Who’d-a Thunk It?

There’s a kind of hush all over twc today. The unthinkable has occurred. A decade and more has passed since the last such “once in a blue moon” event has come to pass.

I have a doctor’s appointment.


Yeh, yeh, I’m too lazy and impatient (and easily bored) to manage my blood pressure consistently with (regular) exercise and slow breathing exercises, though the slow breathing exercises alone pretty reliably bring my blood pressure to within normal range. Have a mole that’s undergone a dramatic change this week. Really ought to get a PSA done. (Old–and I do mean old: a year older than I–college roomie has pressured me to do this ever since his prostate cancer, so all right already, Dave! Yeh, go figure. Roomies with the same name. We had answering the phone down pat. “Speaking.” *heh*)

Little things add up, I guess. I can put up with a knee killing me when I walk regularly. Missing sleep I can work around. All the other aches and pains of encroaching age are just background noise–kinda like my tinnitus. But my laziness and impatience are incurable, so it’s off to the doctor I go to tell ’em to gimme some pills, etc.

Putting a crimp in my day, though. *grumble, grumble, gripe, complain*

Oh, well.

Hey, maybe I can get the doc to take a look at my cat who’s losing weight at the same time, you think? 😉

2 Replies to “Who’d-a Thunk It?”

  1. OK, as the cute young D.O. confirmed, it’d been over 10 years since my last visit (some years before she began working at the lil clinic we call “ours” here in America’s Third World County). Apparently, though my recollection was of a monster sore throat, laryngitis, etc., I also had some blood work done at the time (I was well and truly out of it–my Wonder Woman dragged me in), and a cholesterol test had been run at that time. Normal. Added that to the butchers bill. Butchers bill? Yeh, she took a knife to me where a mole had begun getting all weird on me recently as long as I was there.

    Counting the office call and three months supply of BP meds she prescribed (I skipped buying the topical antibiotic cream–OTC stuff we already have will do nicely), the total came to $35. I guess it’ll be worth it. Like having decent medical insurance, though. Knocked the bill down a bit, but then that’s what we’re paying through the nose for, isn’t it?

    BTW, DOs vs. MDs… so far, the record is at almost (there have been a couple of notable exceptions) 100% jackass MDs I’ve known as against 0% jackass DOs. Makes ya wonder, doesn’t it? Personal experience; YMMV.

  2. I’ve learned that doctor is spelled with a little “d” to indicate the level of respect they deserve in direct response to the level of respect they show patients; not quite as bad as politicians but close.

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