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Today is usually Guard the Borders Blogburst day, but I’m waiting to hear what President Bush has to say this evening in defense of his disingenuously named “guest worker” proposals. His deceptive amnesty position has never sat well with me only in part because it’s a tissue of lies. Principles do matter, even in politics, and the proposal he’s been pushing for some time is the most unprincipled pseudo pragmatism his administration has proposed. As Ann Coulter recently put it, any child could tell you that cutting in line isn’t right. You let folks get away with it and pretty soon, there is no line, just an unruly mob.
And that’s just the start of problems with amnesty disguised as a “guest worker” program. Like we really need to legitimize this attitude:

(And yes, I did flip that Aztlan flag upside down. I would rather like to see the ruling elite of Mexico have to handle their own problems than have them shoved down our throats. Let them deal with their own peoples’ distress… )
More after his speech tonight. Maybe, just maybe there’s a dim chance he’ll amend his position. If he does, so to a satisfactory degree, well and good. If not, he’ll be speaking fightin’ words.
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Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Help me out, David – do your update in real time. I have to proctor the end-of-term final exam at the college tonight (yes, my teaching duties are almost over for the semester) and won’t be able to hear the speech because I’ll be sitting in class. I will, however, have Internet access (only for text, can’t get away with listening via streaming video) so I’ll be checking for the update as soon as you get it posted.
Ya may wanna check ole spammy filters..theyr’e biased against
“Angels” I see…sheesh…left a TB that disappeared into
cyber space …