The Joys of Life

When the top two “joys of life” are good bowel movements and a solid night’s sleep. . . I just don’t know how to even describe what that means.

Well, at least I have good bowel movements.



When DidGeorge III Actually Go “Round the Bend?

Apropos of nothing in particular apart from a wandering mind, I have long wondered if England’s Regency Period should not have started MUCH earlier, given the acknolegement of Georgie Porgie’s mental instabilities, which could have had a hand in him losing the American colonies. . . That he was whacko by the time of the Constitutional Convention, there is no doubt, but did his cray-cray start earlier? Maaaayyyyybe. . .

(Yeh, I think maybe he was the very model for CwaZy (pervy, racist) UnKa JoE, ZOMBIE POOPY-PANTS President in Name Only’s “reign” in the Oval Orifice, hence the last four years of a “long train of abuses”?)

Celebrate Membership in the “World of Odd”

I grew up as an Odd in a family of high-functioning Norms. There was generally about one chance in ten that things that struck me as hilarious would elicit as much as a chickle from my sibs. In their kindest moments, I was the recipient of the iconic “calf-at-a-new-gate” looks from them.

And so even today, I get my own laughs primarily from observing Norms. Primarily pity laughs, but I do find Norms amusing from time to time.

(Yeh, DSM-IV, the latest perversion of the DSM, was written to reclassify my norm, as for most Odds, from “eccentricity” to “disability” when it really just reveals the disabilities of Norms to view reality through a different lens.)


[Virtual] Paperwork Reduction Act [Personal]: Eliminate ALL technical/instructional material in any language I am not/am no longer fluent in (decades of little use can do that, ya know. Sometimes the rust is just too extensive *heh*). Oh, heck, at this point, unless it’s unavailable in English, eliminate all instructional material that’s not in English. Life’s too short and storage space too limited to include technical instructions I do not need to have.

Besides, my command of French, German, Spanish, and Italian is more and more sketchy as time goes on and I have less and less use for them.

Passing Shot. . . and a Hit?

You know that phrase in The Ultimate Flame, “I would rather bathe with Hitler than be seen with you*”? Yeh, that’s how the current crop of Dhimmicraps make me feel.

*Cut from recent iterations of the late 1980s version.

Democracy in America

There are many reasons the Founders and Framers eschewed democracy as the framework for a national government and included instead elements of democracy within a republican framework. Still, along with its many flaws, democracy does have its shining golden moments. . .

Looking for the silver lining, I recall Alexis de Tocqueville’s comments on American society depending on voluntary associations and then I see all the VOLUNTEER efforts of private citizens in NC, etc., naturally contrasted with “feddle gummint” incompetence (that looks for all the world more like indifference, that most malicious of hates), and think to myself, “What do we REALLY need government for? Whatever it is, it ain’t this.”

Observations From A Limited, Idiosyncratic, Data Set

Given my limited data set (my own children and OPB* for example, grandchildren) I have known, it seems that, while all the babies I have known have been human, there is a brief period before they transition from intelligent infant to self-aware person. I have actually seen—or, at least I think I have—the *CLICK* when a baby suddenly thinks “Hey! I am ME!”

Before that point in time, they are still very definitely human, but thereafter, they are solidly PEOPLE.

Is it just me? Maybe.

The really sad, sad thing is that I see A LOT OF people in our society ceding their personhood to someone else’s “identity politics,” handing off the agency of their sapience to someone else’s control. Scary. But maybe the phenomenon only seems more widespread because it is so widely propagated by—wait for it— the Hivemind Media. Or, maybe the Hivemind Media is spreading the phenomenon. OR, perhaps I should embrace the power of “and.”

*OPB = other people’s babies

Writing Tip #4,957

Eschew obscurantism, redundancy, and prolixity. That is, avoid arcane, esoteric, recondite, or obscure expressions; avoid undue repetition, reiteration, and duplication-reduplication of statements, and, above all, refrain from extreme, inordinate, unbridled, unchecked, and exorbitant wordiness.


Addendum: dictionaries are your friend. Thesauruses? not so much.

A Sad State of Affairs

I have quite literally had more civil and well-reasoned conversations with atheists and (genuine, practicing) pagans about the Bible than I have had rational discussions about the passing scene with any Dhimmicrap. Of course, Repugnican’ts can be (almost) as bad, but at least I have never had a rabid Trumpist scream at me when I stated that I don’t like the guy, personally.