the image that evoked following the email quoted above… later. Much later. *heh*)

Borders All Around/OTA Wednesday

Yep. Wednesday’s Open Trackback Alliance open post. Link to this post and track back. More below the lament.

Here are a few comments that struck me as I wandered about the blogosphere in the past day or so…

Scott Ott, at Scrappleface, had a nearly prescient post up about the President’s speech last night… on Saturday:

In an effort to find middle ground in the debate over illegal immigration, President George Bush followed last night’s nationally-televised speech with an announcement this morning that the U.S

Yeh. Running through KCMO east through DC and west north of San Francisco. Not far off the President’s speech last night. Not all that far at all, at all… Maybe Scrappleface isn’t a satire site but a prophecy site.

Linknzona takes the high road:

Let us not fall into this trap, as easy as it would be. As Churchill said in 1941 “Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.”

Honor and good sense demand that we strive to serve our country and protect her. I do not know what agreements and arrangements President Bush has made with Presidente Fox. I do not know what business ties President Bush and his family and allies have with Mexico. But something is there. Something is seriously wrong. President Bush seems hell bent on putting the interests of Mexico ahead of the interests of the US; he seems hell bent on rewarding criminals at the expense of legal immigrants and US citizens; he seems hell bent on doing anything and everything to further the interests of Mexico and its millions of illegal immigrants; and he seems devoted to this cause beyond all reasoning and understanding. Yes, something is very wrong.

But as Churchill said, never, never… give in.

Once again, on the issue of immigration, Linknzona is the must-read blog.

Jerry Pournelle put the behavior of our lords and masters concerning illegal immigration rather pithily:

We want democracy in Iraq, and in Iran, and in Mexico; but we do not want democracy in the United States of America. Our masters want a continued and plentiful supply of cheap labor, whose basic needs will be met through general taxation and public services.


Well, I had intended to post more comments on the Carefully Considered Rape of U.S. Sovereignty, but I just checked my BP and I’ll have to back it on off, now…


Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Linkfest Haven