*pfui* VMWare Needs a Swift Kick Upside the Head

I really appreciate being able to use VMWare Server 2.0 for free. Really. My “office” (scare quotes because–confession time–here at twc central my office is known as my junk room *heh*) is crowded enough as it is without four more computers and either more monitors or a cumbersome KVM switch, etc. Being able to run several (fully licensed) versions of Windows, BSD and even a couple more Linux distros all inside one machine without multi-booting is more than just handy; it’s a sanity saver.

But. Every time there’s a Firefox update (yeh, I use Firefox for it, because 1.it now uses a web interface plugin for console management and 2.the #$*&%# plugin refuses to work with Opera, even though ALL OTHER MOZILLA PLUGINS DO just fine and dandy) the web management console stops workng and the ONLY way I’ve found to get the thing to load again is to… completely recompile, reinstall and reconfigure VMWare Server. NONE of the other so-called fixes (hacks, kludges) that’ve been around since the VMWare Server FUBAR at Firefox 3.0.1 have worked. ONLY a complete recompile, reinstall and reconfigure works.

Dumb, VMWare, really dumb. It’s the same plugin–no change there. And another thing: EVERY time I have to completely recompile, reinstall and reconfigure the thing, the scripting informs me I have a wrong version of this that or the other OS component, always asking for a down version and warning the reconfiguration will crash. It never does and VMWare Server always comes back up after the reconfiguration, finally working again after getting the willies over a X.X.1 point change in a FIrefox version.


VMWare is squandering major kudo points for its better-than-most-others’ VM implementation with this kind of mickey mouse issue, caused by its insistence on depending on a browser plugin it apparently cannot bother to maintain properly.

Still, for 64-bit VMs across a wide spectrum of OSes, once the thing actually LOADS, it’s just fine. Minor issues getting VMWare Tools (for VMs sharing USB, sound, etc., with the host machine) working in some OSes, but no real problems and LOADS of pluses… once the assinine console plugin actually loads.

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I think that word DOES mean what you think it means…

Isn’t it nice for The Chosen One to take time from his busy schedule to visit my humble blog? *heh*

Barack Obama | info@whiterabbitcult.com | whiterabbitcult.com | IP:

I really like what you had to say here! It\’s about time! Would you mind if I placed a link back from my blog?

Can anyone say,


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Google Chrome? Yes and No

Not quite Google Chrome. I tried out the still buggy and full of security holes Google Chrome when it came out and thought, “Well, this might be a browser option someday, but it’s not my cuppa right now.” Perri Nelson noted some issues and features, and although I didn’t give it quite as much attention as he did at the time, I agreed that it was pretty good. Lovely Daughter tried it out on her lil XP Home Sony notebook and liked it.

Noodling around, trying to get the taste of McWhatsisname whimping out in “debate” number 3 out of my mouth, I stumbled across Codeweaver’s offering of “a Mac and Linux port of the open source Chromium web browser.” Hmm, thought I, isn’t Chromium from the same code base as Google Chrome? Nope. It is the code base of Google Chrome.

Sooo, downloaded and installed Codeweaver’s free “port” of the Chromium browser. (Codeweaver is a company making money off WINE technology by extensively testing and tweaking a WINE core to ensure compatibility with specific Windows products. It’s a Good Thing.)

Nice. Slick. My memory of Google Chrome running in a Windows XP Pro VM isn’t as pleasant as this browser (apparently the same browser, just a few rough edges smoothed over). Still not ready for prime time for my use, but it looks very, very promising. Some buggy behavior (a graphic artifact–“connecting…” indicating a site loading–showing up over my use of a different browser to write this post is annoying), but I still kinda like it. I’ll be checking back to see what comes of Chromium/Chrome in the future.

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“America’s future has been intellectually housebroken”

Worth a read. And perhaps a re-read. Over at The Weekly Standard, David Gelernter takes a few hundred words to consider at least a part of the Obama phenomenon in, “Obama in Leftland”.

Members of the CR [Cultural Revolution] generation who had mainstream, establishment educations have been trained like pet poodles to understand where romping is allowed and where it is forbidden. The permissible range of thought on such topics as protected minorities, protected species, protected psychosexual deviations, et al. is clearly spelled out from kindergarten onward. Young teachers in the 1970s proudly acknowledged their political biases: They were the New Left in action, on a long march through the institutions. But many of today’s young teachers-in consequence of the long march’s brilliant success-don’t even realize that they are left-wing ideologues. As far as they know, their ideas are innocuous and mainstream-just like the New York Times!

And that also, by the way, explains a great deal of how such an ignorant guy has advanced so far in the political process: a huge number of Americans are not only blindly illiterate about history in general and American history in specific (“blindy” here = “ignorant of their illiteracy”) but also have huge swaths of knowlege “forbidden” to them by social constructs. The strictures of leftist politically correct “paper training” keeps the puppies of our society eternally dependent on the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind for direction.

God (oops!–there’s that forbidden Person!) Marx forbid that the public should ever hear of “fairness” couched in any terms other than class warfare and taking from people who earn money to give to people who do not! Marx forbid that people should be hired and fired based on their abilities and performance rather than the color of their skin! Marx forbid that America’s history and culture, with its roots in principles of freedom, individual liberty and responsibility, strong families and private property ownership be understood and embraced by the masses, when Government needs your home (Kelo), Government needs your children (prisons for kids–a/k/a “public schools”) to train up as enstupiated sheeple and Government needs your money to give to someone else! Marx forbid that “freedom of speech” mean anything other than freedom for such as Obama and his (IL)legal brownshirts to play their thuggery upon the heads of any who dare speak the truth about The Naked Emperor-Pretender. (The major problem with that allusion is not that folks won’t get the reference but that The Obamassiah is more of a suit of clothes pretending to be a man than a naked man pretending to be clothed, but I’ll allow the strained analogy to stand anyway, because I’d very much like this empty suit to be stripped bare… and reveal that there’s no “there” there.)

