Mending Walls—keeping their word

Although the very idea of keeping one’s word is a “wall” our entire society needs to mend, what of our leaders? Isn’t their responsibility as examples, as leaders important? What of the oath of office President Bush (and before him, Clinton, Bush I and President Reagan, et al) took upon ascending to office?

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

How does that square with the last 30 years’ pandering to illegal aliens? Was Reagan actually “faithfully execut[ing] the office of President of the United States” when he extended amnesty to a whole class of outlaws any more than President Bush is proposing doing today with his “guest worker” de facto amnesty? In what way is welcoming an alien invasion preserving, protecting and defending the Constitution or even the peoples of the United States? Doesn’t his oath obligate him to do everything within his power to protect our borders, enforce our laws and protect the rights of citizens? How is President Bush NOT in violation of his oath of office?

Can anyone explain that to me? I mean without using nonsense?

And what of our congresscritters?

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

Again, does surrender to a foreign invasion (or aiding and abetting in the breaking of our laws and the violation of our borders, our national security and the rights of our citizens) constitute “fully discharg[ing] the duties” of a congresscritter?

BTW, besides congresscritters, the second oath is also taken by the vice president, cabinet officers, judges and justices, military officers, and all other civil federal employees. How then can any of them who do not forcefully and faithfully pursue arrest and deportation of ALL illegal aliens NOT be in violation of their oath. Where are the federal LEOs in all this?

Make careful note of those politicians who deem their oaths of office to be simply words, not binding contracts to be held to. Watch those who go whoring after plaudits (or attempting to avoid jeers) from Mass Media Podpeople by pandering to the noise demanding open borders. Look carefully at the words and deeds of those who have for many years done everything in their power to weaken this country. While I would suggest that the best solution for such behavior would be trial (and conviction) for treason, perhaps the best we can hope for is that you, and everyone you can influence, do everything in your power to throw the bums out!

Voting them out, petitions, even impeachment (and yes, as steadfastly as I have supported President Bush in the past, I am compelled to say that I believe his surrender to the invasion forces is a “high crime” indeed… *sigh*). Whatever we can do to get rid of them is not enough, and whenever we can get rid of them not soon enough.

And we–we need to keep our words true. Commit to working to throwing the bums out and work to make it so.

I could go for a better policy on illegal immigration, along the lines of the soft-on-illegals and those who aid and abet in their crimes (*heh*) policies suggested by Brian Bonner [N.B. Buster kindly pointed out in comments that it was he who authored the points below, and the post at The Uncoorperative Blogger was a crosspost from his blog, InMuscatine. Thanks for showing me the error of my ways, Buster!]:

  1. 70% tariff on all monies wired to Mexico.
  2. [too small a tarrif, IMO-ed.]

  3. Removal of punishments on employers for digging to find out if you are an illegal alien.
  4. Mandatory 25-year jail terms for employers caught hiring illegal aliens. [to this an all the following jail terms I’d add “at hard labor”-ed.]
  5. Mandatory 25-year jail terms for landlords renting to illegal aliens.
  6. Mandatory 25-year jail terms for bank officers loaning money to illegal aliens.
  7. Power of arrest given to any citizen who suspects someone is an illegal alien, just like in Mexico.
  8. Deportation without due process, just like they have in Mexico.
  9. Change the laws to reflect felony status for being an illegal alien, just like in Mexico.
  10. Change the laws to levy a minimum 10 year sentence of hard labor if convicted of being an illegal alien
  11. Change the laws to levy a minimum 30 day sentence for the author(s) and/or editor(s) who publish editorials supporting illegal immigration.

But I could do without even those slight improvements to the laws, if our President would require federal employees to actively, vigorously and stringently enforce the laws already on the books or face the harshest penalties allowed by law for violation of oaths of office, and if congresscritters and the administration worked together to actively and stringently guard and defend our borders.

It’s not enough, but it’d be a start. Just actually observing their oaths of office would palliate my outrage.

X-posted at The Real Ugly American

3 Replies to “Mending Walls—keeping their word”

  1. Note how the country did not come to a shrieking halt when the
    invaders boycotted t’day eh..businesses ran..Wall St didnt crash,
    um..we actually survived the day!..go figure.

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