N.B. I would never advocate disrespectful displays of a nation’s flag on its own soil. But since we have this (among other) example of reconquistadores’ view of the proper placement and display of the American flag on our soil…

…I’m prompted to offer this public service announcement suggesting proper ways to display the “Aztlan” flag on OUR soil. Sadly, I was unable to obtain a few Mexican flags for use in this demonstration (this is America’s Third World Countyâ„¢ after all) on short notice, so I simply printed some out for use.
…here’s an image of one way to properly display the Alien Invaders’ Flag:
But I prefer this one:
I have more, in various different states of disrepair, delapidation and distress. Feel free to manufacture your own and make free use of them today and on “Sinko duh Mayo”…
Oh, and Cinco de Mayo observances in the United States? When Mexicans in Mexico and the U.S. start honoring our Fourth of July properly, AND the government and citizens of Mexico begin to show a little respect for our laws AND our national anthem, I’ll consider hanging up my “Disrespect their stinking holiday/flag/national anthem hat.” Until then, let them eat… mayo.
See Committees of Correspondence’s take on Alien Invaders Day for B.S. Demonstrations.
ass hole mexicans do respect u and ur law and they do every thing they are told. i’m american but mexican at heart asshole
[I’m going to go ahead and repond to this absolute, bald-faced lie in the body of this comment, simply as a convenience to me. Here goes the easy-peasy, lemon squeazy fisk:
The commenter here asserts that “mexicans do respect ur law” in completely lying assertion to counter my disgust with ILLEGAL ALIENS, MOST OF WHOM ARE MEXICANS, by far. What part of “illegal” indicates respect for the laws of the U.S., dumbass? What part of identity theft, the use of forged legal documents, JUMPING THE LINE AHEAD OF LEGAL IMMIGRANTS is “respect for ur law” dumbass?
Let’s see, now. Waiting for an honest answer. *crickets chirping* I thought so. Illegal aliens, by the very nature of their BEING HERE disrespect our laws with every breath they take on American soil.
As for the “mexicans do respect u” portion of the lying assertion, well, it’s obvious that that is not the case, because the MEXICAN GOVERNMENT actively conspires to aid its citizens to break U.S. laws, Mexican citizens by the MILLIONS are invading this country in complete disrespect for its laws, its borders and its people. You, “rosiat mozon mexicana de corazo” are a liar and a dumbass. You have proven yourself to be so by making blatantly false assertions that a lobotomized armadillo could refute.
If you are indeed, “mexican at heart” then you are no American and you should go where your heart is. And never return.
I leave you with this:
Now, “Go away, or I shall taunt you a second time.” ?ed]
HATERZ!! All Americans!! White HATERZ! Brown Pride!! Viva La Raza!! Forget all yall! O ya It’s All about us! Go ahead leave a message my password is 619! Cuz We ain’t SCARED!
From:A Proud A** MEXICAN!
[Note: I’m going to “resuce” this comment from the SPAM queue and let it stand as a
[Thanks but no thanks. My taste doesn’t run to skanks. But I will share this lil tidbit with you, anonymous coward, representing yourself as “Sara: Mexian4life@msn.com“:
[Note: I’ll respond to this subliterate ass in deconstruction–ed.]
Mannn….you are funny!!! I ran in to your web by mistake looking to do an essay. Gotta tell u,
you reaallly have an obsession w/ scatology (the one in your mind…lots of it)
1-Instead of hateing you should educate. But most likely is that u are not educated urself.
[Does this really need response? Note the subliterate sentence construction, spelling and grammar. Nevertheless, I probably did start college before your subliterate parents were out of diapers… in an age when one had to be literate to graduate high school. From there, more degrees than you probably have IQ points.]
2-If you are so into history, u should know that History tends to repeat itself. (Yeah, you know…
NATIVE AMERICANS…) WE are immigrants, including your mom, dad, grandparents (if u had any)
did they ask the native americans for permission to movein…naaa.
