Yep. Wednesday’s Open Trackback Alliance open post. Link to this post and track back. More below the lament.
Here are a few comments that struck me as I wandered about the blogosphere in the past day or so…
Scott Ott, at Scrappleface, had a nearly prescient post up about the President’s speech last night… on Saturday:
In an effort to find middle ground in the debate over illegal immigration, President George Bush followed last night’s nationally-televised speech with an announcement this morning that the U.S
Yeh. Running through KCMO east through DC and west north of San Francisco. Not far off the President’s speech last night. Not all that far at all, at all… Maybe Scrappleface isn’t a satire site but a prophecy site.
Linknzona takes the high road:
Let us not fall into this trap, as easy as it would be. As Churchill said in 1941 “Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.â€
Honor and good sense demand that we strive to serve our country and protect her. I do not know what agreements and arrangements President Bush has made with Presidente Fox. I do not know what business ties President Bush and his family and allies have with Mexico. But something is there. Something is seriously wrong. President Bush seems hell bent on putting the interests of Mexico ahead of the interests of the US; he seems hell bent on rewarding criminals at the expense of legal immigrants and US citizens; he seems hell bent on doing anything and everything to further the interests of Mexico and its millions of illegal immigrants; and he seems devoted to this cause beyond all reasoning and understanding. Yes, something is very wrong.
But as Churchill said, never, never… give in.
Once again, on the issue of immigration, Linknzona is the must-read blog.
Jerry Pournelle put the behavior of our lords and masters concerning illegal immigration rather pithily:
We want democracy in Iraq, and in Iran, and in Mexico; but we do not want democracy in the United States of America. Our masters want a continued and plentiful supply of cheap labor, whose basic needs will be met through general taxation and public services.
Well, I had intended to post more comments on the Carefully Considered Rape of U.S. Sovereignty, but I just checked my BP and I’ll have to back it on off, now…

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Nice post. Hope your BP is down by now.
And, thanks for the nice compliment.