Maintaining perspective…

Jerry Pournelle offers an unique perspective on The Great Alien Invader Demonstration, today:

Today is supposed to have a demonstration of how awful life will be if all the illegal aliens take off.

In Southern California, at least, this has been a good day: the freeways were clear, the traffic was low, people were driving rationally. It took us well under 3 hours to get home from San Diego, and the radio reports tell us of freeways the way they were in the 1980’s. The Macdonalds in El Toro may have been understaffed, but not greatly so.

I could live this way for a long time. The freeways were not designed to accommodate millions of illegal aliens, just as our hospital system was not designed for that kind of non-paying traffic.

Could they continue this rally for the rest of the summer?

All I can add is, “Heh. Indeed.”


Down with Aztlan!

Displaying Aztlan Flag

Waving the bloody shirt at Right Wing Nation

8 Replies to “Maintaining perspective…”

  1. For someone to put up a photo like this is very immature.
    Its one thing to put up your side of the story, and say that illegal aliens should not be here but mexicans should not be the target, there are many differant people imigrating to this country mexicans are just one group of people coming here. I think your cause is changing from border issues to racisum when you put up photos like this.
    Do you think racisum is a problem in this country?

  2. Wow! A comment from a phony Tom Cruz who

    a.) has no idea what “racism” is (or how to spell it, apparently) and makes a false (and disingenuous) accusation of “racisum” [sic] and
    b.) makes a completely transparent attempt to change the subject.

    The subject IS the vast swarm of Mexican and other latino illegals who refuse to enter this country legally, spit on its flag (hoist it upside down UNDER the American flag on American soil, trample on it and burn it in demonstrations, etc.) and play scofflaw every day they work using fake IDs, etc.

    The occasion of this post, as the fake “Tom Cruz” (who has a fake/masked Yahoo Userid) so blatantly ignores, was the great illegal “walkout” of this past May, the approaching Cinco de Mayo celebrations and all the trappings whereby MEXICAN illegals MADE THEMSELVES the target of this by THEIR racism (what else to call cries of “La raza!”?).

    Come on back, phony dumbass illiterate “Tom Cruz”. Any time you want to make a comment, be welcome. You can either make a sensible comment based on fact and reasoning or you can make another dumbass comment like that above and I’ll really ridicule you then.

    As to whether I think there’s a problem with “racisum” [sic] in this country, well, of course I do! Of course, most of it is racism practiced by blacks, latinos, etc., but that probably won’t be comprehensible to your absolutely idiotic racist peabrain.

  3. Making fun of my spelling errors [No, “Tom” not of your spelling, but of your subliterate stupidity?ed], my name [If it were really your name then you’d have included a real email address, no??ed] and your use of profanity [A lie: I used exactly zero “profanity” but you, dumbass, are too subliterate to know that and make the typical stupid assertion that such words as “dumbbass”–the only off-color expression of any type I used–is “profanity”. Dumbass. –ed] towards me, further proves your immaturity. All you can tell me is their [sic] racist, so I am going to be one to [sic]. [And yes, “Tom”?at least you’ve dropped the phony “Cruz”? if you support racist latinos, then you are a racist. Just as since you support illegals’ activity, that makes you at least complicit in enabling the ID theft and more that are illegal activities underpinning the illegal aliens’ lifestyle. Be fitting (as in cosmic justice) if your ID were lifted by one or more illegal aliens, no? ?ed]
    It is easier to hate then [sic] love and you become the enemy when you start acting like the enemy [Look in the mirror, dumbass: YOU made a false racist accusation of “racisum”–hateful speech if ever there was such–ed]. I?ve seen one of the marches outside my apartment in phoenix and I didn?t see anyone burning flags or yelling the raza as you say, I saw Mexicans, Whites and Blacks carrying Mexican and U.S. flags. As frustrating as it was not getting to work that day I didn?t feel threatened by anyone, but you, you sound like a scary person. [Gee, where to start detailing all the completely stupid errors of fact, (wilfull?) blindness to widely-reported events, third-grade grammar–or lack thererof–etc. You don’t HAVE an opinion, “Tom” until you can actually state it rationally. Go away and learn how to think, if you can, then come back… and use a real email address next time, you putz. And no, that’s not profanity, either, although (I’ll give you a hint, dumbass) it does have a vulgar origin as a word–ed]