[And your point is? *crickets chirping* Right. Absolutely nothing. In fact, you impeachthe point you probably thought you wanted to make–if you thought anything at all. Have someone explain that to you, but here’s a hint: go hunt up someone who has actually read–and understood–some history instead of the pretty picture books you have unthinkingly looked at.]
3- The fruits and veggies that u eat are hand picked by mexicans,(most of it)
Now u think that if a “REAL AMERICAN”
had to work 10 to 14 hrs a day w/o overtime pay, healthinsurance, smoking break, coffee break, my
ass hurts break…union shit.They wouldnt. And if that happens The cost of each lettuce would be
about 5.00 each.
[*sigh* The cost of “education” in current government schools. You say you accidentally ran across my site while “looking to do an essay” which implies you are in some sort of class somewhere (probably in a high school class that’s being taught at about a fifth grade level, if that, from the evidence of your thought processes and inability to put together a coherent sentence). Unfortunately, that means you probably heard the $5/head of lettuce from some authority figure, quite possibly one of the lard brains who populate teachers’ unions and the classrooms of America’s Prisons/Brainwashing Camps for Kids (disingenuously called “public schools). Try reading “How Much Is That Tomato in the Window?”, a scholarly study performed by Wallace Huffman and Alan McCunn and publiched bu the University of Iowa. Huffman and McCunn did something that’s apparently beyond leftards, high school students and most Mass Media Podpeople, poltiticians *spit* and nearly% of college grads nowadays: they actually studied the issue and found hard facts, crunched the numbers and concluded that eliminating ALL illegal immigrant workers in agricultural production would raise the costs of farm produce “about 6 percent in the short run and 3 percent in the intermediate term…” So whether you feel inclined to pardon me for it or not, I’m throwing the bullshit flag on your completely stupid $5 head of lettuce myth. Idiot. Get some facts.]
[Just for fun… ] GOVERMENT CANT [sic]
AFFORD THAT!!! Why do u [sic] think that 85% of goods come from china???? [FACT CHECK: only $150 billion imported from China last year. Do your homework, kid, you’re boring me with your made up non-factual assertions. This is known in debate a loser’s technique… or used to be when folks actually argued from fact and reason. *sigh*] CHEAP LABOR!
Same reason why the soo called THE AMERICAN CAR BRAND “FORD” is going baaaddd!!! Is not cost
efficient. [Count ’em: five errors of construction]
4-As much as u [sic] hate it, things will change,for good or bad, instead of putting sooo much time w/ a
stupid web like thisone [sic], do something productive w/ your life, besides your [sic] old, may die soon, with a
dark heart.
[You have never looked into little things like spelling, grammar and word usage, have you? Need someone to explain big words to you s l o w l y?]
And who knows…if u have grandkids, those may marry a mexican. Huh and for the love to
your “country” If u go to church….dude u need some serious praying.
By the way…dont bother in replying, email is fake [As if I couldnb’t tell you were an anonymous coward. Dumbass: you were stuck in my SPAM filter because your email was fake. I only rescued your comment so I could ridicule your stupidity and lies. Wait. That was semi-redundant: they were stupid lies.] and I will not waste my time again w/ ur site [Of course you won’t. You’re an anonymous coward who knows your arguments are stupid and without foundation. Why would you come back knowing your idiotic spew can be countered and your writ exposed as that of a subliterate lout? Now, go away or I shall taunt you a second time. Dumbass.]
[*yawn* I’m undecided whether the comment is really a “credible threat of violence” or not. Oh, well, if this anonymous coward is serious, I suppose I’d better report this to the proper state and federal authorities for followup and possible prosecution. *heh* Note the assinine “All of you are haters”–apparently referring to me, since the person advocates the overthrow of the U.S. (“viva la raza”–the rally cry of the Aztlan bigots who seek to “return” to Mexico U.S. lands that Mexico never truly governed) and the substitution of Mexican rule–amid the vulgar and onscene threats leveled against me. Hater? Thanks for the object lesson, dumbass. Again, note the logical assertions and arguments of fact that are made conspicuous by their absence in this dumbass’ remarks. Typical, no?]
