A bright spot…


One possibly bright spot in the gloomscape following President “Vicente Fox’s lapdog” Bush’s speech the other night: every time I have attempted to call the White House Comment Line, I’ve given up after 30 minute holds.

I hope all the callers were voicing a variation of my comments.

I’m on the line holding…

And holding…

And holding…

Ah, on. Vented, as gently as possible. See my posts on the issue of President “Vicente Fox’s lapdog” Bush’s speech for the co0ntents of my message to President “Vicente Fox’s lapdog” Bush (and yes, that and “May I warm up your cocoa, Jose?” and “I pay taxes, work and speak English, so what am I being penalized for?” got laughs from the operator).

Call 202-456-1111
Fax 202-456-2461


Tell the President what you think.

And use these resources to contact info on your various congresscritters:




And NumbersUSA has a number of faxes you can send, although I’d suggest NOT having NumbersUSA send the “free fax” as it’s a canned thing I imagine most Senate/Congressional staffers just shred. Use their faxes as templates, if you want, to send your own faxes from your own phone. It’ll carry much, much more weight than any onslaught of canned faxes.

Be as respectful as you can manage. Moderate your tone as muchg as possible, and do articulate as clearly as you can specific issues and proposed solutions.

I was compelled to tell the operator at the White House comments line that President Bush’s display of disrespect for those who lawfully pursue entry to the U.S. and even citizenship, along with his deceptive comments and outright lies removed him from the ranks of those who deserve respect in the immigration dialogue.


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