When the top two “joys of life” are good bowel movements and a solid night’s sleep. . . I just don’t know how to even describe what that means.
Well, at least I have good bowel movements.
"In a democracy (‘rule by mob’), those who refuse to learn from history will be the majority and will dictate that everyone else suffer for their ignorance."
When the top two “joys of life” are good bowel movements and a solid night’s sleep. . . I just don’t know how to even describe what that means.
Well, at least I have good bowel movements.
For a couple of weeks, Da Boi “forgot” how to heel. Yeh, right. “Teenagey” puppers? Seems about right. Back to being more well-mannered in following direction/commands. *whew* Still, he has never stopped giving great pupper-hugs, so there was that.
I was about to go down for an “enforced” nap (enforced by my body, ‘cos my eyes refused to stay open *heh*) when my butt buzzed. Text from one of my oldest friends (Son & Heir named for him) letting me know his wife, another dear friend has “graduated”—slipped this mortal coil.
She was one day younger than me. Alzheimer’s and stage 4 cancer. We all had a good visit recently (coupla weeks ago) and they have both been on our minds both before and after that last visit for some time.
Words fail me. But life goes on.
Apropos of nothing in particular, I am greatly encouraged that “instinctive shooting” works the same for me whether I shoot right- or lefthanded. Nice. . . as long as my right eye (dominant eye) remains good and my left eye stays pretty much in the same relation, between them, my binocular vision allows me to acquire my target well w/o focusing my sight on the. . . urm sights, just by focusing my eyes on my target and maintaining a proper grip alignment. It’s the latter that’s a bit more difficult for my lefthanded shooting. Just needs more drill. So, drill, baby, drill. *heh*
The last time I moved a piano by myself was 32 years ago. Did it fairly often in my 20s and 30s, though (a sometime occupational hazard 😉 ). This (below)? A wee tad more than I’d want to attempt nowadays. It’s the knees, the back and between my ears. *heh*
Going into 2025, one sentence keeps echoing between my ears: Let hope be not dismayed. It’s not scriptural (and, frankly, I know not whence it comes), but it does remind me of Joshua 1:9: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Apropos of nothing in particular apart from a wandering mind, I have long wondered if England’s Regency Period should not have started MUCH earlier, given the acknolegement of Georgie Porgie’s mental instabilities, which could have had a hand in him losing the American colonies. . . That he was whacko by the time of the Constitutional Convention, there is no doubt, but did his cray-cray start earlier? Maaaayyyyybe. . .
(Yeh, I think maybe he was the very model for CwaZy (pervy, racist) UnKa JoE, ZOMBIE POOPY-PANTS President in Name Only’s “reign” in the Oval Orifice, hence the last four years of a “long train of abuses”?)
Politics. #smh What leftard politicians and Hivemind Media Podpeople simply cannot understand is that their attacks on Trump’s cabinet picks are simply them digging the hole they are already in deeper. Take Kash Patel, for example. They cannot attack his record, because it is sterling. Did I say “sterling”? Nay, solid platinum. So? “Oh, yeh, let’s attack his demeanor and his attitude! That’ll do the trick! He just doesn’t fit with the FBI’s image and ethos.”
What they cannot see (because they are willfully blind) is that no rational, ethical, moral person approves of the ethos and image of the Felonious Barony of Iniquity. It is like Crabby Appleton: rotten to the core, and thus it should either be given an institutional purgative or completely razed to the ground.
Demands on time and $$ have pretty well dictated limited range time. VERY limited range time. *sigh* Therefore,
Dry fire practice does aid in target acquisition and training for best handling, though only live fire can really lock skills in definitively. Still, when needs drive. . .
On a side note: I discovered that a lil antique (well, according to the standard, RW definition of “antique”—more than 100 years old—though not the stupid ATF definition) firearm I was given quite some years ago, can easily and very safely accommodate more powerful ammunition than that which came with it. In fact, it was designed and manufactured for more powerful ammunition, and has checked out as being in top condition. So. . . graduating from plinking and small game to small-medium game. Now, I just need to get to the range. . . *sigh*
I had wondered for years about the chamber length as opposed to the ammunition I was gifted to use with it. . . Been using the “wrong” (though perfectly safe and usable) stuff for years. No wonder there was so much chamber fouling. (Not a bad thing, really, since I like the aroma of Hoppes. ?)
I have Leveled Up several times in the “Achey-Breaky Body” game. I have dislocated a knee rolling over in bed and dislocated a hip by just laying there, unmoving.
And then there are those “rough patches” of clear, smooth, open floor. . . Dangerous when barefoot or in shoes that give good traction, ya know. Socks or smooth-soled slippers, dude. Less likely to trip over a stray cat hair.
And lest you think it’s all age-related, nope. Pretty much been this way my whole life, with the rare decade of well-coordinated, healthy, fit body wedged in.
Of course now, what with New Guy puppy* and all that, it’s fun working downfield past a VERY active Defensive Tackle; it’s challenging. . . *heh* (I dunno why he’s working so hard to take me down when he has rung his Doggy Door Bell to go out, but I guess that’s the game, eh? *heh*)
*At least, as a puppy, he needs about as much sleep as he does activity, so I do get a little bye on heading “downfield,” at times. 😉