“Not amnesty”?

I’ve railed about President Bush’s lie declaring that allowing illegal aliens to stay and work legally isn’t amnesty. If it isn’t what is it?


The action of a government by which all persons or certain groups of persons who have committed a criminal offense—usually of a political nature that threatens the sovereignty of the government (such as sedition or treason)—are granted immunity from prosecution.

OK, so if President Bush’s plan is “not amnesty” are the illegal aliens going to be prosecuted for forging/or using forged documents? Tax fraud/evasion? Illegal entry? What? If it isn’t amnesty, then they will be pro=secuted under the applicable laws, and if convicted, punished under those laws. Aliens here legally, those who have followed all the rules, jumped through all the hoops and waited patiently in line to enter lawfully, are all subject to deportation for breaking our laws.

So, if those here illegally are not to suffer the consequences of their illegal actions as defined in the laws at the time they vilolated them, then what President Bush propses is amnesty.

And that again confirms that he lied through his teeth to us all Monday evening.

Saying they will “pay a meaningful penalty for breaking the law” but NOT prosecuting them under the laws they broke but instead simply placing on them the responsibilities all legal inhabitants of this land already must address, President Bush proposes… no penalty. Nada, zilch, nothing, zero-with-the-rim-kicked-off.

That’s amnesty. And President Bush, and every single person pushing that lie, knows it.

If they do not know it, then they are too stupid to walk and chew gum at the same time.


Trying out the “auto-links” feature at Rashbre Central.

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