Yeh, my Wonder Woman has a (very short) Sping Break, so I’m off to see the wizard with her today. A few interesting posts already noted below alla the PSA stuff. Meanwhile, while you are out and about, today, drop by Christine’s place and wish her a Happy Blogiversary, would you? Actually, on the 16th, but drop by anyway, would you?)
Link to this post all weekend long and track back, ‘K?
And check out the Open Trackback Alliance if you’re interested in hosting linkfests of your own.

While you’re at it, note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at
Random Yak almost (yeh, I said “almost”) makes basketball sound interesting. Good Yak. It’s still watching guys in shorts jump around and sweat. Exactly what is the difference to watching Richard Simmons, again? *heh*
Diane explains what it means to be a PERV. Gee, I sure had that one all wrong…
Global Warming/Tunguska link? Now, that’d be explosive… (h.t. Chaos Manor Mail) Of course, the whole problem is really what to call a one degree warming (if that much is really true–climatologists can’t even really agree there, either) over decades… Global warming seems so very… chicken little-ish.
Rick points to a post about ideologies getting in the way of thinking. Good catch, Rick.
Canukistan poses the equation, Left = Wrong. Makes one yearn for the time when the Left wasn’t peopled by reactionary, petty (and not-so-petty) tyrants, but still had a few genuine liberals… *sigh*
For a change of pace, check out Kat’s place, Keep the Coffee Coming, for some Peter, Paul and Mary, then stick around for some more music you may not have heard for a while…
And while you’re listening to some great tunes, in the background, CLICK on over to Rick Lee’s place for a look through his eyes. Not going to single one photo out. They’re all good.
Over at Church and State, Nathan comments about Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s escape… Seems her meds need moderating. OK, he didn’t say that, but why not?!? The lady is absolutely around the bend.
The English Guy finds himself in agreement with *gasp!* Pat Robertson! (Hey, man! I coulda told you even a blind pig finds an acorn every now and then and a stopped clock is right twice a day… ) FWIW, I happen to agree with Robertson on this point too, Rich.
All for now. Have fun and be safe out there!
PSA’d at TMH’s Bacon Bits and Adam’s Blog.
Thanks for the link – and glad I could almost make a sporting event interesting. I’ll keep working on it…(after all, most of them aren’t that interesting to me either until you add a little irony and shake things up). We’ll have you staying awake through a sporting event yet.
Kentucky Derby. If I turn the sound off, I wan watch that w/o sleeping through. Not alla the foreplay, just the event.
OK, maybe one or two other “sporting events” now that I apply “the little grey cells” a bit.
Nah. The little grey cells started to sleep once I typed the words “sporting event”.
LOL David. I’m not much for sports either unless I’m actually playing them, but when the Rockets won the championship two years in a row, I must admit, I was glued to the TV every game.
I had a total different definition for perv, but now that I think about it, I have seen some horrible abuses while waiting in line at the salad bar. The things people will do to lettuce…
I guess we won’t be exchanging links now…lmao