    I pray for you, if all you can do is go around ridiculing people and I think that is just your problem you?re a bully [Not even a comma splice–just a runon sentence. You’re drooling now, “Tom”–ed], it?s not the Mexicans or illegals or whatever your focus is ?vast swam of people? I don?t know, that bothers you. I [sic] my opinion you just need someone or something to be angry at, it?s sad. [Now, that’s a comma splice–ed] I would have considered any answer you, were willing to give, but instead being civil, you respond like a hostile bully. [To your racist accusation that I am a racist? You expected a civil response to an open insult? What a dumbass. Aint-a gonna happen, dumbass. Don’t bring a knife to a gunfight..–ed] So your cause does not convince me, from your comment I only see someone, going around looking for attention, look at me, I can ridicule people and just maybe I can get someone angry enough to challenge me. I will not further feed your negativity, so this will be my last comment. [THANK YOU! Finally, even with that rambling non-sentence, you say one thing that I can find little fault with. Don’t let the door hit ya where the Lord split ya..–ed]

    God bless [Thanks, but no thanks. I’d rather be cursed by a wise man than be blessed by a fool.–ed]

  4. I am well aware that immigration is a problem but to target only the Mexican community is nothing but pathetic. You call yourself
    a patriot of your country but what you really are is a neo-nazi waiting for an oppotunity to attack the Mexican commuity.Well david
    if its one thing I know it is that illegals are not going to leave this country no matter what is tried. Oh and another thing David
    is that I hate to break it to you but the children of those illegals are the future of America along with everyone else. One more
    thing you and your minutemen probably wont be around when teenagers like myself have graduated from college and started a life. The
    world has become more open minded and more capable of toleration. Diversity in the schools, sreets, and parks is the same diversity
    you will find in 100 years in the U.S.

  5. Nelson,

    You, sir, are either a self-made idiot or a f-ing liar.

    “…immigration is a problem…”

    It may well be, but I targeted (see the subtitle, “Great Alien Invader…”) illegal aliens, as any rreasoning person could ttell (especially if they followed the link to the cirted material). Illegal aliens comprise the “invading hordes of those who refuse to honor the laws and societal norms of America and need to be (and can be!) kicked out and forced to go to the back of the LEGAL immigration line.

    You say, “illegals are not going to leave this country no matter what is tried” but I’ll throw the bullshit flag on that one.

    1.) Cut off jobs for illegals by HEAVILY fining businesses that hire them, even to the point of imposing jail swentences for employers who flout the laws. Heck, just enforcing the laws already on the books against employers of illegals would cut off the job tap for illegals.

    2. Refuse ALL social services to illegals.

    3.) Return to the law of the land as defined by Congress and the Supreme Court and refuse “anchor babies” the fake citizenship conferred nowadays.

    These three things would compel illegals to leave and GET IN THE BACK OF THE LINE for LEGAL entry.

    Add one: remove ALL foreign language services in any government-sponsored social services offices/bureaus. Wannabe immigrtants can learn English and assimilate, as generation upon generation of LEGAL immigrants before them have done.

    Multi-culturalism? Bullshit. See what it’s done for Europe, as France burns (more and more from time to time) and barbarous behavior is encouraged.

    “In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the man’s becoming in very fact an American, and nothing but an American…There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile…We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language…and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”

    Theodore Roosevelt 1917

    Tolerant of other cultures? Absolutely! Embrace criminals who flout the law of the land and show no respect for America? Never. In fact, I’d be in favor of snipers on EVERY border (north and south) as well as “shoot to sink” orders for navy and Coast Guard units tasked with protecting the territoriality of the U.S., while at the same time providing expidited immigration for those who seek to enter the country legally.