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The Obamassiah’s New Release: “I Took My Prompter To The Rodeo”

I don’t know how it’s doing on the charts–heck, I didn’t even know The One sang Country!–but it’s a hit with folks here in America’s Third World County who already think he’s a bad joke.

(CNN) β€” It appears Barack Obama’s teleprompter is hitting the campaign trail.

The Democratic presidential nominee has never tried to hide the fact he delivers speeches off the device, though normally he doesn’t use one at standard campaign rallies and town hall events.

But the Illinois senator used a teleprompter at both his Colorado events Monday β€” making for a particularly peculiar scene in Pueblo, where the prompter was set up in the middle of what is normally a rodeo ring.

As Mark Steyn notes, this could be even more amusing if The Obamabot uses a teleprompter at the debates…

h.t. Tim Blair

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fo’ shizzle…

Seen at American Digest:

You saw it here (probably last *heh*)

Check out more “news” that beats the socks off the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind faux news for accuracy… even though it’s deliberately fictional humor at The Onion. One of the few “news” (that’s not news) outlets worth paying any attention to, IMO.

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Birds of a Feather

Before going off to law school in the early 90s, Obama directed ACORN’s partner organization, Project Vote. Meeting with ACORN leaders in November, he reminded them of this, saying, β€œI’ve been fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career. Even before I was an elected official, when I ran Project Vote voter registration drive in Illinois, ACORN was smack dab in the middle of it, and we appreciate your work.”1

About ACORN…

So, less than a week before the midterm elections, four workers from Acorn, the liberal activist group that has registered millions of voters, have been indicted by a federal grand jury for submitting false voter registration forms to the Kansas City, Missouri, election board. But hey, who needs voter ID laws?

We wish this were an aberration, but allegations of fraud have tainted Acorn voter drives across the country. Acorn workers have been convicted in Wisconsin and Colorado, and investigations are still under way in Ohio, Tennessee and Pennsylvania 2(WSJ, Friday, November 3, 2006)


Acorn and its affiliates have pulled some real stunts in recent years. In Ohio in 2004, a worker for one affiliate was given crack cocaine in exchange for fraudulent registrations that included underage voters, dead voters and pillars of the community named Mary Poppins, Dick Tracy and Jive Turkey. During a Congressional hearing in Ohio in the aftermath of the 2004 election, officials from several counties in the state explained Acorn’s practice of dumping thousands of registration forms in their lap on the submission deadline, even though the forms had been collected months earlier.

“You have to wonder what’s the point of that, if not to overwhelm the system and get phony registrations on the voter rolls,” says Thor Hearne of the American Center for Voting Rights, who also testified at the hearing. “These were Democratic officials saying that they felt their election system in Ohio was under assault by these kinds of efforts to game the system.” 2


…if photo I.D. requirements had been the law in Washington state, the voter fraud scandal involving ACORN in 2006 would never have happened. According to Washington Secretary of State Sam Reed, the incident β€œwas the worst case of election fraud in our state’s history. It was an outrage.”

Two years ago ACORN submitted just over 1,800 new voter registration forms, but there was a problem. The names were made up β€” all but six of the 1,800 submissions were fakes. Reed said he was appalled.

β€œThere is nothing more fundamental to a democratic republic and to a citizen of the United States than participating in selecting your public officials. For people to undermine that and try to perpetuate fraud on the system is an outrage,” he said.
The ACORN workers told state investigators that they went to the Seattle public library, sat at a table and filled out the voter registration forms. They made up names, addresses, and Social Security numbers and in some cases plucked names from the phone book. One worker said it was a lot of hard work making up all those names and another said he would sit at home, smoke marijuana and fill out the forms. 3

And this is an organization The One claims as comrades, fellow travelers, on his political pilgrimage?

Birds of a feather, folks. ‘Nuff said.

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Some Friendly Advice for Joe Biden

Joe, about your upcoming “debate” with Sarah Palin, the surest way for you to lose is…

to show up.

Call in sick, Joe. Just call in sick.

(Or, if “you” want to “show up” and at least make a good showing, you might just do what you’ve done by proxy in the past: get someone else, say, oh, I dunno, Neal Kinnock, to go in your place. No one will ever know, Joe. I promise. No one will ever know.)

This has been a third world county Helpful Hint Post. Always glad to help…

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A Quote for Today

As the election season heats up to make up for lack of sunspot activity, try to remind yourself what the ancient Roman reform candidate once said:

β€œAsk not what your country can do for you, but rather what you can do for your country.”
Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC)

(That JFK guy sure knew how to steal from *urm* sincerely flatter *uh* quote the best, didn’t he?)

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Among Likely Voters, Whatsisname/Palin by 10 Points?

That’s apparently what Gallup says, now. (h.t. STACLU)

When the redes are in your favor, though, check your six…


What of the likely Electoral College breakdown in the polls? Subtracting the “tossup” states parameter at Real Clear Politics’s composite of the pollsters’ output yields an eight point spread between The Obamassiah/The Plagiarist Hack and Whatsisname/Palin. Advantage: The Obamassiah/The Plagiarist Hack.

And there are still what? 63 Days til November 5?

A long row to hoe in tall cotton…

[micro-mini update: *argh!* I know election day is November 4th this year, but I keep getting it wrong because “Guy Fawkes Day” is November 5th… seriously, that is the reason. It’s a BIG holiday for me… *heh*]

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