You Stupid bitch if i get a chance to find you, who ever the fuck you are I personaliy will fuck
you up. Don’t fuckin mess with us cause we will fuck you up, you assfuck. All of you are haters hellz yeah. Viva mexico, viva la raza!!!!!
[N.B. (for the illiterate among my “readers”–such as the commenter below–that means “nota bene” and if you need further instruction on what that means, blame yourself for being willfully illiterate) although the comment below was caught by my SPAM filters because it was registered with a fake email address, and as a comment by an anonymous coward deserves no response, I’m including it as typical of the following:
1.) either deliberately ignoring–as most of the fake responders to this post have done–the head photo which was the result last year of some pendejos who felt disrespect fot the American flag on American soil, at an American public school, paid for with taxpeyer dollars paid by CITIZENS or
2.) being too stupid to realize that pendejos disrespecting the American flag was the occassion of this post, and adequate justification for showing commensurate disrespect for their hateful behavior or
3.) a combination of deliberate ignorance and stupidity
I’m going with number 3
Furthermore, note that “Mariela” makes the same fake claims of the “we were here first” type. So? First before what? What’s the heritage you celebrate, Mariela? That bequeathed you by the conquistadores, as your “la raza” brethren acvow every time they chant about “reconquista”? Dumbass. And what of “her” (if this anonymous coward is indeed female and not an e-crossdresser) claim that “we want are jobs and money we aint tryin to bother you”? I say fine, if you want to immigrate GET IN LINE AND DO IT LEGALLY, instead of showing ultimate disrespect to all those LEGAL immigrants who show respect for American law and culture. You don’t want to show respect for American law and culture? Fine. GO HOME, “Proud Mexican” who is not proiud enough of her own country to actually work to make IT better, but instead shows nothing but disrespect for the laws and culture of the land she disrespects with every breath she takes by her very presence. I mock you, you subliterate mornonic excuse for a fake Mexican. If you WERE TRULY proud of your heritage, of being Mexican, then that is where you would be, liar.
Herewith, the FAKE so-called “Proud Mexican’s stupid remarks:
Roses are red
LATINOS are brown
thats my race
so don’t put it down!!
My LATINO pride
I will not hide
My LATINO race
I will not disgrace
My LATINO blood
flows hot & true
My LATINO peeps
I will stand by you
thru thick & thin
till the day we die
Our LATINO flags
Always stands high
I yell this poem
Louder than all the rest.
Cuz every 1 knows
LATINO Pride in my mind
LATINO BLOODS is my kind
So step aside and let me through
Cuz its all about the LATINO crew
Life sucks and then u die
but if your LATINO
You die with pride!!!!
you guys just some fucking haterz who need to calm ya selves down, the only reason why yall dotn want us here is b/c you know we are better than you, just because we are hard workers. you dont do shit but sit around in soem chair on computers just typing you think that’s hard? and plus we owned part of this land before, you just mad you aint got no culture no heritage, and you know what you can put some gate what ever the hell you want on the border but we gonna keep crossin over all we want are jobs and money we aint tryin to bother you and you probably gonna say ” yes you are” and if you do say that you just hatin. WE got Pride, we do respect, and we gonna keep commin untill be all gone, and how you gonna sit there and say we aint got respect bitch the only one who aint got respect is you!
