Dodging a bullet, twc style

Once again, strong and long Spring rains have offered a look at a new high water mark here at twc central. The small, usually dry, creek that is a tributary to another creek that offers tribute to a small river much further downstream approached our back door closer than at any other time since we moved here, prompting

13 Water “Names”

1. Creek

2. Stream

3. Cascade

4. Rain

5. Lake

6. Sea

7. Ocean

8. Swamp (what I dearly hope our basement will NOT become :-))

9. Fountain

10. Freshet

11. Spring

12. Flood

And how can one neglect

13. Dihydrogen monoxide, of course. *heh*

The dread “dihydrogen monoxide” has abated a bit, the rain stopped (for now) and things may well be on their way back to normal here at twc central. I hope. ๐Ÿ™‚

Tacked up over at the Thursday Thirteen Hub.

6 Replies to “Dodging a bullet, twc style”

  1. Of course, Chris. That’s certainly the prevalent pronunciation here in America’s Third World County. Other “correct” pronunciations I’d suggest:

    “Politician” *spit* should properly be pronounced “rabid skunk” *spit*.

    “News[person]” should properly be pronounced “Mass Media Podperson” and

    “Hollywood celebrity” should be properly pronounced “Hollyweird idiot”.

    Any other suggestions?


  2. Well, getting my head up out of all the quilting, baking, and gardening I’ve been doing (oh, AND snuggling the Beloved Husband and Darling Munchkin) and stopped by to say “Hi!”

    “Freshet” – that’s one I hadn’t heard before…

    Oh, and the Munchkin actually prefers the alternate pronunciation of “poli-TICK-shun.” After all, they do like to latch on and suck us all dry… ๐Ÿ˜‰

    By the way, I’ve also done the evil thing and — TAG! YOU’RE IT!!!

    (I am so evil… LOL)

    I DO have your quilt, I just have to bind it. I got a couple people in wanting me to do their quilts before our guild’s show next weekend. Everybody’s done, now, so I can get to hand-sewing the last bit of the binding and send it off to you… I’m VERY SORRY it’s taking so long [extremely embarrassed look…]

    Love and hugz to all!

  3. Love the water names.

    Maybe I’ll start participating in the whole Thursday Thirteen thing again someday. I pretty much gave up on all of the memes and tag games though.

    But on the proper pronunciation thingy…

    how about

    “Liberal” should be properly pronounced “busybody with a God complex that thinks they can run your life for you”.

  4. Thanks, Perri. I have not done the T-13 thing for a while but just felt like it today. (That’s the advantage of blogging for the voices in my head: anything and everything is fair game, and I don’t have to please my audience. After all, what can they do? They’re stuck in my head!)

    Good one for the faux liberals falsely claiming the title nowadays. (They’re really reactionary pseudo-commie/socialist anarcho-tyrannists claiming to be liberals.)

    How about proper pronunciation of “Congresscritter”–“rabid skunk on meth”

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