    What we have in this country today, then, is both anarchy (the failure of the state to enforce the laws) and, at the same time, tyranny—the enforcement of laws by the state for oppressive purposes; the criminalization of the law-abiding and innocent through exorbitant taxation, bureaucratic regulation, the invasion of privacy, and the engineering of social institutions, such as the family and local schools; the imposition of thought control through “sensitivity training” and multiculturalist curricula, “hate crime” laws, gun-control laws that punish or disarm otherwise law-abiding citizens but have no impact on violent criminals who get guns illegally, and a vast labyrinth of other measures. In a word, anarcho-tyranny…

    …The most obvious sign of what would normally be called anarchy is the immigration invasion. By some serious estimates, no fewer than 11-to-13-million illegal aliens now live in the United States, most of them from Mexico or Central America. The Mexican government actively encourages this invasion and, as the press recently reported, even provides to its own citizens a guidebook on how to carry it out. Our government does nothing serious to stop the invasion, to apprehend the invaders, or to deter the aggression that the Mexican state is perpetrating. The invaders—as residents of Arizona, where some 40 percent of illegal aliens enter the country, constantly complain—threaten the lives, safety, and property of law-abiding American citizens; depress wages; gobble welfare; and constitute a new underclass that is an object of demagogic political manipulation by both American and Mexican politicians. (The illegals in this country cannot legally vote, though that does not necessarily stop them, but they remain voters in Mexico, and Mexican politicians now routinely campaign for their votes inside the United States.) The federal government invaded Iraq, although Iraq never harmed or threatened us, but it does virtually nothing to resist the massive invasion (and eventually the conquest) of its own country and the deliberate violation of its own laws by Mexico…”—Samuel Francis

    You, Nelson, are, as I said, either a self-made idiot who has no understanding of the babble of nonsense issuing from your pie hole or a liar.

  6. [Once again note the “quality” of commentary from the pro-invasion crowd: the obvious ALL CAPS rudeness, falsely accuses me of hating Mexicans, racist remarks about Koreans, follwed by an obscene suggestion concerning my mother. Classic dumbass. And so far, just about MOR for invasion apologetics. Another data point supporting my position. Thanks, dumbass.]


  7. Note: I’m going to let these stand as representative of the reactions from apologists for illegal aliens, specifically Mexican illegal aliens, regardless the fact that none of them were honestly responsive to the post. In fact, not one comment on this post (well, save for my own *heh*), including the others caught in SPAM filtration because of phony email addresses or IP addresses that are known SPAM IPs, have been honest responses. Some call me a neonazi (not once citing anything t support such a slanderous allegation); others claim I hate Mexicans (something I have never said); still others make similar false and stupid arguments that do not address the post (such as conflating ALL immigration with illegal immigrants, etc).

    Most of the SPAM-filtered comments were even less lucid or even quasi-rational than these representative samples. All of them make my meta argument for me, some by the assinine and completely disingenuous (phony, fake, lying) comnflation of illegal immigrants and legal immigrants. Most claim to BE “Mexican”–to which I reply once again: Read Roosevelt’s comment. If your allegiance is still to Mexico, then “go away or I shall taunt you a second time.”

    And a third.

    And a fourth…

  8. [Note the typical sound argument, literate and well-informed, etc. *cough*, of the pro-illegal bogot below–ed]

    This is for u david:
    What the f is ur problem? Anyways isn’t David a Latin name. [No, it’s of Hebrew origin, you illiterate goon] Man u f ing hater, u and all of ur
    haters are going down. [Wow! Can’t read but can make threats! How typical.] U can’t stop the flow. Anyways it was there land [Historical illiteracy, too.] , u f-ing white boys think
    that u daddy going to save u. One o f these days u r going to get shot in the ass. [Another threat from an anonymous coward. *yawn* “Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.”]

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