First, I feel the need to address the fact that I’m reading nothing but hate and racism from both sides. [Bullshit flag! I challenge you to cite one single solitary “racist” remark from me, the owner and moderator of this site. That you did not cite (and that not one commenter can or has cited) ANY “racist” remark of mine is telling… either you do not know what “racist” means–as the other largely subliterate dumbasses who have commented seem also not to know– or you are being disingenuous. Either way, your opening remark impeaches the rest of your fallacious comment. What I HAVE demonstrated is a commensurate lack of respect for the flag of people who FIRST showed disrespect for this country’s flag, and its laws and its peoples–of all races–ed] All I have learned from visiting this site is that we as Americans have a long way to go. You think after all these years of living together that we would have more respect for one another as different races [Again, false argument. I have yet to make any disparaging remarks about ANONE’S race on this site. I DO actively disparage liars, thieves and other lawbreakers, such as EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY ILLEGAL ALIEN–most of whom STILL invade this country from Mexico. The ONLY racist remarks have come from fake Mexicans (If they ARE Mexicans and proud of their heritage, then they’d be working to make MEXICO worthy of the heritage they claim to be so proud of)–ed]. To post a website like this is so useless. It does nothing for anyone reading it. [Absolutely nothing for anyone who either refuses to actually read the wirds that I write or who mis UNABLE to read and understand those words, instead of reading INTO those words things I have not said. Dumbass.–ed] Literally. So, maybe the person taking care of this idiocracy should educate people about the problems you feel is [sic –learn subject noun agreement, you subliterate moron–ed.] arising because of illegal immigrants and not lash out at a race as a whole [Again, you liar, I have NEVER “lash[ed] out at a race as a whole”. You fidiotic liar! Slanderer, false accuser! Son of Satan (look up “diabolos” and have someone explain the Greek roots to you, you illiterate boob). Am I angry? You betcha I am. I despise liars, and you are either a deliberate liar or self-decieved, and either one is worthy of any and all derision, mocking and disgust. READ WHAT I WROTE. LOOK AT THE DATE. go back and do your homework, you unutterably idiotic fool.–ed] Also, the people making these comments and getting angry, I can completely understand your point [Of course you can, because you are an idiot. They–not one single solitary one–HAVE NO POINTS, only lies, because NOT ONE addressed the actual content of this post, and every sungle one of them dragged in lies as suppoort for their irrelevancies.–ed] but, that’s all it looks to me this site is here for is to rattle you and make you angry. I, being of white orientation, am very offended by crap like this. It just makes us all look bad. To me, there is nothing American about this site at all! [And “to me”–quite apart from such subliterate, falalcious, moral relativistic thinking as you demonstrated–there is nothing remotely human about wsomeone who can make such slanderous remarks as you made. “Now, go away, or I shall taunt you a second time.”–ed.]
mariela we dont have eough jobs as it is so get out of here. you are the only one with no respect!!! you just hatin cuz White power beats you stupid latinos down.
I don’t much appreciate the “White power” comment as it smacks of racism, even though “Latinos” are not a race by any rational person’s definition. For that matter, if you want to classify “racially” (something of a sociological/anthropological puzzle with serious disagreement among those pseudosciences), American Latinos are more Caucasian than anything else, now, BOTH sociologically AND anthropologically (speaking of physical anthropologu), so your “white power” comment is farcicaql on its face.
But more importantly, these pseudo “Mexicans” commenting here are laughable on several other fronts.
1. They clai to be “Mexican” but do everything in their power to desert the country they claim to give their allegiance to.
2. They often claim that Americans are oppressing them, but they come here because it is the ricos of their own country who are oppressing them AND
3. Why do they come here? Because they don’t have the balls or brains) to compel the ricos of the country they claim holds their allegiance to treat fairly with them.
So? We get the dregs of Mexico leeching across our borders illegally (if they were not the dregs, they could enter legally, and might well, because opportunities abound here, while the elite of their own country chokes off opportunity in Mexico, a nation that is one of the richest in the world in natural resources).
So, they claim to be proud of their country, Mexico, because, frankly, they are not and recognize that any rational person would not be. It is denial. False pride in a sick society. A society of losers who want to dragthis country down, as they spit (actually, I had another word in mind with all but one letter the same) upon its laws, its peoples and its flag.
