Liberty? What’s That?

About all that multi-culti hogwash (read, “poisonous bullshit”)that’s been going about making hash of political freedom all over the Western World for a couple of decades now, Samuel Francis had this to say,

“Political freedom relies on a shared political culture as much as on the oppositions and balances that social differentiation creates, and when the common culture disintegrates under the impact of mass migrations, only institutionalized force can hold the regime together.”1 (PDF file)

Erasing the common culture is resulting in the situation that forms this blogpost title. “…[O]nly institutionalized force can hold the regime together…” And so we have the TSA’s endless harrassment of citizens to achieve security theater2, 3 (and avoid even the appearance of “profiling” by ethnicity, culture or even typical signs of terrorist behavior) that does little, if anything, to enhance the safety of citizens while doing much to turn citizens into subjects; the embrace by our political masters of an alien invasion sponsored by a foreign state; the criminalization of political speech as “hate speech”; all fostered by the goal of erasing the benefits of Western Civilization in favor of embracing the “benefits” of a third world outlook on life.

After all, what did Western Civilization ever do for you, anyway?

Oops! A comment by Perri Nelson reminded me that I’d not provided a link to obtain a t-shirt of your own. You can get your own here.

Thanks Perri.

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