Blogmothers Day: May 14

UPDATE: Tomorrow Today is Blogmothers Day. What are YOU doing for your bogmom?

Last year, I encouraged my readers to add their “Blogmothers” to their Mothers Day celebration. The modest success of the first (as far as I know) Blogmothers Day was heartening. Playing off that, I also encouraged folks to honor their Blogfather on Fathers Day.

For those of y’all who may be wondering what the heck I’m talking about, here are a couple of links—one to the original Blogmothers Day post at my old Blogger address and another link to one of those old Blogger Blogmothers Day posts as imported to my new address here.

A “Blogmother,” for those of y’all who may be thinking I’ve slipped yet another cog, is the person (in this case, female person) who encouraged (or shanghaied) you to start blogging, helped, mentored you along the way, etc. Pretty much the same for a Blogfather. Last year I honored my Blogmother, even though she had no idea she was the proximal cause (hadda throw some lawyerese in, cos she’s a lawyer) of my blogging. This year, I’ll also honor my adoptive blogmommie (and IF I get a certain secret project finished before then, I’ll be sending her a lil surprise as well).

So, this will stay as a sticky post for a while. Please do honor your Blogmom, if you have one, on Mothers Day. Link back to this post when you do, please, so I can keep an “Honor Roll” of Blogmothers.

Blogmothers Day is May 14 this year.

Last minute tb-postings at Gribbit’s Word, Stuck On Stupid, The Business of America is Business, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Rhymes With Right, Blue Star Chronicles, Is It Just Me?, The Uncooperative Blogger, Adam’s Blog TMH’s Bacon Bits and The Conservative Cat

11 Replies to “Blogmothers Day: May 14”

  1. Happy Mother’s Day out there to all you mothers out there.

    David, I didn’t realize that I didn’t have your new url in my OTA listing for you. It still pointed to your blogger site. It has been corrected.

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  6. I don’t think i have a blogmother. But I think it’s a very good idea.

    I have a couple of Blog daddies maybe. You might be a blog daddy since you helped me so much when I moved from blogger to wp. 🙂 But I think we are probably about the same age 🙂

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