But Zack, don’t speak of “white power” on this blog again. That is as hateful and, frankly, racist and stupid as some of gthe fake Mexicans who have posted comments. I have probably had more real friends who are REAL (as in legal) immigrants from Mexico than these phony “Mexicans” even know (heck, they comprised more than 1/3 of my high school class 40=*mumble* years ago, for that matter). LEGAL immigrants, and children pf legal immigrants whom I never gave one moments’ thought to being in any way different to or inferior to my other friends and aquaintances.
But these fake Mexicans who claim allegiance to Mexico but have no real desire to BE Mexicans (live there and work to amend its societal wrongs and make it a fit place to live) are beneath contempt. That they come here illegally and spawn more illegal, hate-filled get who disrespect the flag of the land that feeds and clothes them and makes their lives thousands of times better than the land they flee places them beneath contempt.
what I think about all you white people is that you guys are all jealous, just
because we beat you guys in war. I’m proud to be brown, not some color called
“white.” Without us,you wouldn’t survive in u.s. Like i said you guys ain’t
nothing without us,gringos. Why don’t you guys just admit we’re better than you
. QUE VIVA MI RAZA LATINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Stupidity like this just makes me tired. *sigh* “…you guys are all jealous, just
because we beat you guys in war…” ?!?!? 1.) You mean “envious” dumbass. Look it up (or rather, have someone who is literate look it up and explain it using very, very small words). 2.) “beat you guys i n war” in what alternate universe, SFB? “Without us,you wouldn’t survive in u.s. [sic]” What? Without the roughly 8% of the workforce, NOT contributing but draining a MINIMUM of $65 billion a year (in lost economy from remittance monies alone, let alone lost tax revenue and drain on social services), the U.S. would die? Rational thought based on fact is not your strong suit, is it? 3.) “QUE VIVA MI RAZA LATINA” –rude all caps (naturally) and… you do know that “latin” is not a race of people, don;t you? Of course you don’t dumbass. –ed.]
Okay, first of all, I’m not Mexican, I’m Colombian, born in America. I’ll respond to everything you’ve written. But not until I’ve made a few comments. I’m not going to say “VIVA MI RAZA” over and over again or call you a gringo. To me, those are just excuses to get out of talking about the actual topic. Also, make sure you reply to every paragraph I have here. I honestly want to see what you have to say about them (And please don’t waste time calling me a cross-dresser or a fifth-grader, both of which are comments you’ve previously made on here in response to other comment-makers, and both of which have no relevance at all to the main topic, simply used as a comeback for you when you can’t think of anything else to say).
1. You say you’re educated. Education is NOT just from school books, it’s also from experience. If you had any experience with anything in your life, then you should’ve learned by now that everyone is a person, not an ethnicity. You should learn that there is more to people than the heritage that proceeds them and still continues today. Each person has their own mind, and not all are like the stereotypical image you’ve put together. You’re not very educated if you haven’t had enough experience to realize not to judge people by ethnicity. Either that or your life has been very fruitless. Not every single Mexican on the planet comes here illegaly. YOU are making it sound that way.
2nd, we are all americans by nationality but NOT americans by heritage (Unless of course we are native american), so it is okay to be proud to be american (for nationality pride), and proud to be a mexican (for ethnicity pride). Yes, I’m aware that you’re going to fill my comment with Theodore Roosevelt quotes now like you have in response to many other comments on here. But before you do that, let me say this: Do people REALLY follow Theodore Roosevelt quotes in America anymore? Or any of our founding fathers’ quotes? Yeah, a few people might, but definately not the majority of the country. The majority basically doesn’t give a shit what the founding fathers said. So using one tiny quote to try and make a point won’t agree with the entire american country (Most of which is not illegal).
3rd, I must say that “David” is one of the dumbest people I’ve ever met in my life. Instead of using big words to try and make others feel dumb, get some sense into you first, David.
