I am more blest than I deserve. Not only in parents, sibs, wife, children and offline friends, but online friends as well.
Especially with Blogmothers.
Did I say “Blogmothers” as in plural, more than one?
Last year, when I initiated Blogmothers Day, I honored my “Unconscious Blogmother”—the person whose blog I haunted until I finally got up the nerve to post a comment. At that time, Blogger required—or maybe just my Blogmother’s settings for her blog, I don’t actually know—having a Blogger identity to post comments on her blog, so I signed up for a Blogger identity and… well, had a blog. Had no idea what to do with it, so I really just posted comments at her blog. Had a few of encouraging replies (like, “You ought to blog that” kind of comments) and I was “birthed” as a blogger.
Thanks Carol. I still visit your blog for sane, insightful commentary on the current scene. Your voice is always reasonable and passionate at the same time. While I rarely rise to the same level of reasonable passion you model (a characteristic you share with your “blogfather” :-)), I always end one of my rants thinking, “What would my blogmom think?” It doesn’t necessarily stop my ranting, but your “presence” does help moderate my tone a tad, at least.
And then there’s my second blogmother. Diane is… amazing. It is she who is responsible for moving me off of Blogger and into my own digs. In fact, the nice layout you see is her adaptation of the Journalized Sand theme to reflect some of my old Blogger blog’s characteristic styling. She set this whole thing up without asking me and sent me an email saying “Here are the keys to your new blog. Either use it or tell me to go to hell.”
As though I could do the latter.
Such generosity is characteristic of so many of my blogging aquaintances (The English Guy and Romeocat made the mistake of asking oif they could give me a new blogsite. Diane just did it. Presumptuous? Sure. Generous, gracious to a fault? Definitely!)
And, all through the process of learning how to use this new blogging platform, manage the hosting account, whatever—including a day just a couple of weeks in when I managed tio crash and burn the whole thing!—she’s been there making sure I “got” it.
Thanks, Diane. For all you’ve given here at third world county, and thanks for all you give day in and day out—humor, down home wisdom, music, fun—at Diane’s Stuff.
I am truly blessed. Two Blogmommies. Neat.
Carol, Diane: Happy Blogmothers Day!

Note: If I mentioned all the bloggers who have been abundantly generous toward me, this post would never end… because nearly every day another blogger shows me a new boundary of generosity and graciousness. Most are such good folk that it’s been hard to hang on to my curmudgeonly ways. But I’m strong; I will endure. 🙂
🙂 Thank YOU David! Your writing needed a better forum than “Blogger”. Hopefully this gave you more time to write your excellent opinions instead of jacking around with their BS. LOL