Okay, now off to comment on your original post…thingy 😀
“N.B. I would never advocate disrespectful displays of a nation’s flag on its own soil. But since we have this (among other) example of reconquistadores’ view of the proper placement and display of the American flag on our soil… ”
Okay, I agree that we shouldn’t act as if Mexico is a little America, and anyone that puts a mexican flag on the same pole as an american flag is stupid. BUT it’s okay to have pride for your heritage. Mexicans and any other ethnicity can wave a flag around and have parades if they want, but NEVER at the same time as an american flag, and NEVER disrespecting an american flag. And based on ethics, I don’t think americans should be allowed to destroy mexican flags whenever they wish.
“…I’m prompted to offer this public service announcement suggesting proper ways to display the “Aztlan” flag on OUR soil. Sadly, I was unable to obtain a few Mexican flags for use in this demonstration (this is America’s Third World County™ after all) on short notice, so I simply printed some out for use.”
Aren’t you supposed to be complaining that Mexicans are acting as if they’re Americans or something like that? Why would you call it “America’s Third World County”, then? That’s practically calling it an American state.
“I have more, in various different states of disrepair, delapidation and distress. Feel free to manufacture your own and make free use of them today and on “Sinko duh Mayo”… ”
Okay, Sinko Duh Mayo is a really dumb joke to make. Spanish is a language, not an ethnicity, so you can make fun of the ethnicity and keep your opinions there, but not make fun of a language. You can make fun of Cinco de Mayo as much as you want, but NOT make fun of the language that it’s written in. Spanish is spoken by many countries, many whose residents come here legally. So why would you want to make fun of people that actually come here the way you want them to? Don’t make fun of a language. I also hope you are aware of how many English words are derived from Spanish because we were too lazy to think up our own. Also…”duh” isn’t even how “de” sounds” Sounds more like “day”. So use “day” next time you wish to make a child’s joke :).
“When Mexicans in Mexico and the U.S. start honoring our Fourth of July properly, AND the government and citizens of Mexico begin to show a little respect for our laws AND our national anthem, I’ll consider hanging up my “Disrespect their stinking holiday/flag/national anthem hat.” Until then, let them eat… mayo.”
Why the hell should Mexicans in Mexico celebrate the 4th of July?? I think you’re say something about americans celebratign Cinco de Mayo. Well, no one told you that you HAVE to celebrate it. So don’t tell to Mexicans (by nationality) to celebrate the 4th of july either. Now, mexicans in america should recognize the 4th of july. I’ve yet to meet a Mexican that ignores it. Everyone I know, no matter which race they are, celebrate it. BUT I think that Mexicans who do not have citizenship, but live here, should NOT be forced to celebrate the 4th. Only when they gain citizenship should they be critisized for not celbrating it. Also, not the word “critisized”. Don’t force them to celbrate it, merely CRITISIZE mexicans (who are citizens of america), about not celebrating the 4th.
2 more things I want to comment on:
1. I am proud to be American (sort of…not so proud of some of the thing’s our country has done, but all countries have done something bad), so don’t say anything about me not respecting america because I’m hispanic. I am also proud to have my HERITAGE as a Colombian. That meaning that I will go to Colombian picnics, and I have a Colombian flag. But I would NEVER hold it next to an American flag, or disgrace the American flag in any way.
2. Note that this next statement is NOT a comment that I’m unwilling to change. I’m just putting it up for debate, ’cause I don’t really know a whole lot about the topic, so here goes:
Why do Americans complain about Mexicans taking their jobs, when the Americans didn’t want the jobs in the first place? If they don’t want the job, then there shouldn’t be a problem.
Toodles :).
WAITWAITWAIT I did NOT mean to call “David” the dumbest person I ever met (In my last comment). I meant to say that for “Zack”. Whoopsies got mixed up.
First, I’d almost agree with your comment about “Zack” were it not for the other examples of stupid, lying, race-baters falsely claiming pride in a heritage and country they have sought to flee. But your comment, “please don’t waste time calling me a cross-dresser or a fifth-grader, both of which are comments you’ve previously made on here in response to other comment-maker” has me scratching my head. (Then again, 70% of recent college graduates can’t understand the content of a newspaper editorial, so why am I surprised that you ascribe to me comments I haven’t made?)
Second, as to your point 1. You impeach your own argument about “education” with “Not every single Mexican on the planet comes here illegaly. YOU are making it sound that way.” No, I do not make it sound that way, and in fact I have been very clear in both my comments here and in other posts on this site and elsewhere that MOST of the ILLEGAL ALIENS in this country are Mexicans. It’s an inarguable fact: at least 70% of the illegal aliens in this country are Mexicans. I have NEVER said or in any way inplied that most of the persons of Mexican descent in this country are illegals. That is a distinctly different argument, and one I not only would not make but am well-informed enough to know I cannot make. Note: I said, “of Mexican descent” because if any are in this country and are still Mexicans and not Americans (as per the Theodore Roosevelt comment quoted above) then they’d damned well better have a genuine green card!
As for your point #2: “2nd, we are all americans by nationality but NOT americans by heritage…” No, Francesca, ONLY those who were born here of parents who were at the time American citizens or who have become American citizens by naturalization are Americans. Illegal aliens are not. The rest of your point two is equally as muddled, for example: “Yes, I’m aware that you’re going to fill my comment with Theodore Roosevelt quotes now like you have in response to many other comments on here…” No, Francesca, twice is not “many” except for those who cannot count past two. 🙂 And the reason for the quote? Simple: it (and the Founders) stand against the fall of night. WHat little hope for maintaining some semblance of the country that so many wish to immigrate to as a “city set on a hill” (locate that citation for two points–I’ll give you a hint: while politicians have borrowed it, it was not said by a politician) lies in harking back to the principles that wrought the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Mayflower COmpact and so much else that formed the character of a people… a character that you obviously feel has little worth, and a character that most of the other illiterate “La Raza” freak commenters above wish to drag down to their third world countRy level, thereby destroying the very thing they wish to milk.
As to, “Why the hell should Mexicans in Mexico celebrate the 4th of July??” Exactly. Why the HELL should ANY AMERICAN celebrate Cinco de Mayo? Or the Bastille Day? Or May Day? Or ANY other country’s holiday (in spite of my own ethnic heritage I refuse to join in the idiotic anti-Patrick celebrations of St Patrick’s death in this country. Were I in Ireland, it’d be different… ) But if La Raza folks are going to shove Cinco de Mayo down my throat, accompanied by disrespect for the American flag, disrespect for the National Anthem as accompaniment for Mexico’s disrepect of our laws in ACTIVELY aiding its own citizens in disrepecting our borders and our laws, then it’s only right to demand reciprocity.
Frankly, given the Mexican government’s active aid of those of its citizens who are invading the U.S., stealing American jobs, stealing American social services, stealing (and harming) countless thousands of American’s Social Security numbers, I.D.s etc., and causing many multiples more harm than they contribute to our society, I’d prefer sending in an armed invasion (as there have also been armed incursions of uniformed Mexican forces onto U.S. soil in the last few years as well) and take down the corript ricos, TAKE the oil, build a real fence and have it patrolled by real armed forces (as Mexico does its southern border!).
That won’t necessarily happen but…
“Why do Americans complain about Mexicans taking their jobs, when the Americans didn’t want the jobs in the first place?”
I am really tired of this lying meme. Yes, I understand you have heard it spouted by Mass Media Podpeople over and over again. You may even heard President Bush open his lyinmg pie hole and spew this lie while trying to sell his lie that his program was not amnesty for millions of outlaws.
All I need to do to put that meme to the lie is say, “Armour Meat Packing.” That’s right. After a few thousand jobs opened up as a result of a raid of Armous meat packing plants, lines BLOCKS LONG formed of those seeking the jobs the illegals had been kicked out of. Lines of Americans.
So, pardon me while I once again throw the bullshit flag on the “jobs Americans won’t do” line. “Jobs Americans won’t do”? When I started working, my first job was at $1.40 per hour. I was the lowest paid worker on the job, and I was the only Anglo. All the others (save for one other Anglo) were LEGAL immigrant workers and workers of Mexican descent or naturalized Americans of Mexican heritage. No one on that job was a wetback.
My first job out of college (and yes, I worked my own way through in a succession of menial jobs that wetbacks would be glad to have… at wetback wages) was teaching in a barrio school in a Texas border town. ALL the students were children of LEGAL immigrants or immigrant workers with legal documentation (in those days, we could check). ALL the parents wanted their children taught in English. NOT in Spanish (although in dealings with parents it helped to have spent my school age years growing up in that town and on both sides of the border–and yes, I read all the “great” Mexican writers I could stand. *yawn*).
Smart parents.
Today, the disrespect of American borders, laws and its very symbols–such as the flag–by such as the commenters above (only a small sample of the hatemail comments this post has recieved–most are unprintable both for content and because they are so indescribeably illiterate) is telling: this IS an invasion of those who seriously desire to destroy the U.S. They and the country that actively aids and abets them in their crimes should be shown the severest of disrespect at all times and on all levels.
Their heritage? Not anything to be proud of. Mexico has given the world little in terms of contributions of any kind. Certainly, for a country so extremely wealthy in natural resources (EXTREMELY WEALTHY!), Mexico has little excuse for the hordes of poor it foists off on its neighbor to the north. Its only excuse? Laziness and greed.
I completely disagree with all you racists.Why hate on Mexicans if you lived in another country I bet you would like to hang your country’s flag too. The reason why Mexico is poor is because the damn government system is corrupted all those ass wholes in charge steal all the money they lie about improving public safety fixing roads etc and the mayor of each well most citys steals all that money and tells the president or who ever is in charge that everything is done when its not. If Mexicans are “lazy” why are most of them the ones working in your fields working there ass off getting paid minimum wage or less even lied to and not paid anything being threatened to be deported. Actually Americans are also aliens Native Americans were in the first in this land not white people. I do agree with you that the U.S. flag should be hung right and on top but not burn the Mexican flag.
*heh* Just saw “Proud Mexican”‘s comment.
“I completely disagree with all you racists.Why hate on Mexicans…”
Get someone to read the comments to you, dumbass. It’s obvious you haven’t read anything of the comments above, and I sincerely doubt you comprehended the original post. Not one single solitary word of your accusation has merit. Not. One. Well, unless by “racists” you refer to whitey-haters, and even then, that’s rather silly, as there are many Mexicans with as much caucasian heritage as most Americans. But no, that can’t be what you meant, since you followed the accusation of racism with “hate on Mexicans”. (And there, again, you prove yourself to be a dumbass. Over and over and over again, I have made clear that it is illegal aliens–70% or more of whom are Mexicans–and “la raza” cretins who are deserving of the most profound disrespect we can levy, based on their own pre-existing massive disrespect for the laws and mores of American society. *feh*)
You make my point again for me about the ricos screwing up Mexico. So why are you a “proud Mexican”? WHat’s to be proud of? If you were truly a “proud Mexican” you’d move back to Mexico and make it better. You’re a phony.
“Actually Americans are also aliens… ” And Mexicans aren’t? You speak Spanish in Mexico do you not? What happened to (heck, “Mexico” and “Mexican” are Spanish corruptions of the Nahua Aztec name for Mexico-Tenochtitlan) the many varied native cultures of Mexico? Where are they?
Blowing in the wind of European culture that supplanted them.
And how many Mexicans are of pure “native” Meso-American descent? Few. And those who are closest to pure “native” Meso-American descent are those who are fleeing the country as their “betters” fleece the country (as you so boringly repeat my own argument). Apparently THEY only want to be “Mexican” if they can make this country over into a poor copy of their own failed origins.
BTW, the dominant ethnic group in Mexico at the time of the comquistadores advent were “alien invaders” themselves, you know. Oh, you didn’t, did you? Of course not.